Looking through this, you may see why I began with the more allegorical piece. This may be a bit “dry” to many, but is the necessary background work to come to the understandings that are being shared.
כל/גל Cognate Permutations ❷🅐
“a measure of striving (to attain)/cycle.”
This was the second two-letter (doublet) cognate permutation investigation I did. The first was את (which is identical to עת). Having done many since then, I have come to a more standardized format. See here that began with the Two-Letter document that begins with Clementson’s work and adds on the families and groups from Clark and Hirsch. Then I list all the roots by cognate groups. After doing that, now routinely I look at a list of the cognate meanings (which are a distillation of the roots in the group), and then distill the meaning(s) from that list. You see above, my thoughts were “a measure of striving (to attain)/cycle.” You will see here a listing of 100 roots, followed by the distilled list of 27 groups. In a methodical way I have attempted to come up with a least common denominator for these words. I will explain a bit more at the bottom. The method is the same as that used by Clark/Hirsch to come up with cognate meanings for the lists of phonetic cognates of roots. It is tedious work, and I don’t anticipate many would desire diving into it. But I do encourage you just to read quickly down the words and comments which will help you understand my conclusions. (You can see other examples in Appendices 9 & 10, for אם mother and אב father.)
• גַּל-billow, heap, spring, wave.
• גֹּל-bowl.
h1530. גַּל g̱al (35 occ.); from h1556. גָּלַל g̱âlal;; h1531. גֹּל g̱ôl (Zc4:2); from h1556. גָּלַלg̱âlal;
GV p.40 גלל rotate [roll]; p.40 גלה expose [bare]; p.38 גול rejoice; p.100 יגל shudder [from fear]
DV אגל – p.40 גלל rotate > p.2 אגל drip – Jb38:28
DV גאל – p.40 גלל rotate [roll]; p.40 גלה expose [bare] > p.34 גאל release; purge No other DVs
CM גלל encircle (C26); גלה contain/expose (C25); (גול and יגל no cognates listed – for גול, see ⬙; for יגל, see ⬘); אגל move directly/circularly (A11); גאל activate/deactivate (C2)
⬙ גול should be a part of (C5) express control [יבל bring home; קבל counter; כבל restrain; כול contain; כפל double] – is listed in back, p.311
⬘יגל should be listed with p.104 יכל prevail CM might be along the lines of“master/fail” or “overcome/fail”
And just a reminder p.295 “Hirsch claims that in many cases the ע״ו root (טוב) and the פ״י root (יטב) have identical meanings.” [or here, it would be גול and יגל]
• כֹּל-all, any, + (forasmuch) as, + be-(for this) cause, every, + no (manner, -ne), + there (where) -fore, + though, what (where, who) -soever, (the) whole. Aramaic
h3605. כֹּל ḵôl
GV p.119 כלל complete [by including everything]; p.118 כלה strive [to attain]; p.118 כלאrestrain [prevent]; p.116 כול contain [a measured quantity]; p.104 יכל prevail; p.156 נכלplot [harm; endanger through veiled acts]
DV p.9 אכל – p.119 כלל complete [by including everything]; p.118 כלה strive [to attain] > p.9 אכל consume No other DVs – BUT see היכל just below
CM כלל encircle (C26); כלה and כלא contain/expose (C25); כול express control (C5); יכל (none listed); נכל (none listed); אכל move directly/circularly (A11)
•1 Samuel 1:9
9 So Hannah arose after they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh. Now Eli the priest was sitting on the seat by the doorpost (h4201. מְזוּזָה mezûzâ) of the temple (h1964. הֵיכָל hêḵol) of the LORD.
•CWSBD – H1964. הֵיכָל hēyḵāl: A masculine noun meaning temple, palace. The word derives from the word yāḵōl (H3201), meaning to be able and comes from the idea of capacity. It refers to a king’s palace or other royal buildings (1 Kgs. 21:1; Isa. 13:22) and, likely by extension, to the dwelling of God, whether on earth (Ps. 79:1) or in heaven (Isa. 6:1). The word is used of Solomon’s Temple, the second Temple (Ezra 3:6; Neh. 6:10) and also of the Tabernacle. In reference to foreign buildings, it is sometimes difficult to say whether a palace or the temple of a false god is meant (2 Chr. 36:7; Joel 3:5[4:5]). A special usage of the word designates the holy place of the Temple as opposed to the Holy of Holies (1 Kgs. 6:17; Ezek. 41:4, 15).
•לכ none – BUT search for לך in BHS gives 827 occurrences (added 220516)
Often it is “toward you,” but also for הלך. See for example Genesis 12:1
1 וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהוָה֙ אֶל־אַבְרָ֔ם לֶךְ־לְךָ֛ מֵאַרְצְךָ֥ וּמִמֹּֽולַדְתְּךָ֖ וּמִבֵּ֣ית אָבִ֑יךָ אֶל־הָאָ֖רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר אַרְאֶֽךָּ׃
Searching BHS for הלך “in this form (לך)” gives 109 occurrences.
