Blog 88. Hitpael/Hithpael Investigation

Blog 89. Keep Ranks עדר ערך
Blog 87. More on שמר

(especially focused on walk הלך)

To me, there is a certain level of intensity in the hithpael. Which, I think fits with the addition of the ה and the ת, or even in some cases, two ת’s. Maybe something along the lines of “the sign or mark of causation?” See definitions below.

⦁ Psalms 89:38-39

38(39H) But You have cast off and abhorred,

You have been furious (h5674. עָבַר ‘âḇar) with Your anointed (h4899. מָשִׁיחַ mâšiyaḥ).

39 You have renounced the covenant of Your servant;

You have profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.

The double mark of; doubly sealed•••

(multiple witnesses)

ת – 

AHLB – mark, sign or signature 

TWHA – The symbol of truth and perfection

DeviantArt – a mark, sign “x” or cross, ownership, to seal, covenant, join two thingstogether, the last

EDBH says only of ת, p.297, that it can be added as prefix or suffix to a three-lettered root to form a noun or adjective

▸ h5674. עָבַר ‘âḇar; a primitive root; to cross over; used very widely of any transition (literal or figurative; transitive, intransitive, intensive, causative); specifically, to cover (in copulation): — alienate, alter, x at all, beyond, bring (over, through), carry over, (over-)come (on, over), conduct (over), convey over, current, deliver, do away, enter, escape, fail, gender, get over, (make) go (away, beyond, by, forth, his way, in, on, over, through), have away (more), lay, meddle, overrun, make partition, (cause to, give, make to, over) pass(-age, along, away, beyond, by, -enger, on, out, over, through), (cause to, make) + proclaim(-amation), perish, provoke to anger, put away, rage, + raiser of taxes, remove, send over, set apart, + shave, cause to (make) sound, x speedily, x sweet smelling, take (away), (make to) transgress(-or), translate, turn away, (way-)faring man, be wrath.

AV (559) – (pass, went,…) over 174, pass 108, (pass, ect…) through 58, pass by 27, go 26, (put, pass, etc…) away 24, pass on 19, misc 123;

to pass over or by or through, alienate, bring, carry, do away, take, take away, transgress


to pass over, cross, cross over, pass over, march over, overflow, go overto pass beyond 

to pass through, traverse 

passers-through (participle)

to pass through (the parts of victim in covenant)

to pass along, pass by, overtake and pass, sweep by

passer-by (participle)

to be past, be over

to pass on, go on, pass on before, go in advance of, pass along, travel, advance 

to pass away 

to emigrate, leave (one’s territory)

to vanishto perish, cease to exist 

to become invalid, become obsolete (of law, decree)

to be alienated, pass into other hands

(Niphal) to be crossed

(Piel) to impregnate, cause to cross


to cause to pass over, cause to bring over, cause to cross over, make over to, dedicate, devote 

to cause to pass through 

to cause to pass by or beyond or under, let pass by 

to cause to pass away, cause to take away

(Hithpael) to pass over

▸ BDB עבר

GLOSS hithpael: become angry

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, perfect, 2nd person, masculine, singular


עבר In this form – the only one

All words in this form 

⦁ 1 Kings 2:26-27

26 And to Abiathar the priest the king said, “Go to Anathoth, to your own fields, for you are deserving of death; but I will not put you to death at this time, because you carried the ark of the Lord GOD before my father David, and because you were afflicted every time my father was afflicted.” 27 So Solomon removed Abiathar from being priest to the LORD, that he might fulfill the word of the LORD which He spoke concerning the house of Eli at Shiloh.

1 Kings 2:26

26 וּלְאֶבְיָתָ֨ר הַכֹּהֵ֜ן אָמַ֣ר הַמֶּ֗לֶךְ עֲנָתֹת֙ לֵ֣ךְ עַל־שָׂדֶ֔יךָ כִּ֛י אִ֥ישׁ מָ֖וֶת אָ֑תָּה וּבַיֹּ֨ום הַזֶּ֜ה לֹ֣א אֲמִיתֶ֗ךָ 

כִּֽי־נָשָׂ֜אתָאֶת־אֲרֹ֨ון אֲדֹנָ֤י יְהוִֹה֙ לִפְנֵי֙ דָּוִ֣ד אָבִ֔י וְכִ֣י הִתְעַנִּ֔יתָ בְּכֹ֥ל אֲשֶֽׁר־הִתְעַנָּ֖ה אָבִֽי׃

▸ BDB ענה

GLOSS qal: become low; be downcast; niphal: be afflicted; humble oneself; piel: humble; afflict; pual: be humiliated; hithpael: humble oneself; hiphil: afflict

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, perfect, 2nd person, masculine, singular


▸ h6031. עָנָה ‘ânâ; a primitive root (possibly rather ident. with 6030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating); to depress literally or figuratively, transitive or intransitive (in various applications, as follows): — abase self, afflict(-ion, self), answer (by mistake for 6030), chasten self, deal hardly with, defile, exercise, force, gentleness, humble (self), hurt, ravish, sing (by mistake for 6030), speak (by mistake for 6030), submit self, weaken, x in any wise.

