Blog 81. Blue

Blog 82. enosh אנוש
80-1/2. Sign of Jonah

Please notice as you look throughout the passages about the tabernacle and its furnishings (including the clothing for the priests) the extensive presence of Blue. Here is a deep dive into Blue. Before you dive in here, you may want to briefly glance at two reference Appendices recently added, #’s 6 and 7. Here is a Screenshot. The Appendices are definitely reference material, although the work shown in Appendix 7 was quite enlightening. It does list a conclusion which will be helpful here. Keep in mind two words, abilities and limits.

h8502. תִּכְלָה ṯiḵlâ; from h3615. כָּלָה ḵâlâ; completeness: — perfection.

AV (1) – perfection 1;

perfection, completion, completeness

h8503. תַּכְלִית ṯaḵlîyṯ; from h3615. כָּלָה ḵâlâ; completion; by implication, an extremity: — end, perfect(-ion).

AV (5) – end 2, perfection 2, perfect 1;

end, perfection, consummation, completion, completenessendcompleteness

h8504. תְּכֵלֶת ṯeḵêleṯ; probably for 7827; the cerulean mussel, i.e. the color (violet) obtained therefrom or stuff dyed therewith: — blue.

AV (50) – blue 50;

violet, violet stuff 

violet thread

violet stuff or fabric

(TWOT) blue (covering spectrum from brilliant red through deep purple)

◈ (A permutation of כלה cognate קלה is קהל, which is important in thinking about aplace to be with Godand important in a number of the words we will explore.)

❶ gathering; coming together 

Genesis 49:5-7

5 “Simeon and Levi are brothers;

Instruments of cruelty are in their dwelling place.

6 Let not my soul enter their council (h5475. סוֹד sôḏ);

Let not my honor be united to their assembly (h6951. קָהָל qâhâl);

For in their anger they slew a man,

And in their self-will they hamstrung an ox.

7 Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce;

And their wrath, for it is cruel!

I will divide them in Jacob

And scatter them in Israel.

Notice the parallelism here between קהל and סוד. This is the same סוד we have discussed as the “secret” or “hidden,” more esoteric level on PaRDeS. 

There are obviously positive and negative aspects to “gathering.” The more negative side tends to lead to cliquish behavior, of which we must be wary.

❷ gathering in organized opposition 

Exodus 32:1

1 Now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, the people gathered together (h6950. קָהַל qâhal) to Aaron, and said to him, “Come, make us gods that shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.”

❸ congregation

Deuteronomy 33:1-4

1 Now this is the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death. 2 And he said:

“The LORD came from Sinai,

And dawned on them from Seir;

He shone forth from Mount Paran,

And He came with ten thousands of saints;

From His right hand

Came a fiery law (h0799. אֶשְׁדָּת ’ešḏâṯ) for them.

3 Yes, He loves the people;

All His saints are in Your hand;

They sit down at Your feet;

Everyone receives Your words.

4 Moses commanded a law for us,

A heritage of the congregation (h6952. קְהִלָּה qehilâ) of Jacob.


Psalms 68:24-26

24 They have seen Your procession, O God,

The procession of my God, my King, into the sanctuary.

25 The singers went before, the players on instruments followed after;

Among them were the maidens playing timbrels.

26(27H) Bless God in the congregations (h4721. מַקְהֵל maqhêl),

The Lord, from the fountain of Israel.

❹ collector of ideas

Ecclesiastes 1:1  Solomon/Shlomo 

1 The words of the Preacher (h6953. קֹהֶלֶת qôheleṯ), the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

❺ group representative 

Exodus 12:5-7  re: Passover/Pesach

5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats. 6 Now you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month. Then the whole (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) assembly (h6951. קָהָל qâhâl) of the congregation (h5712. עֵדָה ‘êḏâ) of Israel shall kill it at twilight. 7 And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it.

① completing

Genesis 2:1-3

1 Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished (h3615. כָּלָה ḵâlâ). 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. 

Genesis 2:1-3             Notice all the appearances of כל here.

וַיְכֻלּ֛וּ הַשָּׁמַ֥יִם וְהָאָ֖רֶץ וְכָל־צְבָאָֽם׃

וַיְכַ֤ל אֱלֹהִים֙ בַּיֹּ֣ום הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י מְלַאכְתֹּ֖ו אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֑ה וַיִּשְׁבֹּת֙ בַּיֹּ֣ום הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י מִכָּל־מְלַאכְתֹּ֖ו אֲשֶׁ֥ר עָשָֽׂה׃

3 וַיְבָ֤רֶךְ אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶת־יֹ֣ום הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י וַיְקַדֵּ֖שׁ אֹתֹ֑ו כִּ֣י בֹ֤ו שָׁבַת֙ מִכָּל־מְלַאכְתֹּ֔ו אֲשֶׁר־בָּרָ֥א אֱלֹהִ֖ים לַעֲשֹֽׂות׃ פ

② striving

Psalms 119:95-96

95 The wicked wait for me to destroy me,

(But) I will consider Your testimonies.

96 I have seen the consummation of all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) perfection (h8502. תִּכְלָה ṯiḵlâ),

(But) Your commandment (NOT PLURAL) is exceedingly broad.

  • Occurs in this form only one other time (you have seen before):

Deuteronomy 26:13

13 וְאָמַרְתָּ֡ לִפְנֵי֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֜יךָ בִּעַ֧רְתִּי הַקֹּ֣דֶשׁ מִן־הַבַּ֗יִת וְגַ֨ם נְתַתִּ֤יו לַלֵּוִי֙ וְלַגֵּר֙ לַיָּתֹ֣ום וְלָאַלְמָנָ֔ה 

כְּכָל־מִצְוָתְךָ֖אֲשֶׁ֣ר צִוִּיתָ֑נִי לֹֽא־עָבַ֥רְתִּי מִמִּצְוֹתֶ֖יךָ וְלֹ֥א שָׁכָֽחְתִּי׃

Deuteronomy 26:8-15

8 And the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great deeds of terror, with signs and wonders. 9 And he brought us into this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey. 10 And behold, now I bring the first of the fruit of the ground, which you, O LORD, have given me.’ And you shall set it down before the LORD your God and worship before the LORD your God. 11 And you shall rejoice in all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) the good that the LORD your God has given to you and to your house, you, and the Levite, and the sojourner who is among you.