- Also, EDBH lists p.127 לאך serve [work which completes goal] as the root for messenger; angel (Gn48:16 המלאך). There is an “also” verse, Ex23:20:
- Shemot 23:20 הנה אנכי שלח מלאך לפניך לשמרך בדרך ולהביאך אל־המקום אשר הכנתי׃Exodus 23:20
- 20 “Behold, I send an Angel before you (your presence/to your face) to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.
CM לאך act energetically (D44)
Most of the examples given for לאך on p.127 are for “work/works” מלאכה.
Clearly a cognate permutation with לאך is הלך.
p.59 הלך walk [progress step by step toward a goal]
CM הלך move piecemeal (A61)
- See the end of the previous blog, where לאך is one of the listed roots.
All the roots that I found for including in the כל cognate permutation list:
(Later, I began sorting under subheadings in alphanumeric order)
אגל p.2 (drip) move directly/circularly (A11)
איל p.9 (strengthen) move directly/circularly (A11)
אכל p.9 (consume) move directly/circularly (A11)
חיל p.79 (enable; concentrate power and resources) move directly/circularly
חכל p.80 (sparkle; emit color) move directly/circularly (A11)
עגל p.179 (circle) move directly/circularly (A11)
עכל (no entry) (digest) move directly/circularly (A11)
- עכל digested in Modern Hebrew
עקל p.191 (deviate from straight path) move directly/circularly (A11)
הלך p.59 (walk; progress step by step toward a goal) move piecemeal (A61)
חלק p.81 (divide and smooth) move piecemeal (A61)
עלג p.185 (stammer; speak haltingly) move piecemeal (A61)
עלק p.187 (suck out) move piecemeal (A61)
גאל p.34 (release; purge) activate/deactivate (C2)
גחל p.39 (extract charred coal) activate/deactivate (C2)
- (In my life, how the people of Haiti were involved in making charcoal anywhere out in the open areas – and, so called “activated charcoal” – and water filters)
געל p.42 (empty; release from protective cover) activate/deactivate (C2)
יאל p.99 (initiate action; begin a process) activate/deactivate (C2)
יחל p.103 (expect progress) activate/deactivate (C2)
יעל p.106 (progress; flourish) activate/deactivate (C2)
כחל p.117 (project color; paint) activate/deactivate (C2)
קהל p.225 (gather to implement plan) activate/deactivate (C2)
גלה p.40 (expose; bare) contain/expose (C25)
גלה p.40 (reveal; uncover) contain/expose (C25)
גלח p.40 (remove hair; expose unprotected skin) contain/expose (C25)
ילע p.104 (swallow; chew) contain/expose (C25)
כלא p.118 (restrain; prevent) contain/expose (C25)
כלה p.118 (strive to attain) contain/expose (C25)
קלה p.228 (restrain; devalue) contain/expose (C25)
קלח p.228 (contain) contain/expose (C25)
קלע p.228 (cast out) contain/expose (C25)
- See tabernacle curtains, Exodus 27:9
לאך p.127 (serve; work which completes goal) act energetically (D44)
להג p.128 (study intensively) act energetically (D44)
להק p.129 (gather together for study) act energetically (D44)
לחך p.131 (lick vigorously) act energetically (D44)
לעג p.132 (deride; scorn) act energetically (D44)
לקח p.133 receive; take (no cognates listed)
בלג p.27 (strengthen) strengthen/weaken (B29)
בלק (destroy; render uninhabitable) strengthen/weaken (B29)
פלג p.201 (divide; disrupt) strengthen/weaken (B29)
פלך p.202 (encircle; spin) strengthen/weaken (B29)
פגל p.196 separate; reject as unfit (no cognates listed)
גלב p.39 (shave) add/reduce (C23)
ילף p.104 (fall off) add/reduce (C23)
כלב p.118 (contain) add/reduce (C23)
- This is Caleb, and also “dog,” which is also male cult prostitute
כלף p.119 (chisel; level) add/reduce (C23)
קלף (no entry) (peel) add/reduce (C23)
- קלף translates as “Judaica” in modern Hebrew
גבל p.35 (border) express control (C5)
גול p.38 (rejoice) express control (C5)
יבל p.99 (bring home) express control (C5)
כבל p.114 (restrain) express control (C5)
כול p.116 (contain a measured quantity) express control (C5)
כפל p.122 (double) express control (C5)
קבל p.223 (counter; be opposite) express control (C5)
קול p.225 (sound; multiply noise) express control (C5)
לוג p.129 liquefy (no cognates listed)
No others
יגל p.100 (shudder from fear) (no cognates listed, but cognates of one another, יגלand יכל)
- Hosea 10:5
- 5 The inhabitants of Samaria tremble
- to the calf (לְעֶגְלוֹת֙ h5697. עֶגְלָה ‘eg̱lâ) of Beth-aven.
- Its people mourn for it, and so do its idolatrous priests—
- those who rejoiced (יָגִ֔ילוּ h1523. גִּיל g̱iyl) over it and over its glory—
- for it has departed from them.