AV (84) – afflict 50, humble 11, force 5, exercised 2, sing 2, Leannoth 1, troubled 1, weakened 1, misc 11;

(Qal) to be occupied, be busied withto afflict, oppress, humble, be afflicted, be bowed down


to be put down, become low 

to be depressed, be downcast 

to be afflicted 

to stoop


to humble oneself, bow down 

to be afflicted, be humbled


to humble, mishandle, afflict 

to humble, be humiliated 

to afflict 

to humble, weaken oneself


to be afflicted 

to be humbled

(Hiphil) to afflict


to humble oneself 

to be afflicted

⦁ 1 Kings 9:1-7

1 And it came to pass, when Solomon had finished building the house of the LORD and the king’s house, and all Solomon’s desire which he wanted to do, 2 that the LORD appeared to Solomon the second time, as He had appeared to him at Gibeon.

3 And the LORD said to him: “I have heard your prayer and your supplication that you have made before Me; I have consecrated this house which you have built to put My name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.

4 Now if you walk before Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, 5 then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever, as I promised David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.’ 6 But if you or your sons at all turn from following Me, and do not keep My commandments and My statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods and worship them, 7 then I will cut off Israel from the land which I have given them; and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight. Israel will be a proverb and a byword among all peoples.

1 Kings 9:3

3 וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה אֵלָ֗יו שָׁ֠מַעְתִּי אֶת־תְּפִלָּתְךָ֣ וְאֶת־תְּחִנָּתְךָ֮ אֲשֶׁ֣ר הִתְחַנַּ֣נְתָּה לְפָנַי֒ הִקְדַּ֗שְׁתִּי 

אֶת־הַבַּ֤יִת הַזֶּה֙אֲשֶׁ֣ר בָּנִ֔תָה לָשֽׂוּם־שְׁמִ֥י שָׁ֖ם עַד־עוֹלָ֑ם וְהָי֨וּ עֵינַ֧י וְלִבִּ֛י שָׁ֖ם כָּל־הַיָּמִֽים׃

▸ BDB חנן

GLOSS qal: show favor; be gracious; piel: make gracious; hithpael: plead (for compassion); hophal: be shown compassion; poel: have compassion

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, perfect, 2nd person, masculine, singular


▸ h8467. תְּחִנָּה ṯeḥinâ; from h2603. חָנַן ḥânan; graciousness; causatively, entreaty: — favour, grace, supplication.

AV (25) – supplication 23, favour 1, grace 1;

favour, supplication, supplication for favour


supplication for favour

⦁ 2 Kings 19:20 (see context in Is. 37:21–35 just below)

20 Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel: Because you have prayed to Me against Sennacherib king of Assyria, I have heard.’

2 Kings 19:20

20 וַיִּשְׁלַח֙ יְשַֽׁעְיָ֣הוּ בֶן־אָמֹ֔וץ אֶל־חִזְקִיָּ֖הוּ לֵאמֹ֑ר כֹּֽה־אָמַ֤ר יְהוָה֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֲשֶׁ֨ר 

הִתְפַּלַּ֧לְתָּ אֵלַ֛יאֶל־סַנְחֵרִ֥ב מֶֽלֶךְ־אַשּׁ֖וּר שָׁמָֽעְתִּי׃

▸ BDB פלל

GLOSS piel: intervene; hithpael: make intercession (for)

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, perfect, 2nd person, masculine, singular


▸ h6419. פָּלַל p̱âlal; a primitive root; to judge (officially or mentally); by extension, to intercede, pray: — intreat, judge(-ment), (make) pray(-er, -ing), make supplication.

AV (84) – pray 74, made 3, judge 2, intreat 1, judgment 1, prayer 1, supplication 1, thought 1;

to intervene, interpose, pray

(Piel) to mediate, judge


to intercede

to pray

⦁ Isaiah 37:21-29

21 Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel, ‘Because you have prayed to Me against Sennacherib king of Assyria, 22 this is the word which the LORD has spoken concerning him:

“The virgin, the daughter of Zion,

Has despised you, laughed you to scorn;

The daughter of Jerusalem

Has shaken her head behind your back!

23 “Whom have you reproached and blasphemed?

Against whom have you raised your voice,

And lifted up your eyes on high?

Against the Holy One of Israel.

24 By your servants you have reproached the Lord,

And said, ‘By the multitude of my chariots

I have come up to the height of the mountains,

To the limits of Lebanon;

I will cut down its tall cedars

And its choice cypress trees;

I will enter its farthest height,

To its fruitful forest.