12 “When you have finished paying all the tithe of your produce in the third year, which is the year of tithing, giving it to the Levite, the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, so that they may eat within your towns and be filled, 13 then you shall say before the LORD your God, ‘I have removed the sacred portion out of my house, and moreover, I have given it to the Levite, the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, according to all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) your commandment (NOT PLURAL) that you have commanded me. I have not transgressed any of your commandments, nor have I forgotten them. 14 I have not eaten of the tithe while I was mourning, or removed any of it while I was unclean, or offered any of it to the dead. I have obeyed the voice of the LORD my God. I have done according to all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) that you have commanded me. 15 Look down from your holy habitation, from heaven, and bless your people Israel and the ground that you have given us, as you swore to our fathers, a land flowing with milk and honey.’

  • The “singular commandment” – blog # 77 – we refine it even here.

③ yearning    We will run into “yearning” again with silver

  • Part of the listing of curses, “Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance (h7230. רֹב rôḇ) of everything (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl).” (Verse 47) כל – from the variant family

Deuteronomy 28:64-66  

64 “Then the LORD will scatter you among all (בְּכָל h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) peoples, from one end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other gods, which neither you nor your fathers have known—wood and stone.

65 And among those nations you shall find no rest, nor shall the sole of your foot have a resting place; but there the LORD will give you a trembling heart, failing (h3631. כִּלָּיוֹן ḵilâyôn) eyes, and anguish of soul.

66 Your life shall hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and night, and have no assurance of life.

④ desiring

Genesis 23:3-9

3 Then Abraham stood up from before his dead, and spoke to the sons of Heth, saying, 4 “I am a foreigner and a visitor among you. Give me property for a burial place among you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight.”

5 And the sons of Heth answered Abraham, saying to him, 6 “Hear us, my lord: You are a mighty prince among us; bury your dead in the choicest of our burial places. None of us will withhold (h3607. כָּלָא ḵâlâ’) from you his burial place, that you may bury your dead.”

7 Then Abraham stood up and bowed himself to the people of the land, the sons of Heth. 8 And he spoke with them, saying, “If it is your wish that I bury my dead out of my sight, hear me, and meet with Ephron the son of Zohar for me, 9 that he may give me the cave of Machpelah which he has, which is at the end of his field. Let him give it to me at the full (h4392. מָלֵא mâlê’) price, as property for a burial place among you.”

  • You will note that h4392. מָלֵא mâlê’ is one of our sanctuary words and how it fits in this discussion, and how we are to deal with others (the “singular command.)

⑤ putting an end

Numbers 17:9-13

9 Then Moses brought out all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) the rods from before the LORD to all the children of Israel; and they looked, and each man took his rod.

10(25H) And the LORD said to Moses, “Bring Aaron’s rod back before the Testimony, to be kept as a sign against the rebels, that you may put away (h3615. כָּלָה ḵâlâ) their complaints from Me, lest they die.” 11 Thus did Moses; just as the LORD had commanded him, so he did.

12 So the children of Israel spoke to Moses, saying, “Surely we die, we perish, we all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) perish! 13 Whoever even comes near the tabernacle of the LORD must die. Shall we all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) utterly die?”

Numbers 17:25

25 וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֗ה הָשֵׁ֞ב אֶת־מַטֵּ֤ה אַהֲרֹן֙ לִפְנֵ֣י הָעֵד֔וּת לְמִשְׁמֶ֥רֶת לְאֹ֖ות 

לִבְנֵי־מֶ֑רִי וּתְכַ֧ל תְּלוּנֹּתָ֛םמֵעָלַ֖י וְלֹ֥א יָמֻֽתוּ׃


Leviticus 26:14-16

14 ‘But if you do not obey Me, and do not observe all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) these commandments,

15 and if you despise My statutes, or if your soul abhors My judgments, so that you do not perform all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) My commandments, but break My covenant,

16 I also will do this to you:

I will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume (h3615. כָּלָה ḵâlâ) the eyes and cause sorrow of heart.

And you shall sow (h2232. זָרַע zâra‘) your seed (h2233. זֶרַע zera‘) in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.

Leviticus 26:16

16 אַף־אֲנִ֞י אֶֽעֱשֶׂה־זֹּ֣את לָכֶ֗ם וְהִפְקַדְתִּ֨י עֲלֵיכֶ֤ם בֶּֽהָלָה֙ אֶת־הַשַּׁחֶ֣פֶת וְאֶת־הַקַּדַּ֔חַת 

מְכַלֹּ֥ות עֵינַ֖יִם וּמְדִיבֹ֣תנָ֑פֶשׁ וּזְרַעְתֶּ֤ם לָרִיק֙ זַרְעֲכֶ֔ם וַאֲכָלֻ֖הוּ אֹיְבֵיכֶֽם׃

See discussion below about occurrence of זרע זרע.


Deuteronomy 27:16

16 ‘Cursed is the one who treats his father or his mother with contempt (h7034. קָלָה qâlâ).’

“And all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) the people shall say, ‘Amen!’

Notice that קלה and קהל above are permutations of one another. 

❶ slighting

Genesis 16:2-4

2 So Sarai said to Abram, “See now, the LORD has restrained (h6113. עָצַר ‘âṣar) me from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid; perhaps I shall obtain children by her.” And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai. 3 Then Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan. 4 So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised (h7043. קָלַל qâlal) in her eyes.

  • h6113. עָצַר ‘âṣar is a cognate permutation of h0776. אֶרֶץ ’ereṣ, earth/land

❷ being disrespectful 

Deuteronomy 27:16

16 ‘Cursed is the one who treats his father or his mother with contempt (h7034. קָלָה qâlâ).’

“And all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) the people shall say, ‘Amen!’

❸ shame

Psalms 83:12-16

12 Who said, “Let us take for ourselves

The pastures of God for a possession.”

13 O my God, make them like the whirling dust,

Like the chaff before the wind!

14 As the fire burns the woods,

And as the flame sets the mountains on fire,

15 So pursue them with Your tempest,

And frighten them with Your storm.

16(17H) Fill their faces with shame (h7036. קָלוֹן qâlôn),

That they may seek Your name, O LORD.