יכל p.104 (prevail) (no cognates listed, but cognates of one another, יגל and יכל) – a CM might be something along the lines of overcome/fail
No others
גלד p.40 (enclose; cover) absorb/issue (C24)
- This is Gilead and Galeed “heap”
ילד p.104 (give birth; bring child from the womb into the open world) absorb/
issue (C24)
קלט p.228 (absorb; hold together) absorb/issue (C24)
- Leviticus 22:23
- 23 Either a bull or a lamb that has any limb too long or too short you may offer as a freewill offering, but for a vow it shall not be accepted.
- h7038. קָלַט qâlaṭ; a primitive root; to maim: — lacking in his parts.
- AV (1) – lacking in his parts 1;
- (Qal) to be stunted, be handicapped, be deformed (of a sacrificial animal lacking body parts)
- EDBH lists as “undivided hoof,” and cities of refuge are h5892. עִיר ‘îyr h4733. מִקְלָט miqlâṭ
- In my young life, a certain girl – many more at my place of work for many years.
גדל p.36 (increase; expand) extend/retard (C11)
כתל p.125 (wall off) extend/retard (C11)
קטל p.227 (slay; kill) extend/retard (C11)
דגל p.46 (signal) raise high in the sky (D11)
דקל p.62 (grow tall; raise) raise high in the sky (D11)
תכל p.285 (color sky blue) raise high in the sky (D11)
דלג p.50 (jump) move quickly (D26)
דלק p.51 (pursue) move quickly (D26)
לכד p.131 (seize) gather (D54)
- For those who follow Israel politics at all, the root of the Likud party (Begin, Sharon, Netenyahu) – see how “gather” fits their formation
לקט p.133 (glean; collect isolated or abandoned objects) gather (D54)
לתך p.133 measure (no cognates listed)
גלל p.40 (rotate; roll) encircle (C26)
- Galilee גליל, Gilgal גלגל, hill of the Skull Gulgolet גלגלת – which see in Ex16:16 the collecting of manna (an omer to the skull)
ילל p.104 (howl) encircle (C26)
כלל p.119 (complete by including everything) encircle (C26)
קלל p.228 (diminish substance; lessen material things) encircle (C26)
- “curse” – and see the “rods” מקל in Gn30:38, that Jacob peeled to alter the lambs
גלם p.40 (lack form) lack form/value (C27)
- This is Gollum in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Hobbit
כלם p.119 (shame; be morally unworthy) lack form/value (C27)
גמל p.41 (mature; develop completely) provide/deny sustenance (C31)
קמל p.229 (wither; deny sustenance) provide/deny sustenance (C31)
לגם p.128 absorb (no cognates listed)
מלך p.140 (consult; consider differing views) determine (B66)
מלק p.141 (remove head) determine (B66)
- Alice in Wonderland – “Off with their heads!” Definitely a determining step
גזל p.39 (snatch) apply force (C20)
כסל p.121 (be stubborn and foolish) apply force (C20)
כשל p.125 (stumble; fall) apply force (C20)
גלש p.40 (winnow) separate (C28)
קלס p.228 (speak pointedly) separate (C28)
קלש p.229 (thin) separate (C28) (thinning with pitchfork – 1S13:21)
זלג p.67 (move from one place to another) move lower (E19)
- h4207. מַזְלֵג mazlêg̱ is a fork in the Tabernacle, made of bronze (h5178. נְחשֶׁתneḥšeṯ) and used at the bronze altar, which is made of acacia wood and overlaid with bronze (of course נחש is the serpent/snake)
סלק (no entry) (remove) move lower (E19)
- סלק is beet in Modern Hebrew
שלג p.263 (snow) move lower (E19)
שלך p.263 (throw down) move lower (E19)
סגל p.167 (elect; be exclusive) acquire/lose prized object (E37)
סכל p.171 (absorb and use unreliable knowledge) acquire/lose prized object
סקל p.175 (remove) acquire/lose prized object (E37)
צקל p.221 (cover; protect) acquire/lose prized object (E37)
שגל p.255 (acquire mate) acquire/lose prized object (E37)
שכל p.262 (lose; be bereft) acquire/lose prized object (E37)
שקל p.269 (weigh out) acquire/lose prized object (E37)
שׂכל p.277 (understand; absorb information and adapt to needs) acquire/lose
prized object (E37)
לקש p.133 delay (no cognates listed)
No others
List of condensed meaning from the above list of roots:
move directly/circularly (A11)
move piecemeal (A61)
absorb (no cognates listed)
strengthen/weaken (B29)
determine (B66)
separate; reject as unfit (no cognates listed)
overcome/fail [no number given]
activate/deactivate (C2)
express control (C5)
liquefy (no cognates listed)
extend/retard (C11)
apply force (C20)
add/reduce (C23)
absorb/issue (C24)
contain/expose (C25)
encircle (C26)
lack form/value (C27)
separate (C28)
provide/deny sustenance (C31)
raise high in the sky (D11)
move quickly (D26)
act energetically (D44)
receive; take (no cognates listed)
measure (no cognates listed)
move lower (E19)
acquire/lose prized object (E37)
delay (no cognates listed)
Please draw you own conclusions, but looking at all these roots that contain cognate permutations of כל/גל, I would lean toward a definition of “a measure of striving (to attain).” Thus when one reads “all,” rather than “ all,” it may be an indication of where there is an assessment of striving, toward “something,” which can be those working toward drawing closer to, “holding” God (in the words of “The Dance”), versus working toward “holding” something or someone else (“the gods, our idols”). And it is clear that humility is a part of the picture of the attainment toward “holding God” – see (E19). Many are opposites, as so often the case, thus the idea of “measure,” a scale or range of our progress along a walk. Cycles are clearly involved, with the circular aspect of גל, so, it would be anticipated there would be ups and downs, but an overall trajectory of striving to attain.