25 I have dug and drunk water,

And with the soles of my feet I have dried up

All the brooks of defense.’

26 “Did you not hear long ago

How I made it,

From ancient times that I formed it?

Now I have brought it to pass,

That you should be

For crushing fortified cities into heaps of ruins.

27 Therefore their inhabitants had little power;

They were dismayed and confounded;

They were as the grass of the field

And the green herb,

As the grass on the housetops

And grain blighted before it is grown.

28 “But I know your dwelling place,

Your going out and your coming in,

And your rage against Me.

29 Because your rage against Me and your tumult

Have come up to My ears,

Therefore I will put My hook in your nose

And My bridle in your lips,

And I will turn you back

By the way which you came.”‘

Isaiah 37:21

21 וַיִּשְׁלַח֙ יְשַֽׁעְיָ֣הוּ בֶן־אָמֹ֔וץ אֶל־חִזְקִיָּ֖הוּ לֵאמֹ֑ר כֹּֽה־אָמַ֤ר יְהוָה֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל 

אֲשֶׁר֙ הִתְפַּלַּ֣לְתָּ אֵלַ֔יאֶל־סַנְחֵרִ֖יב מֶ֥לֶךְ אַשּֽׁוּר׃

▸ BDB פלל

GLOSS piel: intervene; hithpael: make intercession (for)

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, perfect, 2nd person, masculine, singular


▸ h6419. פָּלַל p̱âlal; a primitive root; to judge (officially or mentally); by extension, to intercede, pray: — intreat, judge(-ment), (make) pray(-er, -ing), make supplication.

AV (84) – pray 74, made 3, judge 2, intreat 1, judgment 1, prayer 1, supplication 1, thought 1;

to intervene, interpose, pray

(Piel) to mediate, judge


to intercede

to pray

⦁ Ezekiel 28:11-15 – (NKJV – Lamentation for the King of Tyre – many say this is Satan, Lucifer, describing his status before his fall)

11 Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 12 “Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD:

“You were the seal of perfection,

Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

13 You were in Eden, the garden of God;

Every precious stone was your covering:

The sardius, topaz, and diamond,

Beryl, onyx, and jasper,

Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold.

The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes

Was prepared for you on the day you were created.

14 “You were the anointed cherub who covers;

I established you;

You were on the holy mountain of God;

You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery (h0784. אֵשׁ ’êš) stones (h0068. אֶבֶן’eḇen).

15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,

Till iniquity was found in you.

Ezekiel 28:14

14 אַ֨תְּ־כְּר֔וּב מִמְשַׁ֖ח הַסּוֹכֵ֑ךְ וּנְתַתִּ֗יךָ בְּהַ֨ר קֹ֤דֶשׁ אֱלֹהִים֙ הָיִ֔יתָ בְּתֹ֥וךְ אַבְנֵי־אֵ֖שׁ הִתְהַלָּֽכְתָּ׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, perfect, 2nd person, masculine, singular


▸ h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ; akin to 3212; a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively): — (all) along, apace, behave (self), come, (on) continually, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter, exercise (self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about, abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater, grow, be wont to haunt, lead, march, x more and more, move (self), needs, on, pass (away), be at the point, quite, run (along), + send, speedily, spread, still, surely, + tale-bearer, + travel(-ler), walk (abroad, on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander, wax, (way-)faring man, x be weak, whirl.

AV (500) – go 217, walk 156, come 16, …away 7, …along 6, misc 98;

to go, walk, come


to go, walk, come, depart, proceed, move, go away 

to die, live, manner of life (fig.)


to walk 

to walk (fig.)


to traverse 

to walk about

(Niphal) to lead, bring, lead away, carry, cause to walk

Psalms 89:39

39 וְאַתָּ֣ה זָ֭נַחְתָּ וַתִּמְאָ֑ס הִ֝תְעַבַּ֗רְתָּ עִם־מְשִׁיחֶֽךָ׃

Our index verse, above

⦁ Job 38:16

16 “Have you entered the springs of the sea?

Or have you walked in search of the depths?

Job 38:16

16 הֲ֭בָאתָ עַד־נִבְכֵי־יָ֑ם וּבְחֵ֥קֶר תְּ֝הֹ֗ום הִתְהַלָּֽכְתָּ׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, perfect, 2nd person, masculine, singular


▸ h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ; akin to 3212; a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively): — (all) along, apace, behave (self), come, (on) continually, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter, exercise (self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about, abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater, grow, be wont to haunt, lead, march, x more and more, move (self), needs, on, pass (away), be at the point, quite, run (along), + send, speedily, spread, still, surely, + tale-bearer, + travel(-ler), walk (abroad, on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander, wax, (way-)faring man, x be weak, whirl.

