3: A Transition

4: A Reminder
2. Stone with Stones - Remove with Understanding

It has been some time since I entered anything here. It has been a time of intense learning (no doubt, for us all). The first thing I want to say is, if you have read any of the previous discussions, Posts 29-39 were examples of using some of the tools I wrote about earlier, related to my final paper in school. I am not retracting any of the use of the tools or the examples they explain. But my eyes have been opened to many things over the past few months. What I will say is that I came to a wrong conclusion in my writing about Elijah/Eliyahu. I believe that the interpretation of a man with great knowledge of the way of God taking it upon himself to “correct things,” which is the Jewish interpretation that I was arguing against, is the correct interpretation. Perhaps, if you choose to read forward from this point, you will understand some of the reasons why I have come to a different conclusion. 
You, of course (and this has been my point all along) must read Scripture yourself as it relates to your life, and come to your own conclusions. I am not here to tell you what to believe. I am here to encourage you to get to know God by reading his word.

If you choose to read beyond this point, you will likely see changes from earlier writing. I have learned much in the past few months (I hope we all have).

My prayer for you is that you continue in your walk of getting to know our loving God.



© June 2020 logandspeck.com please cite if copying

4: A Reminder
2. Stone with Stones - Remove with Understanding

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