❹ roasting

Leviticus 23:10-14

10 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: When you come into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest. 11 He shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted on your behalf; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it. 12 And you shall offer on that day, when you wave the sheaf, a male lamb of the first year, without blemish, as a burnt offering to the LORD. 13 Its grain offering (shall be) two-tenths (of an ephah) of fine flour mixed with oil, an offering made by fire to the LORD, for a sweet aroma; and its drink offering shall be of wine, one-fourth of a hin. 14 You shall eat neither bread nor parched grain (h7039. קָלִי qâlîy) nor fresh grain until the same day that you have brought an offering to your God; it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.

❺ burning

Psalms 38:3-7

3 There is no soundness in my flesh

Because of Your anger,

Nor any health in my bones

Because of my sin.

4 For my iniquities have gone over my head;

Like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me.

5 My wounds are foul and festering

Because of my foolishness.

6 I am troubled, I am bowed down greatly;

I go mourning all the day long.

7 For my loins are full of inflammation (h7033. קָלָה qâlâ),

And there is no soundness in my flesh.

  • An aside for me to do – compare קל and כל

⑥ destroying completely – I challenge this definition for the word (for the meaning of the circumstance of Sodom and Gomorrah, yes, but “measure” seems more appropriate for כלהhere).

Genesis 18:17-21

17 And the LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing, 18 since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) the nations of the earth (h0776. אֶרֶץ ’ereṣ) shall be blessed in him? 19 For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.” 20 And the LORD said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, 21 I will go down now and see whether they have at all (h3617. כָּלָה ḵâlâ) done according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.”


Genesis 1:29-31

29 And God said, “See, I have given you every herb (h6212. עֶשֶׂב ‘eśeḇ) (that) yields (h2232. זָרַע zâra‘) seed (h2233. זֶרַע zera‘) which (is) on the face of all the earth, and every tree (h6086. עֵץ ‘êṣ) whose fruit (h6529. פְּרִי p̱erîy) yields (h2232. זָרַע zâra‘) seed (h2233. זֶרַעzera‘); to you it shall be for food (h0402. אָכְלָה ’oḵlâ). 30 Also, to every beast of the earth (h0776. אֶרֶץ ’ereṣ), to every bird of the air, and to everything (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) that creeps on the earth (h0776. אֶרֶץ ’ereṣ), in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food(h0402. אָכְלָה ’oḵlâ)”; and it was so. 

31 Then God saw everything (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 

See ▲ ▲ ▲ below

⑦ Kidney; organ of yearning ◉ see separate note כלה

Leviticus 3:3-5

3 And from the sacrifice of the peace offering, as a food offering to יהוה, he shall offer the fat covering the entrails and all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) the fat that is on the entrails, 4 and the two kidneys (h3629. כִּלְיָה ḵilyâ) with the fat that is on them at the loins, and the long lobe of the liver that he shall remove with the kidneys (h3629. כִּלְיָה ḵilyâ). 5 Then Aaron’s sons shall burn it on the altar on top of the burnt offering, which is on the wood on the fire; it is a food offering with a pleasing aroma to יהוה.


Exodus 23:17-18

17 Three times in the year shall all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) your males (h2138. זָכוּר zâḵûr) appear before the Lord יהוה.

18 “You shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with anything leavened, or let the fat of my feast remain until the morning.


זְכוּר GLOSS male qualities

PARSING Hebrew, noun, common, masculine, singular, construct, pronomial suffix: 2nd person, masculine, singular

p.67 זכר store in memory; remember; CM זכר engage in/block movement 

[ ¿ possible זכ + ור ?

GV p.66 זכך purify and clean; p.66 זכה purify

CM זכך limit/expand (E7); זכה heighten attention (E16)


GV p.17 ארר isolate [and bring ruin; weaken internally]; p.16 ארה contain [take and hold]; p.6 אור light [illuminate]; p.99 יאר collect [water]; p.146 נאר cast off contemptuously 

CM ארר isolate (A54); ארה absorb/expel (A51); אור expose/conceal (A8); יארextend/contain (C16); נאר discharge smoothly/violently (D61) ]


Psalms 73:14-24   Note this is one of the Psalms of Asaph אסף (will discuss in Silver)

  • Spoken of the wicked and boastful

14 For all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) day long I have been plagued,

And chastened every morning.

15 If I had said, “I will speak thus,”

Behold, I would have been untrue to the generation of Your children.

16 When I thought (how) to understand this,

It (was) too painful for me— 

17 Until I went into the sanctuary (h4720. מִקְדָּשׁ miqḏâš) of God;

Then I understood their end (h0319. אַחֲרִית ’aḥărîyṯ).

18 Surely You set them in slippery places;

You cast them down to destruction. 19 Oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment!

They are utterly consumed with terrors.

20 As a dream when one awakes,

So, Lord, when You awake,

You shall despise their image.

21 Thus my heart was grieved,

And I was vexed in my mind (h3629. כִּלְיָה ḵilyâ).

22 I was so foolish and ignorant;

I was like a beast before You.

23 Nevertheless I am continually with You;

You hold me by my right hand.

24 You will guide me with Your counsel,

And afterward receive me to glory.

⑧ Sky-blue; color of horizon

Numbers 15:38

38 “Speak to the people of Israel, and tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a cord of blue (h8504. תְּכֵלֶת ṯeḵêleṯ) on the tassel of each corner.


Exodus 25:2-9

2 “Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me a contribution. From every man whose heart moves him you shall receive the contribution for me. 3 And this is the contribution that you shall receive from them: gold, silver, and bronze, 4 blue (h8504. תְּכֵלֶת ṯeḵêleṯ) and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen, goats’ hair, 5 tanned rams’ skins, goatskins, acacia wood, 6 oil for the lamps, spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense, 7 onyx stones, and stones for setting, for the ephod and for the breastpiece. 8 And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst. 9 Exactly as I show you concerning the pattern of the tabernacle, and of all its furniture, so you shall make it.