Humbled/exalted ↔︎ Exalted/humbled
Please see some shades of connection between this word and the idea of “dance.”
- The full cognate permutation definition I came up with for כל was “measure of striving to attain/cycle” or you might say “cyclic”
- Hopefully you see the connection between “cycle” and “measure of striving (to attain).” It may be most easily seen in the cycle of seasons, as the plants strive to attain the production of seeds or fruit, and this goes on repetitively. Droughts may come which have an impact on the measure of striving to attain. Mankind tends to establish remedies such as agricultural techniques: fertilizers, weed control, irrigation.
- We see it also in human striving, in relationships, etc. We definitely tend to go in cycles – there are times when we work hard, striving to attain closeness – and times when we tend to become complacent. Institutions such as marriage are established to provide stability for descendants through the cycles. Communication, its expression and its restraint, its “hearing/being understood” are the fertilizers, weed control, and irrigation of human relationships. (You will see expression and restraint below, in the עת/עד/את investigation.
- The idea of “all” as a goal of something to strive for is unattainable – only God is “all.” Everything else is a measure of striving. And on Earth, it is cyclic. We set ourselves up for unattainable expectations if we seek “all.” Such expectations are the cause of frequent downfalls, for we are human. We must remember mercy and compassion. A more realistic goal is to set in ourselves the mark of “enough.” See the discussion of manna in Ex16; especially see verses 17 and 18. See also the Pesach/Passover discussion especially Ex12:3-10. “Enough.”
- “Enough” is a large topic I hope to tie in to this “Dance Series.” The importance in “enough” is in seeing it as “all that I need,” not “all that I want/desire,” which goes back to “the Fall” in the Garden. That is the measure of striving. There are multiple Hebrew words translated as “enough” in our English translations. Of note, both NKJV and ESV translate the word כל as “enough” in Genesis 33:11 (please read). This, indeed may be THE major result in Jacob’s wrestling with God and man, that he can now give away much of what he has attained since parting with his brother, recognizing he has “כל enough.” This is the only time כלis translated as “enough.” The most common word translated as “enough” in NKJV is רב, which means great or abundance. It is the word for “abundance” in verse 47:
Deuteronomy 28:45-47 NKJV
45 “Moreover all these curses shall come upon you and pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of the LORD your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you. 46 And they shall be upon you for a sign and a wonder, and on your descendants forever.
47 “Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything, (my emphasis)
- The meaning I derived in the cognate permutation investigation for בר/רב was (actualize/inhibit or facilitate/restrain).
This passage is one we may also investigate in the series. Note that כל appears twice here, as “all” and as “everything.” It colors our way of thinking SO much. Thinking “all” sets the stage for a “curse” mindset. (It is the “keeping up with the Joneses” mindset.) Looking at the world through an “Enough” mindset damps the extreme. With a pendulum, the swings are such that they tend to be equal. If you push your child on a swing, she comes back as far as you push her forward. When he is ready to stop swinging, your child stops pumping his legs. Maybe it is human nature to want to swing higher and higher. We must simply remember the Synthetic Grasp of Life (Post 14) – what goes up must come down. Equal and opposite reaction. We train ourselves through love of the LORD, and in no other way, to have joy in his provision, his cycles of facilitating and restraining. In desiring ecstasy we kill our opportunity for joy. Joy שמחה, in verse 47, is one of those words that includes a cognate permutation of the root for messiah משח; also מצא (h4672) is one of the words translated as “enough.” (See Nm11:22(twice); Josh17:16; Jg21:14).

את/עד/עת Cognate Permutations ❷🅑
“restrain/express (physical/emotional)”
This is the first doublet exploration I did, which, as you can see, was done on a spreadsheet. As noted in the discussion of כל, I have since refined my methods, making them in a more consistent and usable format, like the ones referred to in Appendices 9 and 10, sorting them into Cognate Groups. For this one, which was not organized that way, but simply in order of pages in EDBH, I have added at the bottom a listing of Cognate Groups.
My impression for an overall meaning is (restrain/express) [which would include both physical and emotional], but, please try your hand at it. There are many words involved, and as is often the case, covering a spectrum of meanings. Because of the “spectrum,” and considering some of the cognate meanings shown in the list at the bottom, one might see how they could fit in with “Dance.”
