76. Give Thanks

A brief pause in teaching on a very special day, Thanksgiving, a day set aside to do just that. Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789 President George Washington  By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation. Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his …

‎75. תקח Take – Set in Motion

I do not recall what path led me to the word תקח, as I tend to follow many connections inGod’s word. If I stumble across what led me here in the future, I’ll be sure to reference thisentry. First, note that תקח is not a root, but seems to be a word formed by adding a ת to thebeginning of the root לקח and absorbing the ל. The ל is not one of the typically–indicated“weak consonants” that is commonly dropped when adding prefixes, but it does occuroccasionally, noted even by Gesenius (see bibliography). My first endeavor in investigating this word (since we are making the case that the letters have meaning, even if they are used in forming new words) was to look at roots that are “would-be cognates,” if indeed …

74. PaRDeS – cognates of הדס

① lentils Genesis 25:27-34 27 When the boys grew up, Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the field, but Jacob was a peaceful man, living in tents. 28 Now Isaac loved Esau, because he had a taste for game, but Rebekah loved Jacob. 29 When Jacob had cooked stew, Esau came in from …

73 An Update on PaRDeS פרדס

I encourage you to go back to Post #12 Levels of Meaning and read for background before this update. It will give some important background information that will not be repeated here, but will be the foundation we build upon here, AND will show how much more insight some of the more recent understanding shared …

72. Scattered Bones

There are several related topics covered here. Hopefully the connections will become apparent to you, progressing through them. Psalms 141:7 🧐 personal reflection (John19:36; Ex12:46; Nm9:12; Ps53:5) 7 כְּמֹ֤ו פֹלֵ֣חַ וּבֹקֵ֣עַ בָּאָ֑רֶץ נִפְזְר֥וּ עֲ֝צָמֵ֗ינוּ לְפִ֣י שְׁאֹֽול׃ Psalms 141:5-7 5 Let the righteous strike me; It shall be a kindness. And let him rebuke me; It shall be as excellent oil; Let my head not refuse it. For …

71. Recognize the Truth in God’s Separations

● Separation arouses bitterness. It creates opposition. That is why we have to do three things. The first is that we must recognize the Truth in God’s separations. The second is where the separations of God are clear, to submit to them. The third is to be very balanced in our assessment of separations/choices, to go slowly and ask for God’s guidance …

70. אדנירם על-המס

(This is a thread aken from a larger investigation of יהוה יראה) 1 Kings 5:13-14 13 Then King Solomon raised up a labor force (h4522. מַס mas) out of all Israel; and the labor force (h4522. מַס mas) was thirty thousand men. 14 And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand a month in shifts: they were one month in Lebanon and two months at …

66-1/2 Windows of Heaven

There will be one more entry to follow number 66 in the “Attention” series, but again this had more of a sense of urgency, and it fits right in with the topic. At a later time I hopefully will get to connect this word for “window” ארבה with the cognate חרב, which we have discussed …

66 Heighten Attention

A continuation of the “Attention “ series, or as one of my children said, growing up, “Some of Attention.” ▲ ① being pure  Psalms 51:3-4 3 For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. 4(6H) Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight— That You …

65. Concentrate Attention

◉ There is very little commentary in this entry••• ① bowing Isaiah 44:14-17 14 He cuts down cedars for himself, And takes the cypress and the oak; He secures it for himself among the trees of the forest. He plants a pine, and the rain nourishes it. 15 Then it shall be for a man …