Japheth occurrences
I have recognized an error in the book Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew that has led me to publish a correction.
The following are different LogAndSpeckentries that include the word Japheth. The ones with a strikethrouh are not impacted by this error, but the ones not stricken, in bold, are potentially affected, and notations are made below.
12 ? – cannot access. Webmaster is working on it.

Japheth cognate meaning correction

- The conclusion of Blog 15, “Noah’s curse and blessing (two sides of the same coin) are that we get a good start by understanding the lessons that life teaches. May we be humble in our approach to life. Life’s circumstances will teach us. We will receive the consequences of our choices. May the lessons of Japheth’s way of life (one of “troubles”) instruct you in your “tent.” May you learn, in order that you may not be led into temptation. This is another reiteration of the message of “All those nations.” Do not think too highly of yourself. Love your neighbor.”
This is the first time that the error occurs on the website, giving the CM of יפת as “be open and receptive,” when it really should be “connect/disconnect.” The individual definition still includes “be open and receptive,” but it lies upon a spectrum of “connect/disconnect.” One might consider my comment in parentheses, (one of “troubles”), to be related to a fusion/blending of the ideas in the Gradational Variant family and the listing of his descendants in that Blog – at this point, not really certain where it came from. But still the primary focus should be on two things, the wonder/openness, and the revised CM, (connect/disconnect).
In Blog 138. Investigating לוץ Interpret, there is a cognate permutations study using יפת. The cognate meaning does not come up. And (though not in Blog 138) the cognate permutations meaning we came up with for the יפת group is (allow/embrace God’s consequences). That meaning could easily receive the
(connect/disconnect) concept without modification, so the discussion in that blog would not really be changed.
In Blog 146. דמים Revisited, there is significant discussion about the root יפת, which includes the listing of the cognate meaning that is likely in error in the book. Once again, it appears that the cognate permutations meaning for the יפת group, (allow/embrace God’s consequences), was not listed in that Blog. Notice in the יפתinvestigation and in the discussion for Jeremiah 24, that the name Judah/Yehuda יהודה includes a cognate permutation of יפת. Certainly (allow/embrace God’s consequences) includes the role that our brothers and sisters Yehuda have taken. But I encourage you also to consider in your thinking the CM meaning of (connect/disconnect). It seems to be true of the role they have chosen, that the relationship of the world to them seems to be along that spectrum of connecting to disconnecting. And is that not the spectrum where the Teacher comes into play? Read Matthew 10:34-39; Luke 12:51-53, 14:26-27. His impact certainly was to be a “shaking up” of society.
The question always is, where do we connect and where do we disconnect? See please, John 17:9-26.
Oneness with brothers and sisters.
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