• אָת-sign.
• אֵת-(as such unrepresented in English – indicates direct object).
• אֵת-against, among, before, by, for, from, in(-to), (out) of, with. Often with another prepositional prefix.
- אֵת-coulter, plowshare.
GV אתת cut off [cut; penetrate]; p.19 אתה come [to someone]; p.6 אות communicate [project symbol to one’s intelligence]; ¿ no listing יאת entrance ? No DVs
h0859. אַתָּה ’aṯâ; or (shortened); אַתָּ ’atta; or אַת ’ath; feminine (irregular) sometimes אַתִּי ’attiy; plural masculine אַתֶּם ’attem; feminine אַתֶּן ’atten; or אַתֵּנָה ’attenah; or אַתֵּנָּה ’attennah; a primitive pronoun of the second person – occurs 54 times as את, according to BHS: Gn12:11, 12:13, 24:23, 24:47, 24:60, 39:9; Nm 5:20; Jg9:10, 9:12, 11:35, 13:3, 17:2; 1S25:33; 1K2:15, 2:22, 14:2, 14:6, 14:12; 2K4:7, 4:16, 4:23, 8:1; Is51:9, 51:10, 51:12; Jr2:20, 2:27, 3:1, 4:30, 13:21, 15:6, 48:7, 50:24; Ek16:7, 16:33, 16:45, 16:48, 16:52, 16:55, 16:58, 22:24, 23:35, 27:3; 36:13; Na3:11; Zh9:11; Pr7:4, 31:29; Rt3:9, 3:10, 3:11, 3:16; SS 6:4; Es4:14
CM אתת pierce (A31); אתה retain/relinquish (A57); אות constrain by external force (A2); (יאת no entry – would be bring together (C49))
H852. אָת ’āṯ: An Aramaic masculine noun meaning sign, miraculous sign. The word refers to the dreams and the personal humbling that Nebuchadnezzar had gone through as part of God’s righteous judgment on him (Dan. 4:2[3:32], 3[3:33]; 6:27[28]). These signs were communications and messages in various ways that communicated effectively to the king concerning his own life and the history of the world.
H852. אָת ’āṯ Aram. masc. noun
(sign, miraculous sign; corr. to Hebr. 226)
Dan. 4:2(3:32),3(3:33); 6:27(28).
H853. אֵת ’ēṯ: This particle points out the definite direct object in a biblical Hebrew sentence. It is usually not translatable. It is normally employed in Hebrew prose but may often be missing in Hebrew poetry. It occurs as ’eṯ, ’eṯ-, or ’ēṯ-. It may take pronominal suffixes, ’ôtı̄y, me; ’ôtkā, you, etc. (1 Sam. 8:7). Used before mı̄y, ’eṯ mı̄y, it indicates whom. In fact, it is able to point out any kind of accusative in a sentence (cf. 1 Kgs. 15:23). It is used thousands of times in the Old Testament.
H854. אֵת ’ēṯ: A preposition meaning with, against, near, among. It indicates closer proximity than the Hebrew ‘im (H5973). It may indicate together with, such as to walk with (2 Sam. 16:17) or simply bunched together, included with (Gen. 6:13; Judg. 1:3; 14:11). It is found often in the phrase “the people who were with him” (hā‘ām ’ašer ’ittô, Judg. 4:13; 7:1; 1 Sam. 14:20). It indicates one can walk with God as a friend (Gen. 5:22, 24). Verbs of fighting, striving, and similar verbs are followed often by ’ēṯ, with (Num. 20:13; Prov. 23:11; Isa. 45:9; 50:8). It is used to indicate location, e.g., near or at a place (Judg. 3:19; 4:11; 1 Kgs. 9:26). It also means near one’s person, care, or space, i.e., with me (Gen. 27:15; 30:29; Lev. 6:4[5:23]; 19:13). Coupled with min (H4480), from, it is used often to indicate from or away from proximity with (Gen. 25:10; 42:24; Ex. 25:2; Num. 17:2[17]). It can be used figuratively in this area to indicate rights, obligation, or special benefits from various persons (Gen. 47:22; Ex. 27:21; Num. 3:9; Deut. 18:3).
Hundreds of occurrences •••
H855. אֵת ’ēṯ: A masculine noun indicating a plowshare or mattock. It designates an iron farm implement (1 Sam. 13:20, 21). Plowshares would be beaten into swords in Joel’s picture of the coming day of the Lord (3:10[4:10]), but in the prophet Micah’s vision, this process is reversed (4:3).