AV (500) – go 217, walk 156, come 16, …away 7, …along 6, misc 98;

to go, walk, come


to go, walk, come, depart, proceed, move, go away 

to die, live, manner of life (fig.)


to walk 

to walk (fig.)


to traverse 

to walk about

(Niphal) to lead, bring, lead away, carry, cause to walk

⦁ Proverbs 24:10

10 (If) you faint in the day of adversity,

Your strength (is) small.

Proverbs 24:10

10 הִ֭תְרַפִּיתָ בְּיֹ֥ום צָרָ֗ה צַ֣ר כֹּחֶֽכָה׃

▸ BDB רפה

GLOSS qal: sink; release; niphal: be released; piel: weaken; hithpael: be slackened; hiphil: let go; abandon

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, perfect, 2nd person, masculine, singular


▸ h7503. רָפָה râp̱â; a primitive root; to slacken (in many applications, literal or figurative): — abate, cease, consume, draw (toward evening), fail, (be) faint, be (wax) feeble, forsake, idle, leave, let alone (go, down), (be) slack, stay, be still, be slothful, (be) weak(-en). See 7495.

AV (46) – feeble 6, fail 4, weaken 4, go 4, alone 4, idle 3, stay 3, slack 3, faint 2, forsake 2, abated 1, cease 1, misc 9;

to sink, relax, sink down, let drop, be disheartened


to sink down

to sink, drop

to sink, relax, abate

to relax, withdraw

(Niphal) idle (participle)

(Piel) to let drop


to let drop, abandon, relax, refrain, forsake

to let go

to refrain, let alone

to be quiet

(Hithpael) to show oneself slack

Retrieved 220404 YMD

Stem Hithpael¶


The Hithpael stem is related to the Piel stem formation, and it generally expresses the reflexive voice of the meaning of a verb in the Piel stem.


The Hithpael stem is formed from the Piel stem by adding the reflexive prefix (הִתְ) and changing the vowel under the 1st radical. Like the Piel and Pual stems, it usually has a daghesh in the 2nd radical of the verb. Generally speaking, the Hithpael stem expresses the reflexive voice of the meaning of a verb in the Piel stem. However, the Hithpael stem is quite flexible in its use and can express other kinds of verbal action, depending on the context and the specific verb.


It is recommended to always check a dictionary or lexicon for the meaning of a specific verb, because this stem may express many different kinds of action in different contexts.



Hithpael Perfect Paradigm

masculine singular third personהִתְקַטֵּלhithqattalhe killed himself
feminine singular third personהִתְקַטְּלָהhithqattelahshe killed herself
masculine singular second personהִתְקַטַּלְתָּhithqattaltayou killed yourself
feminine singular second personהִתְקַטַּלְתְּhithqattaltyou killed yourself
common singular first personהִתְקַטַּלְתִּיhithqattaltiI killed myself
common plural third personהִתְקַטְּלוּhithqatteluthey killed themselves
masculine plural second personהִתְקַטַּלְתֶּםhithqattaltemyou killed yourselves
feminine plural second personהִתְקַטַּלְתֶּןhithqattaltenyou killed yourselves
common plural first personהִתְקַטַּלְנוּhithqattalnuwe killed ourselves

Hithpael Imperfect Paradigm

masculine singular third personיִתְקַטֵּלyithqattelhe will kill himself
feminine singular third personתִּתְקַטֵּלtithqattelshe will kill herself
masculine singular second personתִּתְקַטֵּלtithqattelyou will kill yourself
feminine singular second personתִּתְקַטְּלִיtithqatteliyou will kill yourself
common singular first personאֶתְקַטֵּל‘ethqattelI will kill myself
masculine plural third personיִתְקַטְּלוּyithqatteluthey will kill themselves
feminine plural third personתִּתְקַטֵּלְנָהtithqattelnahthey will kill themselves
masculine plural second personתִּתְקַטְּלוּtithqatteluyou will kill yourselves
feminine plural second personתִּתְקַטֵּלְנָהtithqattelnahyou will kill yourselves
common plural first personנִתְקַטֵּלnithqattelwe will kill ourselves

Hithpael Sequential Perfect Paradigm

masculine singular third personוְהִתְקַטֵּלwehithqattel(and) he will kill himself
feminine singular third personוְהִתְקַטְּלָהwehithqattelah(and) she will kill herself
masculine singular second personוְהִתְקַטַּלְתָּwehithqattalta(and) you will kill yourself
feminine singular second personוְהִתְקַטַּלְתְּwehithqattalt(and) you will kill yourself
common singular first personוְהִתְקַטַּלְתִּיwehithqattalti(and) I will kill myself
common plural third personוְהִתְקַטְּלוּwehithqattelu(and) they will kill themselves
masculine plural second personוְהִתְקַטַּלְתֶּםwehithqattaltem(and) you will kill yourselves
feminine plural second personוְהִתְקַטַּלְתֶּןwehithqattalten(and) you will kill yourselves
common plural first personוְהִתְקַטַּלְנוּwehithqattalnu(and) we will kill ourselves

