Blog 134. What is Your Walk?

Sometimes we have to discern our purpose in life, that has been given to us by God. It is not necessarily the most obvious, but may require prayer, meditation, and observation, looking at the world around us. If you are a parent, Scripture makes it clear that there is large purpose in parenting (at least …

Blog 131. The Messiah Path / God Speaks

Much, much, much there is to share. How do I begin? In recent months, more than ever before, as we have begun looking at the hidden writings, more at the Sohd “secret” level in Scripture, there has been an explosion. I have written dozens and dozens (some finished, some as yet unfinished) of documents that I would …

Blog130. For Consideration During the Omer Count

In the time leading up to Shavuot / Pentecost, when many are doing their readings in the Psalms, some thoughts that might stimulate areas for you to focus. These thoughts are based upon the recently-shared tools here on the website. I know the tools may be a stretch for many. Use or not. It is …

Blog 129. Psalm 1

I doubt I will do in-depth studies on each Psalm encountered in the time of Counting the Omer, but this one has particularly stood out to me, both for current personal life meaning, and for an upcoming entry. It helps demonstrate the amazing potential that the LORD has provided us in giving us this life revelation, not …

Blog 126. Warning! Warning!

Genesis 2:16-1716 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” I felt it very necessary to …

Blog 125. Purposeful Deviation

Seen below are entries from the Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew, by R. Matityahu Clark, instructing us in R. Hirsch’s methods of study of the Hebrew Scriptures, shown with specific purpose in mind. These two are phonetic cognates of one another. ● ● D3 and D22 ● ● Combined EDBH has (D22) press harmfully and (D3) move aimlessly. They …

Blog 124.◆ Bloodthirsty ◆- (NKJV) 

We addressed דמים, the plural of “blood” in Post 14. Synthetic Grasp of Life, and again in Blog 91. Parapet Around Your Roof. It was also mentioned in Post 10 as a Keyword. Hopefully we will have it thoroughly covered (not that a person can ever get all Scriptural nuances) by the end of this entry, …

Blog 123. דם Cognate Permutations 

I’ve not posted an entry for a month, but have been doing much background work. Hopefully this post and several more to follow will fit together many pieces of major importance. Shown here is the lengthy process of going through the cognate permutations of a two-letter word, with many “choice tidbits” included, and some important …

Blog 122. Why Do You Teach in Parables?

I am in the process of doing the “deep dive” for the meaning of the two-letter Hebrew word בד, for the background of another entry. When I came to this, God’s Word inspired a connection, from which I felt I must stop and share. I will attempt to show my train of thought, but feel free …