H855. אֵת ’ēṯ masc. noun
(plowshare, mattock)
1 Sam. 13:20,21; Isa. 2:4; Joel 3:10(4:10); Mic. 4:3.
Page | Root | Primary Definitions | CM |
1 | אבד | Lose valuable possession | Constrain by external force |
2 | אגד | Combine; tie together | Restrain |
3 | אדב | Pain; distress | Impact suddenly |
3 | אדם | Be earthly and solid | Control |
4 | אדן | Sustain; provide base | Rely and gratify |
4 | אדר | Exert power and status | Protect/penetrate |
4 | אוד | Effect results; set into motion | Constrain by external force |
6 | אות | Communicate; project symbol to one’s intelligence | Constrain by external force |
7 | אחד | Being one | None listed – would be like תהה confuse |
8 | אטד | Penetrate | Pervade |
8 | אטט | Slow | Pierce |
8 | אטם | Close; seal | Control |
8 | אטן | Luxuriate in fancy clothes | Rely and gratify |
8 | אטר | Close off | Protect/project |
14 | אפד | Gird; hold in entire body | Constrain by external force |
17 | אשד | Pour down | Abound/lack |
19 | אשת | Hide | Abound/lack |
19 | אתה | Come to someone | Retain/relinquish |
19 | אתן | Be reliable and strong | Rely/gratify |
19 | אתק | Protrude | Separate |
19 | אתר | Spy a particular area | Protect/project |
19 | אתת | Cut; penetrate | Pierce |
20 | בדא | Fabricate; create untruths | React to externals |
21 | בדה | Exaggerate | React to externals |
21 | בהט | Compact; densify | Act positively/negatively |
25 | בטא | Express; speak rashly | React to externals |
25 | בטה | Speak | React to externals |
25 | בטח | Trust | React to externals |
28 | בעד | Exclude others | Act positively/negatively |
29 | בעט | Scorn | Act positively/negatively |
29 | בעת | Terrify | Act positively/negatively |
33 | בתה | Destroy; lay waste | React to externals |
36 | גדה | Separate; divide | Acquire/cast off |
36 | גדע | Chop off; cut off | Acquire/cast off |
45 | דאב | Feel pain | Feel distress |
45 | דאג | Worry; fear | Pressure |
45 | דאה | Hover to and fro | Move aimlessly |
45 | דבא | Weaken | Press to expand/weaken |
47 | דדא | Sway | Move haltingly |
47 | דדה | Lurch | Move haltingly |
47 | דהב | Distress | Feel distress |
47 | דהם | Confuse | Clarify/confuse |
47 | דהר | Appear in motion | Improve/impair |
48 | דוה | Feel ill; have emotional pain | Press to expand/weaken |
48 | דוח | Scrub | Press to expand/weaken |
49 | דחה | Push away | Move aimlessly |
49 | דחח | Press down | Press harmfully (should be same as דחה) |
49 | דחן | Grind | Press down |
49 | דחף | Pressure | Feel distressed |
49 | דחק | Press | Pressure |
50 | דיה | Suffice; limit | Strengthen/weaken |
50 | דכא | Crush | Strengthen/weaken |
50 | דכה | Humble | Strengthen/weaken |
51 | דלה | Raise pendulously | Move in an asymmetrical pattern |
51 | דלח | Muddy; roil | Move in an asymmetrical pattern |
51 | דמה | Resemble | Lose independence |
52 | דמע | Weep; shed tears | Lose independence |
52 | דעך | Extinguish | Pressure |
52 | דפה | Fault; have blemish | Press to expand/weaken |
53 | דרא | Abhor | Be unsettled |
54 | דשא | Grow; sprout | Increase/decrease |
56 | הדד | Shout; raise voices | Pierce |
56 | הדה | Stretch | Retain/relinquish |
56 | הדך | Destroy; knock down | Separate |
56 | הדם | Sustain elevated object | Control |
56 | הדס | Grow | Expand strongly |
57 | הדף | Thrust; push a superfluous object | Impact suddenly |
57 | הדר | Distinguish; project power | Protect/project |
57 | הוד | Praise | Constrain by external force |
61 | התת | Frighten; strike terror | Pierce |
73 | חבת | Be low and submissive | Constrain by external force |
74 | חדד | Sharpen | Pierce |
74 | חדה | Rejoice | Retain/relinquish |
74 | חדל | Limit; refrain from activity | Restrict movement |
74 | חדק | Cut into | Separate |
74 | חדר | Enclose | Protect/project |
74 | חדש | Renew | Expand strongly |
75 | חוד | Puzzle; present obscure ideas | Constrain by external force |
75 | חוט | Fasten; tie | Constrain by external force |
77 | חות | Fear | Constrain by external force |
78 | חטא | Remove from source of life; sin | Retain/relinquish |
78 | חטב | Hew; cut down in order to remove from forest | Impact suddenly |
78 | חטה | Remove from source of life; sin | Retain/relinquish |
78 | חטם | Muzzle; control | Control |
78 | חטף | Grab; take hold and remove | Impact suddenly |
78 | חטר | Grow quickly; shoot up | Protect/project |
80 | חלד | Be transitory | Grab and hold |
80 | חלט | Firm up; grab and hold | Grab and hold |
82 | חמד | Covet; value and desire | Determine degree of motion |
82 | חמט | Crawl on the ground | Determine degree of motion |
83 | חנט | Enclose | Wrap |
84 | חסד | Devote oneself entirely; give oneself to needs | Abound/restrain |