Numbers 15:38-41

38 “Speak to the people of Israel, and tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a cord of blue (h8504. תְּכֵלֶת ṯeḵêleṯ) on the tassel of each corner. 39 And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) the commandments (אֶת־כָּל־מִצְוֹ֣ת) of יהוה, to do them, not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after. 40 So you shall remember and do all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) my commandments (אֶת־כָּל־מִצְוֹתָ֑י), and be holy to your God. 41 I am יהוה your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God: I am יהוה your God.”

⑨ Daughter-in-law completing family 

Genesis 11:31

31 Terah took Abram his son and Lot the son of Haran, his grandson, and Sarai his daughter-in-law (h3618. כַּלָּה ḵalâ), his son Abram’s wife, and they went forth together from Ur of the Chaldeans to go into the land of Canaan, but when they came to Haran, they settled there.

  • There is no other כל in this passage – no “second witness.” Haran (h2039. הָרָן hârân) stopped striving to attain.

Notice that כלה is a permutation of הלך to walk/the way

① walking

Psalms 142:3-5

3(4H) When my spirit was overwhelmed within me,

Then You knew my path.

In the way (h0734. אֹרַח ’ôraḥ) in which I walk (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ)

They have secretly set a snare for me.

4 Look on (my) right hand and see,

For (there is) no one who acknowledges me;

Refuge has failed me;

No one cares for my soul.

5 I cried out to You, O LORD:

I said, “You (are) my refuge,

My portion (h2506. חֵלֶק ḥêleq) in the land of the living.

② going away

Genesis 12:1 – lech lecha

1 Now the LORD had said to Abram:

Get out (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) of your country,

From your family

And from your father’s house,

To a land that I will show you.

Genesis 12:1

1 וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהוָה֙ אֶל־אַבְרָ֔ם לֶךְ־לְךָ֛ מֵאַרְצְךָ֥ וּמִמֹּֽולַדְתְּךָ֖ וּמִבֵּ֣ית אָבִ֑יךָ 

אֶל־הָאָ֖רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר אַרְאֶֽךָּ׃


Leviticus 19:15-16

15 ‘You shall do no injustice in judgment. You shall not be partial to the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty. In righteousness you shall judge your neighbor. 16 You shall not go about (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) as a talebearer among your people; nor shall you take a stand against the life of your neighbor: I am the LORD.

③ coming

Genesis 32:6-8

6(7H) Then the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, “We came (h0935. בּוֹא bô’) to your brother Esau, and he also is coming (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) to meet you, and four hundred men are with him.” 7 So Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed; and he divided the people that were with him, and the flocks and herds and camels, into two companies. 8 And he said, “If Esau comes (h0935. בּוֹא bô’) to the one company and attacks it, then the other company which is left will escape.”

Genesis 32:7

7 וַיָּשֻׁ֨בוּ֙ הַמַּלְאָכִ֔ים אֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֖ב לֵאמֹ֑ר בָּ֤אנוּ אֶל־אָחִ֨יךָ֙ אֶל־עֵשָׂ֔ו וְגַם֙ הֹלֵ֣ךְ 

לִקְרָֽאתְךָ֔ וְאַרְבַּע־מֵאֹ֥ות אִ֖ישׁ עִמֹּֽו׃


Leviticus 26:3

3 If you walk (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) in My statutes and keep My commandments, and perform (h6213. עָשָׂה ‘âśâ) them,

④ moving in limited space

Genesis 3:8

8 And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

⑤ moving continuously 

Exodus 9:23-24

23 And Moses stretched out his rod toward heaven; and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and fire darted (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) to the ground. And the LORD rained hail on the land of Egypt. 24 So there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, so very heavy that there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation.

⑥ allowing to be led – this definition so fits the lamed ל study!

Genesis 48:15-16

15 And he blessed Joseph, and said:

“God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ),

The God who has fed me all my life long to this day,

16 The Angel who has redeemed me from all evil,

Bless the lads;

Let my name be named upon them,

And the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac;

And let them grow into a multitude (h7230. רֹב rôḇ) in the midst of the earth.”

(Actually in ב coming close קרב to the ה earth ארץ)

Genesis 48:16

16 הַמַּלְאָךְ֩ הַגֹּאֵ֨ל אֹתִ֜י מִכָּל־רָ֗ע יְבָרֵךְ֮ אֶת־הַנְּעָרִים֒ וְיִקָּרֵ֤א בָהֶם֙ שְׁמִ֔י וְשֵׁ֥ם אֲבֹתַ֖י אַבְרָהָ֣ם 

וְיִצְחָ֑ק וְיִדְגּ֥וּ לָרֹ֖בבְּקֶ֥רֶב הָאָֽרֶץ׃


Genesis 17:1

1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) before Me and be blameless.


Exodus 2:9

9 Then Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take (h3212. יָלַךְ yâlaḵ) this child away and nurse him for me, and I will give you your wages.” So the woman took (h3947. לָקַח lâqaḥ) the child and nursed him.

((h3947. לָקַח lâqaḥ is a cognate permutation of הלך))

⑦ being made to go

Psalms 109:22-23

22 For I am poor and needy,

And my heart is wounded within me.

23 I am gone (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) like a shadow when it lengthens;

I am shaken off like a locust.

⑧ conducting oneself 

Psalms 39:6  – it is a Psalm of David – sounds much like Ecclesiastes 

6(7H) Surely every man walks about (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) like a shadow;

Surely they busy themselves in vain;

He heaps up (riches),

And does not know who will gather (h0622. אָסַף ’âsap̱) them.

⑨ procession

Nehemiah 12:31

31 So I brought the leaders of Judah up on the wall, and appointed two large thanksgiving choirs. (Onewent (h8418. תַּהֲלֻכָה ṯahăluḵâ) to the right hand on the wall toward the Refuse Gate.

 active movers and guides

Zechariah 3:7

7 “Thus says the LORD of hosts:

‘If you will walk (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ) in My ways,

And if you will keep My command,

Then you shall also judge My house,

And likewise have charge of My courts;

I will give you places to walk (h4109. מַהֲלָךְ mahălâḵ)

Among these who stand here.

 way of; manner

Psalms 68:21-24

21 But God will wound the head of His enemies,

The hairy scalp of the one who still goes on in his trespasses.

22 The Lord said, “I will bring back from Bashan,

I will bring (them) back from the depths of the sea,

23 That your foot may crush (them) in blood,

And the tongues of your dogs (may have) their portion from (your) enemies.”