Hithpael Sequential Imperfect Paradigm

masculine singular third personוַיְּתְקַטֵּלwayyithqattel(and) he killed himself
feminine singular third personוַתִּתְקַטֵּלwattithqattel(and) she killed herself
masculine singular second personוַתִּתְקַטֵּלwattithqattel(and) you killed yourself
feminine singular second personוַתִּתְקַטְּלִיwattithqatteli(and) you killed yourself
common singular first personוָאֶתְקַטֵּלwa’ethqattel(and) I killed myself
masculine plural third personוַיְּתְקַטְּלוּwayyithqattelu(and) they killed themselves
feminine plural third personוַתִּתְקַטֵּלְנָהwattithqattelnah(and) they killed themselves
masculine plural second personוַתִּתְקַטְּלוּwattithqattelu(and) you killed yourselves
feminine plural second personוַתִּתְקַטֵּלְנָהwattithqattelnah(and) you killed yourselves
common plural first personוַנְּתְקַטֵּלwannithqattel(and) we killed ourselves

Hithpael Infinitive Paradigm

Infinitive Constructהִתְקַטֵּלhitqattelkill oneself
Infinitive Absoluteהִתְקַטֵּלhitqattelkill oneself

Hithpael Imperative Paradigm

masculine singularהִתְקַטֵּלhitqattelhe must kill himself
feminine singularהִתְקַטְּלִיhitqattelishe must kill herself
masculine pluralהִתְקַטְּלוּhitqatteluthey must kill themselves
feminine pluralהִתְקַטֵּלְנָהhitqattelnahthey must kill themselves


The Jussive form in the Hithpael stem is recognizable only for select verbs. Here the sample verb is גָּלָה (meaning “to uncover one’s own nakedness” in the Hithpael stem), where the 3rd radical (ה) has dropped out.

Hithpael Jussive Paradigm

masculine singular third personיִתְגַּלmay he uncover his own nakedness
feminine singular third personתִּתְגַּלmay she uncover her own nakedness
masculine singular second personתִּתְגַּלmay you uncover your own nakedness
feminine singular second personתִּתְגַּלִיmay you uncover your own nakedness
masculine plural third personיִתְגַּלוּmay they uncover their own nakedness
feminine plural third personתִּתְגַּלְנָהmay they uncover their own nakedness
masculine plural second personתִּתְגַּלוּmay you uncover your own nakedness
feminine plural second personתִּתְגַּלְנָהmay you uncover your own nakedness

Hithpael Cohortative Paradigm

common singularאֶתְקַטֵּלָה‘ethqattelahlet me kill myself
common pluralנִתְקַטֵּלָהnithqattelahlet us kill ourselves

Hithpael Participle Paradigm

masculine singularמִתְקַטֵּלmithqattelkilling oneself
feminine singularמִתְקַטֶּלֶתmithqattelethkilling oneself
masculine pluralמִתְקַטְּלִיםmithqattelimkilling oneself
feminine pluralמִתְקַטְּלוֹתmithqattelothkilling oneself


The Hithpael stem can express any of the following kinds of verbal action:

Expresses the reflexive voice of the Piel stem¶

For most verbs that appear in both the Piel and Hithpael stems in Biblical Hebrew, the Hithpael stem expresses the same kind of action as the Piel stem (simpleintensiveresultativecausative, etc.) but in reflexive voice. A good example is the verb יָדַע. In the Qal stem, the verb יָדַע means “to know” (simple action, active voice). But in the Piel stem, the verb יָדַע means “to make known” (causative action, active voice). Thus, in the Hithpael stem, the verb יָדַע means “to make oneself known” (causative action, reflexive voice).

Example: GEN 45:1

בְּהִתְוַדַּ֥ע יוֹסֵ֖ף אֶל־אֶחָֽיו
behithwadda’ yosef ‘el-‘ehayw
when-making-himself-known Joseph to_his-brothers
when Joseph made himself known to his brothers

Example: ISA 8:9 –– direct reflexive action, meaning that the verbal subject is also the direct object of the verb

הִתְאַזְּר֣וּ וָחֹ֔תּוּ
hith’azzeru wahottu
gird-yourselves and-be-dismayed
arm yourselves and be broken in pieces

Example: 1SA 18:4 –– indirect reflexive action, meaning that the verbal subject is also the indirect object of the verb

וַיִּתְפַּשֵּׁט יְהוֹנָתָן אֶת־הַמְּעִיל
wayyithpashet yehonathan ‘eth-hamme’il
And-he-stripped-off Jonathan [dir.obj]_the-robe
Jonathan took off the robe

Expresses simple reflexive action

The Hithpael stem can be used to express simple reflexive action in two ways. First, the Hithpael stem can express a simple action in reflexive voice. In these cases, usually the Hithpael stem functions as the reflexive voice of the Qal (or perhaps Niphal) stem rather than the Piel stem. This is the case with the verb אָבַל (“to mourn”), as shown in the example below. Secondly, the Hithpael stem can also express simple action of a verb that is reflexive by its very nature. In these rare cases, usually the verb appears only in the Hithpael stem in Biblical Hebrew. This is the case with the verb אָפַק (“to constrain oneself”), as shown in the example below.