88 | חרד | Energize; move quickly | Act forcefully |
89 | חרט | Chisel; engrave writing | Act forcibly |
90 | חרת | Engrave; penetrate hard material | Act forcefully |
92 | חתה | Remove from a source | Retain/relinquish |
92 | חתך | Cut; finalize decree | Separate |
92 | חתל | Bandage to restrict/limit movement | Restrict movement |
92 | חתם | Seal | Control |
92 | חתן | Relate; tie together for mutual satisfaction | Rely and gratify |
92 | חתף | Snatch; grab quickly | Impact suddenly |
93 | חתר | Penetrate forcefully | Protect/project |
93 | חתת | Break physically/emotionally | Pierce |
94 | טבח | Slaughter; slay | Press to expand/weaken |
94 | טהר | Purify; free from foreign elements | Improve/impair |
94 | טוא | Sweep; clear away | Press to expand/weaken |
95 | טוה | Spin together | Press to expand/weaken |
95 | טוח | Cover | Press to expand/weaken |
95 | טחה | Distance | Move aimlessly |
96 | טחח | Smear | Press harmfully (should be same as טחה) |
96 | טחן | Crush | Press down |
96 | טחר | Impair health | Improve/impair |
96 | טלה | Weaken | Move in an asymmetrical manner |
96 | טמא | Contaminate | Lose independence |
97 | טמה | Ruin completely | Lose independence |
97 | טנא | Offer; bestow | Present |
97 | טעה | Wander | Move aimlessly |
97 | טעם | Reason; establish judgment | Clarify/confuse |
97 | טען | Burden | Press down |
97 | טפח | Widen by flattening | Press to expand/weaken |
98 | טרה | Fester | Be unsettled |
98 | טרח | Burden; trouble | Be unsettled |
101 | ידה | Cast; project upward | Acquire/cast off |
101 | ידע | Acquire knowledge; know | Acquire/cast off |
101 | יהד | Praise (judaize) | Bring together |
102 | יחד | Unite | Bring together |
106 | יעד | Arrange; set specifics | Bring together |
106 | יעט | Cover | Bring together |
112 | יתא | Project | Acquire/cast off |
113 | יתח | Catapult | Acquire/cast off |
117 | כחד | Conceal; cease existence | Bring together |
127 | לאט | Cover; secret | Cover completely |
129 | להט | Blaze extensively; glow intensely | Cover completely |
131 | לטא | Cover | Protect/destroy |
131 | לטה | Cover | Protect/destroy |
132 | לעט | Swallow greedily | Cover completely |
133 | לתח | Store | Protect/destroy |
134 | לתע | Destroy | Protect/destroy |
135 | מאד | Have resources | Have/have not |
142 | מעד | Waver; move with uncertainty | Have/have not |
145 | מתה | Live on | Prolong |
145 | מתח | Spread; stretch | Prolong |
146 | נאד | Separate liquids | Contain |
149 | נדה | Distance | Establish/separate |
149 | נדח | Remove completely | Establish/separate |
154 | נחת | Lower | Contain |
155 | נטה | Spread over surface; deviate | Establish/separate |
155 | נטע | Plant; set firmly in place | Establish/separate |
164 | נתח | Sever; cut up | Establish/separate |
164 | נתע | Break | Establish/separate |
167 | סדה | Produce crops for sustenance | Search for sustenance |
170 | סטה | Stray from the correct path | Search for sustenance |
173 | סעד | Support; fortify | Support/undermine |
176 | סתה | Change | Search for sustenance |
178 | עבד | Work subject to another’s will | Constrain by external force |
179 | עבת | Tie in order to strengthen | Constrain by external force |
179 | עדד | Tear off pieces | Pierce |
180 | עדה | Decorate; adorn | Retain/relinquish |
180 | עדן | Delight; satisfy all needs | Rely and gratify |
180 | עדף | Exceed beyond need | Impact suddenly |
180 | עדר | Separate into groups; enclose units | Protect/project |
180 | עדש | Grow | Expand strongly |
180 | עוד | Endure; continue | Constrain by external force |
181 | עוט | Pounce | Constrain by external force |
183 | עות | Divert from proper goal | Constrain by external force |
183 | עטה | Separate out by covering; remove | Retain/relinquish |
184 | עטט | Cut; dig with a tool | Pierce |
184 | עטן | Be delicate | Rely and gratify |
184 | עטף | Envelop; separate | Impact suddenly |
184 | עטר | Surround and separate out | Protect/project |
184 | עוש | Sneeze | Expand strongly |
186 | עלט | Darken | Grab and hold |
187 | עמד | Stand in preparation to act | Determine degree of motion |
187 | עמת | Stand opposite | Determine degree of motion |
188 | ענד | Wrap | Wrap |
190 | עצד | Strike down | Abound/lack |
191 | עקד | Bind; tie together | Restrain |
192 | ערד | Be wild and reckless | Act forcefully |
195 | עשת | Firm up; strengthen | Abound/lack |
195 | עתד | Prepare thoroughly | Pervade |
195 | עתם | Darken | Control |
195 | עתק | Move; transfer by force | Separate |
195 | עתר | Entreat; press strongly to a goal | Protect/project |
195 | עתת | Time; set a firm hour | Pierce |