24(25H) They have seen Your manner (h1979. הֲלִיכָה hălîyḵâ), O God,

The procession of my God, my King, into the sanctuary.


Job 29:1-6

1 Job further continued his discourse, and said:

2 “Oh, that I were as in months past,

As in the days when God watched over me;

3 When His lamp shone upon my head,

And when by His light I walked through darkness;

4 Just as I was in the days of my prime,

When the friendly counsel of God was over my tent;

5 When the Almighty was yet with me,

When my children were around me;

6 When my steps (h1978. הָלִיךְ hâlîyḵ) were bathed with cream,

And the rock poured out rivers of oil for me!

h1978. הָלִיךְ hâlîyḵ; from h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ; a walk, i.e. (by implication) a step

▲ ▲ ▲

Genesis 1:29-30

29 And God said, “See, I have given you every herb (h6212. עֶשֶׂב ‘eśeḇ) (that) yields (h2232. זָרַע zâra‘) seed (h2233. זֶרַע zera‘) which (is) on the face of all the earth, and every tree (h6086. עֵץ ‘êṣ) whose fruit (h6529. פְּרִי p̱erîy) yields (h2232. זָרַע zâra‘) seed (h2233. זֶרַעzera‘); to you it shall be for food (h0402. אָכְלָה ’oḵlâ). 30 Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food (h0402. אָכְלָה ’oḵlâ)”; and it was so.

  • Notice first, זרע זרע for each עשׂב and each עץ.


① spreading seed

Genesis 1:11-12

11 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb (thatyields (h2232. זָרַע zâra‘) seed (h2233. זֶרַע zera‘), and the fruit tree (that) yields (makes h6213. עָשָׂה ‘âśâ) fruit according to its kind, whose seed (h2233. זֶרַע zera‘) is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, the herb (thatyields (h2232. זָרַע zâra‘) seed (h2233. זֶרַע zera‘) according to its kind, and the tree that yields (makes h6213. עָשָׂה ‘âśâ) fruit, whose seed (h2233. זֶרַע zera‘) is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 

Genesis 1:11-12

11 וַיֹּ֣אמֶר אֱלֹהִ֗ים תַּֽדְשֵׁ֤א הָאָ֨רֶץ֙ דֶּ֔שֶׁא עֵ֚שֶׂב מַזְרִ֣יעַ זֶ֔רַע עֵ֣ץ פְּרִ֞י עֹ֤שֶׂה פְּרִי֙ 

לְמִינֹ֔ו אֲשֶׁ֥ר זַרְעוֹ־בֹ֖ו עַל־הָאָ֑רֶץוַֽיְהִי־כֵֽן׃

12 וַתּוֹצֵ֨א הָאָ֜רֶץ דֶּ֠שֶׁא עֵ֣שֶׂב מַזְרִ֤יעַ זֶ֨רַע֙ לְמִינֵ֔הוּ וְעֵ֧ץ עֹֽשֶׂה־פְּרִ֛י אֲשֶׁ֥ר 

זַרְעוֹ־בֹ֖ו לְמִינֵ֑הוּ וַיַּ֥רְא אֱלֹהִ֖יםכִּי־טֹֽוב׃


Exodus 12:48-49

48 And when a stranger dwells with you and wants to keep the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then (h0227. אָז ’âz) let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as a native (h0249. אֶזְרָח ’ezrâḥ) of the land. For no uncircumcised (person) shall eat it. 49 One law shall be for the native-born (h0249. אֶזְרָח ’ezrâḥ) and for the stranger who dwells among you.”

Exodus 12:48-49

48 וְכִֽי־יָג֨וּר אִתְּךָ֜ גֵּ֗ר וְעָ֣שָׂה פֶסַח֮ לַיהוָה֒ הִמֹּ֧ול לֹ֣ו כָל־זָכָ֗ר וְאָז֙ יִקְרַ֣ב לַעֲשֹׂתֹ֔ו 

וְהָיָ֖ה כְּאֶזְרַ֣ח הָאָ֑רֶץ וְכָל־עָרֵ֖ללֹֽא־יֹ֥אכַל בֹּֽו׃

49 תּוֹרָ֣ה אַחַ֔ת יִהְיֶ֖ה לָֽאֶזְרָ֑ח וְלַגֵּ֖ר הַגָּ֥ר בְּתוֹכְכֶֽם׃


Leviticus 13:2-3

2 “When a man has on the skin of his body a swelling, a scab, or a bright spot, and it becomes on the skin of his body like a leprous (h6883. צָרַעַת ṣâra‘aṯ) sore, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons the priests. 3 The priest shall examine the sore on the skin of the body; and if the hair on the sore has turned white, and the sore appears to be deeper than the skin of his body, it is a leprous (h6883. צָרַעַת ṣâra‘aṯ) sore. Then the priest shall examine him, and pronounce him unclean (h2930. טָמֵא ṭâmê’).

Leviticus 13:2-3

2 אָדָ֗ם כִּֽי־יִהְיֶ֤ה בְעוֹר־בְּשָׂרוֹ֙ שְׂאֵ֤ת אֹֽו־סַפַּ֨חַת֙ אֹ֣ו בַהֶ֔רֶת וְהָיָ֥ה בְעוֹר־בְּשָׂרֹ֖ו לְנֶ֣גַע 

צָרָ֑עַת וְהוּבָא֙ אֶל־אַהֲרֹ֣ןהַכֹּהֵ֔ן אֹ֛ו אֶל־אַחַ֥ד מִבָּנָ֖יו הַכֹּהֲנִֽים׃

3 וְרָאָ֣ה הַכֹּהֵ֣ן אֶת־הַנֶּ֣גַע בְּעֹֽור־הַ֠בָּשָׂר וְשֵׂעָ֨ר בַּנֶּ֜גַע הָפַ֣ךְ ׀ לָבָ֗ן וּמַרְאֵ֤ה הַנֶּ֨גַע֙ 

עָמֹק֙ מֵעֹ֣ור בְּשָׂרֹ֔ו נֶ֥גַע צָרַ֖עַתה֑וּא וְרָאָ֥הוּ הַכֹּהֵ֖ן וְטִמֵּ֥א אֹתֹֽו׃

We spoke in Blog 72 at length about טמא and considering it more as “to separate for a time.” This word here and just below indicate a time of separation. A bigger question for me here is the parallel being made with צרעת (“leprosy”) which we have already discussed several times as reflecting pride/hubris and זרע, the spreading of seed (and conceiving – see Genesis 16 and Hagar’s pride in her conception with Abram and her scorn of Sarai who had not been able to conceive with Abram 🤔). Several thoughts come to mind in the juxtaposition here of זרע with אזר and with צרעת. What exactly are they wanting us to see? Is there pride in being “native born?” Is there some parallel being highlighted between being טמא separated and מול circumcised? 