Example: GEN 37:34 –– expressing simple action “to mourn” (in reflexive voice, meaning to mourn physically via bodily actions)

וַיִּתְאַבֵּ֥ל עַל־בְּנ֖וֹ יָמִ֥ים רַבִּֽים
wayyith’abbel ‘al-beno yamim rabbim
And-he-mourned over_his-son days many
He mourned for his son many days.

Example: ISA 45:1 –– expressing simple action “to constrain oneself”

וְלֹֽא־יָכֹ֨ל יוֹסֵ֜ף לְהִתְאַפֵּ֗ק
welo-yakhol yosef lehith’appeq
And-not_he-was-able Joseph to-restrain-himself
Then Joseph could not control himself

Expresses various other kinds of verbal action

Sometimes the Hithpael form functions in ways that do not follow the strictly the reflexive conventions of the Hithpael stem as listed above. Some verbs use the Hithpael stem to describe reciprocal voice, middle voice, passive voice, as well as stative or other kinds of verbal action. A dictionary or lexicon will indicate the correct meaning in these instances of the Hithpael stem.

Example: GEN 42:1 –– expressing reciprocal action

לָ֫מָּה תִּתְרָאוּ׃
lammah tithra’u
Why you-look-at-each-other
Why do you look at one another?

Example: PRO 31:30 –– expressing passive (or possibly stative) action

הִיא הִתְהַלָּל׃
hi hithhallal
she is-praised.
she will be praised.

Example: Gen 3:8 –– the Hithpael form of the verb הָלַךְ expresses reciprocating action (meaning, going back and forth)

וַֽיִּשְׁמְע֞וּ אֶת־ק֨וֹל יְהוָ֧ה אֱלֹהִ֛ים מִתְהַלֵּ֥ךְ בַּגָּ֖ן
wayyishme’u ‘eth-qol yehwah ‘elohim mithhallekh baggan
And-they-heard [dir.obj]_sound-of Yahweh Godgoing-back-and-forth in-the-garden
They heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden

Example: DEU 1:37 –– the Hithpael form of the verb אָנַף (“to be angry”) is always used in reference to Yahweh

גַּם־בִּי֙ הִתְאַנַּ֣ף יְהוָ֔ה בִּגְלַלְכֶ֖ם
gam-biy hith’annaf yehwah biglalkhem
Also_with-me he-was-angry Yahweh on-your-account
Also Yahweh was angry with me because of you

⦁ Genesis 3:8

8 And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

Genesis 3:8

8 וַֽיִּשְׁמְע֞וּ אֶת־קֹ֨ול יְהוָ֧ה אֱלֹהִ֛ים מִתְהַלֵּ֥ךְ בַּגָּ֖ן לְר֣וּחַ הַיֹּ֑ום וַיִּתְחַבֵּ֨א הָֽאָדָ֜ם וְאִשְׁתֹּ֗ו מִפְּנֵי֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהִ֔ים בְּתֹ֖וךְעֵ֥ץ הַגָּֽן׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, participle, masculine, singular, absolute


⦁ Deuteronomy 23:12-14

12 “Also you shall have a place outside the camp, where you may go out; 13 and you shall have an implement among your equipment, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and turn and cover your refuse. 14(15H) For the LORD your God walksin the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you.

Deuteronomy 23:15

15 כִּי֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֜יךָ מִתְהַלֵּ֣ךְ ׀ בְּקֶ֣רֶב מַחֲנֶ֗ךָ לְהַצִּֽילְךָ֙ וְלָתֵ֤ת אֹיְבֶ֨יךָ֙ לְפָנֶ֔יךָ וְהָיָ֥ה מַחֲנֶ֖יךָ קָדֹ֑ושׁ וְלֹֽא־יִרְאֶ֤ה בְךָ֙עֶרְוַ֣ת דָּבָ֔ר וְשָׁ֖ב מֵאַחֲרֶֽיךָ׃ ס

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, participle, masculine, singular, absolute

⦁ 1 Samuel 12:1-3

1 Now Samuel said to all Israel: “Indeed I have heeded your voice in all that you said to me, and have made a king over you. 2 And now here is the king, walking before you; and I am old and grayheaded, and look, my sons are with you. I have walked before you from my childhood to this day. 3 Here I am. Witness against me before the LORD and before His anointed: Whose ox have I taken, or whose donkey have I taken, or whom have I cheated? Whom have I oppressed, or from whose hand have I received any bribe with which to blind my eyes? I will restore it to you.”

