Blog 145. Dance Series ❹ and final

Let us begin by returning to some more insight into other writings of Solomon/Shlomo. Ecclesiastes shares thoughts from him as a wise older man. Remember את/עד cognate permutations include עת “time.” And קהלת ↔︎ כלעת. Please recall we have spoken that both the focus of our striving, and its measure, are very important. And its restraint/its expression, both physical and emotional, and …

Blog 144 Dance Series ❸ Enough

We’ll begin here with a bit more of Solomon and a topic we referred to last time,“Enough.” We mentioned there are a number of Hebrew words translated in English as “enough,” one of which, מצא, is cognate with the root for messiah, משח. Numbers 11:22, where it appears twice, is very telling re: that word’s understanding (please read, with context …

Blog 143 The Dance Series ❷ – כל and עת 

Looking through this, you may see why I began with the more allegorical piece. This may be a bit “dry” to many, but is the necessary background work to come to the understandings that are being shared.  כל/גל Cognate Permutations ❷🅐 “a measure of striving (to attain)/cycle.”  This was the second two-letter (doublet) cognate permutation investigation I …

Blog 142. A Series – The Dance ❶

((More than likely the messiah discussion will pick up later. The current series is an important background piece before continuing.)) I anticipate this to be a three- or four-part series of entries, but my plans are often redirected. I will begin here with perhaps the most allegorical piece that may capture your interest. But in …

Blog 141. The “Burning Bush”

Here is a well-known passage looking at נסה, to test/to try/to prove, and please recall, this includes משח the root for messiah, as well. (נ ↔︎ מ) Exodus 3:1-12  NKJV 1 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the …

Blog 140. Continuing our look at The Way of Messiah

One of many reasons we are trying to understand messiah somewhat more is because there is much difference of opinion about the concept, even within Judaism. Look at this Wikipedia article, and especially at the section “Contemporary Jewish Views.” Where we left off last time, we were looking at an AlHaTorah Search on the …

Blog 139. The Way of Messiah

The hope is to take a somewhat different direction at this point, but my plans are often redirected. We have introduced this topic before, but I want to spend more time here. Messiah is a “concept” held in both Judaism and Christianity, and I know individual readers have specific pictures in their mind about Messiah. …

Blog 137. Raising Younger Ones 

Proverbs 22:6 NKJV6 Train up a child in the way he should go,And when he is old he will not depart from it. ▸ BDB חנך GLOSS qal: dedicate, consecrate; train PARSING Hebrew, verb, qal, imperative, masculine, singular   ▸ to ל EDBH p.299 The ל indicates movement or return to an object. ▸ BDB נַעַר GLOSS young man, lad; servant PARSING …

Blog 136. לנן with Another Major Warning 

Psalms 91:1 1 Dwelling in the secret place of the Most High Under the shadow of the Almighty abides יתלונן. Psalms 91:1 1 יֹ֭שֵׁב בְּסֵ֣תֶר עֶלְיֹ֑ון בְּצֵ֥ל שַׁ֝דַּ֗י יִתְלוֹנָֽן׃ Note Strongs does not include a root לנו, and lists the root for abide here as h3885. לוּן lûn; or לִין liyn; a primitive root; to stop (usually over night); by implication, to stay permanently. They are definitely of the …

Blog 135: Absorb and Use ¿ Unreliable ? Knowledge

Here is another entry in the investigation of the של doublet cognate permutations, clearly a permutation of the root כסל we looked at in Blog 132. Once again, we may be looking at different viewpoints. being foolish Genesis 31:26-30  NKJV 26 And Laban said to Jacob: “What have you done, that you have stolen away unknown to me, and carried away …