If you have thoughts please share with me. Note that if you read further in Leviticus 12, verses 4-8, there is further discussion about the mother’s “apartness/separation,” and the time is doubled when bearing a female child. How does this all interact with the pride/humility aspect? 🤔 There may be more understanding as we look at some more related roots below.

② conceiving

Leviticus 12:2-3

2 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘If a woman has conceived (h2232. זָרַע zâra‘), and borne a male child, then she shall be unclean (h2930. טָמֵא ṭâmê’) seven days; as in the days of her customary impurity she shall be unclean (h2930. טָמֵא ṭâmê’). 3 And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.

③ arm; limb that sets hand in motion

Genesis 49:24

24 But his bow remained in strength,

And the arms (h2220. זְרוֹעַ zerôa‘) of his hands were made strong

By the hands of the Mighty (God) of Jacob

(From there (is) the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel),


Genesis 17:15

15 Then God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai(h8297. שָׂרַי śâray), but Sarah (h8283. שָׂרָה śârâ) shall be her name.

Genesis 17:15

15 וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלֹהִים֙ אֶל־אַבְרָהָ֔ם שָׂרַ֣י אִשְׁתְּךָ֔ לֹא־תִקְרָ֥א אֶת־שְׁמָ֖הּ שָׂרָ֑י כִּ֥י 

שָׂרָ֖ה שְׁמָֽהּ׃


Psalms 37:16-17

16 A little that a righteous man has

Is better than the riches of many wicked.

17 For the arms (h2220. זְרוֹעַ zerôa‘) of the wicked shall be broken,

But the LORD upholds the righteous.

④ seed of legume

 Daniel 1:15-16

15 And at the end of ten days their features appeared better and fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the king’s delicacies. 16 Thus the steward took away their portion of delicacies and the wine that they were to drink, and gave them vegetables (h2235. זֵרֹעַ zêrôa‘).

① concentrating help and assistance 

Genesis 49:22-26

22 “Joseph is a fruitful bough,

A fruitful bough by a well;

His branches run over the wall.

23 The archers have bitterly grieved him,

Shot at him and hated him.

24 But his bow remained in strength,

And the arms of his hands were made strong

By the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob

(From there is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel),

25 By the God of your father who will help (h5826. עָזַר ‘âzar) you,

And by the Almighty who will bless you

With blessings of heaven above,

Blessings of the deep that lies beneath,

Blessings of the breasts and of the womb.

26 The blessings of your father

Have excelled the blessings of my ancestors,

Up to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills.

They shall be on the head of Joseph,

And on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his brothers.


Genesis 14:18-20

18 Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. 19 And he blessed him and said:

“Blessed be Abram of God Most High,

Possessor of heaven and earth;

20 And blessed be God Most High,

Who has delivered your enemies (h6862. צַר ṣar) into your hand.”

And he gave him a tithe of all.

Genesis 14:20

20 וּבָרוּךְ֙ אֵ֣ל עֶלְיֹ֔ון אֲשֶׁר־מִגֵּ֥ן צָרֶ֖יךָ בְּיָדֶ֑ךָ וַיִּתֶּן־לֹ֥ו מַעֲשֵׂ֖ר מִכֹּֽל׃


Psalms 1:1

1 Blessed is the man

Who walks not in the counsel (h6098. עֵצָה ‘êṣâ) of the ungodly/wicked (h7563. רָשָׁע râšâ‘),

Nor stands in the path of sinners,

Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;

▸ h6098. עֵצָה ‘êṣâ; from h3289. יָעַץ yâ‘aṣ

② helpmate

Genesis 2:18

18 And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper (h5828. עֵזֶר ‘êzer) comparable to him.”

③ courtyard surrounding building that serves needs

Ezekiel 43:13-17

13 “These are the measurements of the altar in cubits (the cubit is one cubit and a handbreadth): the base one cubit high and one cubit wide, with a rim all around its edge of one span. This is the height of the altar: 14 from the base on the ground to the lower ledge(h5835. עֲזָרָה ‘ăzârâ), two cubits; the width (of the ledge), one cubit; from the smaller ledge(h5835. עֲזָרָה ‘ăzârâ) to the larger ledge (h5835. עֲזָרָה ‘ăzârâ), four cubits; and the width (of the ledge), one cubit. 15 The altar hearth is four cubits high, with four horns extending upward from the hearth. 16 The altar hearth is twelve cubits long, twelve wide, square at its four corners; 17 the ledge, fourteen cubits long and fourteen wide on its four sides, with a rim of half a cubit around it; its base, one cubit all around; and its steps face toward the east.”

① being petty

Isaiah 28:9-10

9 “Whom will he teach knowledge?

And whom will he make to understand the message?

Those (just) weaned from milk?

Those (just) drawn from the breasts?

10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept,

Line upon line, line upon line,

Here a little (h2191. זְעֵיר ze‘êr), there a little (h2191. זְעֵיר ze‘êr).”

② few in number

Isaiah 24:4-6

4 The earth mourns (and) fades away,

The world languishes (and) fades away;

The haughty people of the earth languish.

5 The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants,

Because they have transgressed the laws,

Changed the ordinance,

Broken the everlasting covenant.

6 Therefore the curse has devoured the earth,

And those who dwell in it are desolate.

Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned,

And few (h4213. מִזְעָר miz‘âr) men (h0582. אֱנוֹשׁ ’enôš) (are) left.

▸ h0582. אֱנוֹשׁ ’enôš; from h0605. אָנַשׁ ’ânaš

See אנש below – very, very enlightening – read here as self-centered, degenerate, prideful and weak – few are left.