196 | פאת | Access; open up | Act positively/negatively |
197 | פדה | Liberate; extract from control | React to externals |
197 | פדע | Save | React to externals |
199 | פחד | Fear impending danger | Act positively/negatively |
200 | פחת | Diminish; deepen | Act positively/negatively |
209 | פתא | Surprise; be unprepared | React to externals |
209 | פתה | Open; be receptive to new ideas | React to externals |
209 | פתח | Open | React to externals |
210 | פתע | Surprise; act without concern for consequence | React to externals |
212 | צדה | Focus; target | Search for sustenance |
219 | צעד | Stride forward firmly | Support/undermine |
224 | קדה | Bow deeply from erect position | Acquire/cast off |
224 | קדח | Kindle | Acquire/cast off |
239 | רדה | Dominate; humble to another’s control | Control |
240 | רהט | Enclose; hold together | Have/lose control |
243 | רטה | Press; push down | Control |
246 | רעד | Tremble | Have/lose control |
250 | רתח | Boil; foam | Control |
252 | שאט | Scourge; despoil | Support/undermine |
256 | שדה | Produce nourishment | Search for sustenance |
259 | שחד | Bribe; corrupt ethical stance | Support/undermine |
259 | שחט | Focus sharply to effect change | Make/interrupt progress |
260 | שחת | Corrupt; degenerate irreversibly | Support/undermine |
261 | שטח | Spread out | Search for sustenance |
267 | שעט | Pound | Support/undermine |
272 | שתה | Flow; move in particular direction | Search for sustenance |
272 | שתע | Fear | Search for sustenance |
274 | שׂדה | Produce food; sustain | Search for sustenance |
274 | שׂהד | Corroborate; support | Support/undermine |
276 | שׂחט | Press | Support/undermine |
276 | שׂטה | Deviate from | Search for sustenance |
283 | תאב | Yearn; worry over absence | Feel distress |
283 | תאה | Extend; mark direction between two places | Move aimlessly |
283 | תאם | Fit; conform | Clarify/confuse |
283 | תאן | Press together | Press down |
283 | תאר | Harmonize | Improve/impair |
285 | תחת | Place below | (No cognates listed) would be like חתת pierce |
287 | תעב | Abominate; cause revulsion | Feel distress |
287 | תעה | Stray without rest | Move aimlessly |
287 | תעע | Cheat | Press harmfully – should be same as תעה |
287 | תפה | Punish | Press to expand/weaken |
288 | תקע | Force into permanent place | Strengthen/weaken |
288 | תרח | Waver | Be unsettled |
289 | תשע | Decrease | Increase/decrease |
(deep emotion/with)
[maybe restrain/express emotion +/- “deep”]
- There are Scriptural two-letter words in this group with the following meanings, using BDB definitions:
(Untranslated marker of direct object), with, fresh water, gentleness, farming implement, thunder, one, time, sharp, terror, stylus, long time, until, spoil, witness, knowledge, chamber
Cognate Groups:
constrain by external force (A2)
restrain (A9)
impact suddenly (A16)
control (A17)
rely and gratify (A18)
protect/penetrate (A19) protect/project
being one (no cognates listed)
pervade (A30)
pierce (A31)
abound/lack (A55) abound/restrain
retain/relinquish (A57)
separate (A58)
expand strongly (A60)
restrict movement (A62)
grab and hold (A63)
determine degree of motion (A64)
wrap (A66)
act forcefully (A67) act forcibly
react to externals (B5)
act positively/negatively (B10)
have/have not (B48)
prolong (B73)
acquire/cast off (C10)
bring together (C49)
feel distress (D1)
pressure (D2)
move aimlessly (D3) press harmfully (D22) – should be combined
press to expand/weaken (D4)
move haltingly (D14)
clarify/confuse (D15)
improve/impair (D16)
press down (D23)
move in an asymmetrical pattern (D27)
lose independence (D30)
be unsettled (D35)
increase/decrease (D39)
present (D40)
cover completely (D43)
protect/destroy (D53)
contain (D56)
establish/separate (D74)
search for sustenance (E39)
support/undermine (E50) make/interrupt progress
have/lose control (E82)
place below (no cognates listed)
For את/עד/עת cognate permutations, there are 229 roots listed on the spreadsheet.
These are distilled into 45 cognate groups, but with three having duplicate meanings in EDBH, we look at 48 definitions.
My tendency at the point of having re-looked at it, with these 48 cognate meanings, recently listed, is (restrain/express) [which would include both physical and emotional]. Perhaps you may also be able to see how a Dance is exactly this, the combination of expression and restraint, with both physical and emotional aspects.
We will look more at the usage of these doublets in the “Dance Series,” but I just wanted you to see the background work so you understand the process.
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