1 Samuel 12:2

2 וְעַתָּ֞ה הִנֵּ֥ה הַמֶּ֣לֶךְ ׀ מִתְהַלֵּ֣ךְ לִפְנֵיכֶ֗ם וַאֲנִי֙ זָקַ֣נְתִּי וָשַׂ֔בְתִּי וּבָנַ֖י הִנָּ֣ם אִתְּכֶ֑ם וַאֲנִי֙ הִתְהַלַּ֣כְתִּי לִפְנֵיכֶ֔ם מִנְּעֻרַ֖יעַד־הַיֹּ֥ום הַזֶּֽה׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, participle, masculine, singular, absolute

▸ the second is BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, perfect, 1st person, common, singular

⦁ 2 Samuel 7:4-6

4 But it happened that night that the word of the LORD came to Nathan, saying, 5 “Go and tell My servant David, ‘Thus says the LORD: “Would you build a house for Me to dwell in? 6 For I have not dwelt in a house since the time that I brought the children of Israel up from Egypt, even to this day, but have moved about in a tent and in a tabernacle.

2 Samuel 7:6

6 כִּ֣י לֹ֤א יָשַׁ֨בְתִּי֙ בְּבַ֔יִת לְ֠מִיּוֹם הַעֲלֹתִ֞י אֶת־בְּנֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ מִמִּצְרַ֔יִם וְעַ֖ד הַיֹּ֣ום הַזֶּ֑ה וָאֶֽהְיֶה֙ מִתְהַלֵּ֔ךְ בְּאֹ֖הֶלוּבְמִשְׁכָּֽן׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, participle, masculine, singular, absolute

⦁ Psalms 68:21

21 But God will wound the head of His enemies,

The hairy scalp of the one who still goes on in his trespasses.

Psalms 68:22

22 אַךְ־אֱלֹהִ֗ים יִמְחַץ֮ רֹ֤אשׁ אֹ֫יְבָ֥יו קָדְקֹ֥ד שֵׂעָ֑ר מִ֝תְהַלֵּ֗ךְ בַּאֲשָׁמָֽיו׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, participle, masculine, singular, absolute

⦁ Proverbs 20:7

7 The righteous (manwalks in his integrity;

His children (are) blessed after him.

Proverbs 20:7

מִתְהַלֵּ֣ךְ בְּתֻמֹּ֣ו צַדִּ֑יק אַשְׁרֵ֖י בָנָ֣יו אַחֲרָֽיו׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, participle, masculine, singular, absolute

⦁ Proverbs 24:34

34 So shall your poverty come (likea prowler,

And your need like an armed man.

Proverbs 24:34

34 וּבָֽא־מִתְהַלֵּ֥ךְ רֵישֶׁ֑ךָ וּ֝מַחְסֹרֶ֗יךָ כְּאִ֣ישׁ מָגֵֽן׃ פ

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, participle, masculine, singular, absolute

⦁ Esther 2:10-11

10 Esther had not revealed her people or family, for Mordecai had charged her not to reveal it. 11 And every day Mordecai paced in front of the court of the women’s quarters, to learn of Esther’s welfare and what was happening to her. 

Esther 2:11

11 וּבְכָל־יֹ֣ום וָיֹ֔ום מָרְדֳּכַי֙ מִתְהַלֵּ֔ךְ לִפְנֵ֖י חֲצַ֣ר בֵּית־הַנָּשִׁ֑ים לָדַ֨עַת֙ אֶת־שְׁלֹ֣ום אֶסְתֵּ֔ר וּמַה־יֵּעָשֶׂ֖ה בָּֽהּ׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, participle, masculine, singular, absolute


⦁ Job 1:7

7 וַיֹּ֧אמֶר יְהוָ֛ה אֶל־הַשָּׂטָ֖ן מֵאַ֣יִן תָּבֹ֑א וַיַּ֨עַן הַשָּׂטָ֤ן אֶת־יְהוָה֙ וַיֹּאמַ֔ר מִשּׁ֣וּט בָּאָ֔רֶץ וּמֵֽהִתְהַלֵּ֖ךְ בָּֽהּ׃

BDB All Results: הלך מִן וְ


GLOSS and; also; but; so; then

PARSING Hebrew, particle, conjunction



GLOSS from; of; on account of; beside; above; than; since

PARSING Hebrew, particle, preposition



GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, infinitive construct


⦁ Job 2:2

2 וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהוָה֙ אֶל־הַשָּׂטָ֔ן אֵ֥י מִזֶּ֖ה תָּבֹ֑א וַיַּ֨עַן הַשָּׂטָ֤ן אֶת־יְהוָה֙ וַיֹּאמַ֔ר מִשֻּׁ֣ט בָּאָ֔רֶץ וּמֵהִתְהַלֵּ֖ךְ בָּֽהּ׃

⦁ Psalms 39:6-11

6 Surely every man walks about like a shadow;

Surely they busy themselves in vain;

He heaps up (riches),

And does not know who will gather them.