Read the very short Post 02. Multiple Witnesses 

When a word is repeated in Scripture, it is one example of a type of “multiple witnesses.” Two different instructors at our Yeshiva taught us two different things about duplication of a word in Scripture. One taught us simply that it way an emphatic, a doubling meaning pay particular attention here. That is likely an accurate teaching. The other instructor taught us that (as we have discussed previously) most Hebrew words can be seen from a more positive and a more negative side. That instructor suggested that such a doubling might be a reminder to look at this circumstance from both sides. Also likely an accurate teaching (at least in some circumstances) to keep in mind. I am happy here to present yet another possibility based upon our recent learning. First, see this brief excerpt from Post 10. Keywords

I reached that excerpt by searching in LogAndSpeck for triangulation. Post 10 is a bit longer, but good if you have the time. That word also occurs in Post:

42. Dissertation Afterword

Post 42 is a much shorter discussion. 

The point is that multiple witnesses are much more valuable if they are from different perspectives, which allows for a very focused targeting, the goal, of course, being to get at the Truth. It is exciting to me to have another way of looking at the “multiple witnesses” of duplicated words. Using the techniques we have been sharing from the EDBH, we can look at three permutations and look for commonality/one-ness to gain some clarity. Looking at זרע and עזר and זער together may be helpful. Before we discuss the findings from above in these three roots in conjunction, I will replay, like a broken record, my oft-repeated reference to the Parable of the Sower in the Greek Scriptures because it is זרע and because it is one of the key passages (when taken with its following explanation) for all readers of Scripture to understand what parables are about. This is going to be very important in getting to the Tabernacle discussion. Please note the multiple witnesses also within a singular passage. This also points to “truth.”

Matthew 13:13

13 This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.

Then notice  ב + עשׂ  and עץ, with עשׂ and עץ being phonetic cognates.

Consider עצה and עשׂה


① making; forming

Deuteronomy 32:5-6

5 “They have corrupted themselves;

(They are) not His children,

Because of their blemish:

A perverse and crooked generation.

6 Do you thus deal with the LORD,

O foolish and unwise people?

(Is) He not your Father, (who) bought you?

Has He not made (h6213. עָשָׂה ‘âśâ) you and established you?


Genesis 12:5

5 Then Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people whom they had acquired (h6213. עָשָׂה ‘âśâ) in Haran, and they departed to go to the land of Canaan. So they came to the land of Canaan.


Leviticus 3:9-11

9 ‘Then he shall offer from the sacrifice of the peace offering, as an offering made by fire to the LORD, its fat and the whole fat tail which he shall remove close to the backbone. And the fat that covers the entrails and all the fat that is on the entrails, 10 the two kidneys and the fat that is on them by the flanks, and the fatty lobe attached to the liver above the kidneys, he shall remove; 11 and the priest shall burn them on the altar as food, an offering made by fire (h0801. אִשָּׁה ’išâ) to the LORD.

② doing

Leviticus 18:2-3

2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: I am the LORD your God. 3 According to the doings (h4639. מַעֲשֶׂה ma‘ăśeh) of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you shall not do; and according to the doings (h4639. מַעֲשֶׂה ma‘ăśeh) of the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you, you shall not do; nor shall you walk in their ordinances.


Genesis 6:9

9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.

Genesis 6:9

9 אֵ֚לֶּה תּוֹלְדֹ֣ת נֹ֔חַ נֹ֗חַ אִ֥ישׁ צַדִּ֛יק תָּמִ֥ים הָיָ֖ה בְּדֹֽרֹתָ֑יו אֶת־הָֽאֱלֹהִ֖ים הִֽתְהַלֶּךְ־נֹֽחַ׃

Likely pointing to Noah’s being a “just man” as following the instruction above?

③ pressing

Ezekiel 23:2-4

2 “Son of man, there were two women,

The daughters of one mother.

3 They committed harlotry in Egypt,

They committed harlotry in their youth;

Their breasts were there embraced,

Their virgin bosom was there pressed (h6213. עָשָׂה ‘âśâ).

4 Their names: Oholah the elder and Oholibah her sister;

They were Mine,

And they bore sons and daughters.

As for their names,

Samaria is Oholah, and Jerusalem is Oholibah.


Psalms 28:1

A Psalm of David.

1 To You I will cry, O LORD my Rock:

Do not be silent to me,

Lest, if You are silent (h2814. חָשָׁה ḥâšâ) to me,

I become like those who go down to the pit.

④ observing; fulfilling

Deuteronomy 5:15

15 And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God brought you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore the LORD your God commanded you to keep (h6213. עָשָׂה ‘âśâ) the Sabbath day.

⑤ causing to grow

Deuteronomy 21:10-12

10 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the LORD your God delivers them into your hand, and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and desire her and would take her for your wife, 12 then you shall bring her home to your house, and she shall shave her head and trim (h6213. עָשָׂה ‘âśâ) her nails.

⑥ developed

Genesis 25:24-25

24 So when her days were fulfilled for her to give birth, indeed there were twins in her womb. 25 And the first came out red. He was like a hairy garment all over; so they called his name Esau (h6215. עֵשָׂו ‘êśâw).

GV p.195 עשׂשׂ fondle [press]; p.194 עשׂה make [create]   No DVs

CM עשׂשׂ strengthen/weaken (A56); עשׂה limit/expand activity (A24)


① narrowing; closing

Proverbs 16:23-30

23 The heart of the wise teaches his mouth,

And adds learning to his lips.

24 Pleasant words (are like) a honeycomb,

Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.

25 There is a way (that seems) right to a man,

But its end (is) the way of death.

26 The person who labors, labors for himself,

For his (hungry) mouth drives him on.

27 An ungodly man digs up evil,

And (it is) on his lips like a burning fire.

28 A perverse man sows strife,

And a whisperer separates the best of friends.

29 A violent man entices his neighbor,

And leads him in a way (that is) not good.

30 He winks (h6095. עָצָה ‘âṣâ) his eye to devise (h2803. חָשַׁב ḥâšaḇ perverse things;

He purses his lips (andbrings about h3615. (כָּלָה ḵâlâ) evil.

Proverbs 16:30

30 עֹצֶ֣ה עֵ֭ינָיו לַחְשֹׁ֣ב תַּהְפֻּכֹ֑ות קֹרֵ֥ץ שְׂ֝פָתָ֗יו כִּלָּ֥ה רָעָֽה׃


Exodus 5:10-14

10 And the taskmasters of the people and their officers went out and spoke to the people, saying, “Thus says Pharaoh: ‘I will not give you straw. 11 Go, get yourselves straw where you can find it; yet none of your work will be reduced.'” 12 So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt to gather stubble instead of straw. 13 And the taskmasters forced them to hurry, saying, “Fulfill your work (h4639. מַעֲשֶׂה ma‘ăśeh), your daily quota (h1697. דָּבָר ḏâḇâr), as when there was straw.” 14 Also the officers of the children of Israel, whom Pharaoh’s taskmasters had set over them, were beaten and were asked, “Why have you not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and today, as before?”

▸ h4639. מַעֲשֶׂה ma‘ăśeh; from h6213. עָשָׂה ‘āśāh; an action (good or bad); generally, a transaction; abstractly, activity; by implication, a product (specifically, a poem) or (generally) property

▸ H6213. עָשָׂה ‘āśāh: A verb meaning to do, to make, to accomplish, to complete. This frequently used Hebrew verb conveys the central notion of performing an activity with a distinct purpose, a moral obligation, or a goal in view (cf. Gen. 11:6). Particularly, it was used in conjunction with God’s commands (Deut. 16:12). It described the process of construction (Gen. 13:4; Job 9:9; Prov. 8:26); engaging in warfare (Josh. 11:18); the yielding of grain (Hos. 8:7); observing a religious ceremony (Ex. 31:16; Num. 9:4); and the completion of something (Ezra 10:3; Isa. 46:10). Provocatively, the word appears twice in Ezekiel to imply the intimate action of caressing or fondling the female breast (Ezek. 23:3, 8). 

• עֵץ-[phrase] carpenter, gallows, helve, [phrase] pine, plank, staff, stalk, stick, stock, timber, tree, wood

h6086. עֵץ ‘êṣ; from h6095. עָצָה ‘âṣâ;    328 occurrences 

GV p.190 עצה concentrate [energy to a goal]; p.182 עוץ force up [concentrate effort to develop]; p.107 יעץ deliberate [advise]; p.158 נעץ penetrate

CM עצה limit/expand activity (A24); עוץ expedite/limit support (A7); יעץ express emotion (C37); נעץ move quickly (D59)

Above was a similar arrow pointing downward to a discussion about h0582. אֱנוֹשׁ ’enôš, which we simply must leave off here, perhaps to return later. We have already encompassed a lot of territory.


One more piece we really should cover, relating to the events leading up to the instructions about the sanctuary/tabernacle. They were more tied-in through the h0582. אֱנוֹשׁ ’enôš discussion and see more of an add-on here, but a couple of important thoughts.

First, a bit of an explanation about how the making of the sanctuary could take place in the wilderness:

Exodus 3:20-22

20 So I will stretch out My hand and strike Egypt with all My wonders which I will do in its midst; and after that he will let you go. 21 And I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be, when you go, that you shall not go empty-handed. 22 But every woman shall ask of her neighbor, namely, of her who dwells near her house, articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing; and you shall put (them) on your sons and on your daughters. So you shall plunder (h5337. נָצַל nâṣal) the Egyptians.”

The test of a prophet is whether indeed the thing comes to pass:

Deuteronomy 18:21-22

21 And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the LORD has not spoken?’— 22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him. 

Jeremiah 28:9

9 As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes to pass, then it will be known that the LORD has truly sent the prophet.”

Deuteronomy 34:10-12

10 And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face, 11 none like him for all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) the signs and the wonders that the LORD sent him to do in the land (h0776. אֶרֶץ ’ereṣ) of Egypt, to Pharaoh and to all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) his servants and to all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) his land (h0776. אֶרֶץ ’ereṣ), 12 and for all (h3605. כֹּלḵôl) the mighty power and all (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) the great deeds of terror that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.

Note that it is Word plus things coming to pass, actions. Please understand the connection here. I will go through it step by step using our recently-learned tools:

  1. Hebrew verbs tend to be “action verbs,” spoken of several times before, including Post 08. Emphasis/Repetition, and and in Post 14. Synthetic Grasp of Life noted to have a range of meaning from a “sense” to an action (remember PaRDeS). They are not simply “concepts.”
  2. God “spoke” Creation into being. The words of God became substance. God’s words brought about an action, and continue to bring about actions.
  3. A prophet, נבי, from נבא.

GV p.147 נבב hollow; p.146 נבא prophesy [transmit God’s word]; p.151 נוב flow forth

¿ DV אנב – p.151 נוב flow forth > p.12 אנב spring out ?   No other DVs

CM נבב move from end to end (D63); נבא move/speak directly (D62); נוב give over (D78); אנב move from internal to external (A43)

4. Same letters, different order.

5. See how אבן is a DV of a very important family of roots.

GV p.28 בנן understand; p.28 בנה build [form); p.23 בון mediate [be in between]; p.25 ביןunderstand [penetrate to core]

DV p.2 אבן – p.28 בנן understand; p.28 בנה build [form]; p.23 בון mediate [be in between]; p.25 בין understand [penetrate to core] > p.2 אבן create by using special tool

DV בהן – p.28 בנן instruct [understand]; p.28 בנה build [form]; p.23 בון mediate [be in between] > p.22 בהן direct; enable 

DV הבן – p.28 בנן understand; p.28 בנה build [form] > p.55 הבן build out of wood (Ek27:15 – ebony / Dedan)    No באן DV

CM בנן grasp (B33); בנה join elements (B32); בון direct attention (B19); (בין no cognates); אבן form (A6); בהן be certain (B13); הבן form (A6)

6. The “building,” the “forming,” the “understanding” come by the word of God. The word of God can come by way of a person who is a prophet, such as Moses, here, and such as Deborah (see Judges 4&5), for example. What is spoken comes to pass, the measure of a true prophet.

7. This is a part of our discussion on the Tabernacle. As the pieces come together, please recall this piece of speaking God’s word and coming to pass.

The Blue Marble – Blue

January 2022 please cite if copying

Blog 82. enosh אנוש
80-1/2. Sign of Jonah

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