7 “And now, Lord, what do I wait for?

My hope (is) in You.

8 Deliver me from all my transgressions;

Do not make me the reproach of the foolish.

9 I was mute, I did not open my mouth,

Because it was You who did it.

10 Remove Your plague from me;

I am consumed by the blow of Your hand.

11 When with rebukes You correct man for iniquity,

You make his beauty melt away like a moth;

Surely every man is vapor.


Psalms 39:7

7 אַךְ־בְּצֶ֤לֶם ׀ יִֽתְהַלֶּךְ־אִ֗ישׁ אַךְ־הֶ֥בֶל יֶהֱמָי֑וּן יִ֝צְבֹּ֗ר וְֽלֹא־יֵדַ֥ע מִי־אֹסְפָֽם׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, imperfect, 3rd person, masculine, singular


⦁ Job 18:5-10

5 “The light of the wicked indeed goes out,

And the flame of his fire does not shine.

6 The light is dark in his tent,

And his lamp beside him is put out.

7 The steps of his strength are shortened,

And his own counsel casts him down.

8 For he is cast into a net by his own feet,

And he walks into a snare.

9 The net takes him by the heel,

And a snare lays hold of him.

10 A noose is hidden for him on the ground,

And a trap for him in the road.

Job 18:8

8 כִּֽי־שֻׁלַּ֣ח בְּרֶ֣שֶׁת בְּרַגְלָ֑יו וְעַל־שְׂ֝בָכָ֗ה יִתְהַלָּֽךְ׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, imperfect, 3rd person, masculine, singular


⦁ Job 22:12-16

12 “Is not God in the height of heaven?

And see the highest stars, how lofty they are!

13 And you say, What does God know?

Can He judge through the deep darkness?

14 Thick clouds cover Him, so that He cannot see,

And He walks (above) the circle of heaven.’

15 Will you keep to the old way

Which wicked men have trod,

16 Who were cut down before their time,

Whose foundations were swept away by a flood?

Job 22:14

14 עָבִ֣ים סֵֽתֶר־לֹ֖ו וְלֹ֣א יִרְאֶ֑ה וְח֥וּג שָׁ֝מַ֗יִם יִתְהַלָּֽךְ׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, imperfect, 3rd person, masculine, singular


⦁ Proverbs 23:31

31 Do not look on the wine when it is red,

When it sparkles in the cup,

(When) it swirls around smoothly;

Proverbs 23:31

31 אַל־תֵּ֥רֶא יַיִן֮ כִּ֪י יִתְאַ֫דָּ֥ם כִּֽי־יִתֵּ֣ן בַּכֹּ֣יס* עֵינֹ֑ו יִ֝תְהַלֵּ֗ךְ בְּמֵישָׁרִֽים׃

▸ BDB הלך

GLOSS qal: go, come; walk; behave; niphal: vanish; piel: go; walk; hithpael: walk to and fro; hiphil: bring; lead

PARSING Hebrew, verb, hitpael, imperfect, 3rd person, masculine, singular



Just an interesting side trip if anyone wanted to go there, as I was looking to see if there might be a Tabernacle connection. The word I have highlighted in bold in the two verses below, discussing the building of the Tabernacle, התיכן, is translated as “the middle.” If we looked at it as this “intensity” combination of הת, as discussed above, and added it to a כן family, it might be food for thought 💭 🤔. Read Exodus 26:28 and 36:33 and their context (26-30) and (31-34) in your Bible. I realize I have not yet posted my study on acacia wood, which will help this all make more sense. Perhaps remember this little foray when I do post that one. Think of it as establishing a firm beginning, holding firmly. It will all make sense.

Shemot 26:28

28 והבריח התיכן בתוך הקרשים מברח מן־הקצה אל־הקצה׃ 

Shemot 36:33 

33 ויעש את־הבריח התיכן לברח בתוך הקרשים מן־הקצה אל־הקצה׃ 

כן family

GV p.120 כנן establish [a firm beginning]; p.120 כנה name; p.116 כון prepare

DV כהן – p.120 כנן direct [establish a firm beginning]; p.120 כנה name; p.116 כון prepare > p.116 כהן serve as leader   No other DVs

CM כנן establish (C36); כנה dominate (C54); כון hold firmly (C6); (כהן no cognates)

I realize this is more in depth on the Hebrew grammar part than usual, but I felt I should share how I arrived at what I did in the previous blog. Apologies to any for whom this is too “scholarly.”

© April 2022 please cite if copying

Blog 89. Keep Ranks עדר ערך
Blog 87. More on שמר

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