Psalms 91:1
1 Dwelling in the secret place of the Most High
Under the shadow of the Almighty abides יתלונן.
Psalms 91:1
1 יֹ֭שֵׁב בְּסֵ֣תֶר עֶלְיֹ֑ון בְּצֵ֥ל שַׁ֝דַּ֗י יִתְלוֹנָֽן׃
- Note Strongs does not include a root לנו, and lists the root for abide here as h3885. לוּן lûn; or לִין liyn; a primitive root; to stop (usually over night); by implication, to stay permanently. They are definitely of the same family, but perhaps this allows us to explore a very important passage, in understanding how one may study the Hebrew Scriptures.

Remember מ↔︎נ

In verse 2, the single word fitting לנן cognate permutations is לימינו “in his right hand.”
In verse 5 the single word מלפני, I put as “from the presence.” A more inclusive definition for the מ: p.299 “that which emanates from an object or person.” For לפני, see Appendix 3. – BDB לפני (lipnê). Scan down to the underlined definition in theTWOT, “in the presence of.” So in truth, combining them, “that which emanates from ^ in the presence of the ruler.” For English translations, you would probably see “being” added between the “from” and the “in,” where I placed the ^. Thus “that which emanates from (being) in the presence of the ruler.”
And still in verse 5, “ruler” is h7989. שַׁלִּיט šaliyṭ:
▸ h7989. שַׁלִּיט šaliyṭ; from h7980. שָׁלַט šâlaṭ; potent; concretely, a prince or warrior: — governor, mighty, that hath power, ruler.
AV (4) – governor 1, mighty 1, that hath power 1, ruler 1;
having mastery, domineering, master
having mastery
ruler (subst)
domineering, imperious
▸ h7980. שָׁלַט šâlaṭ; a primitive root; to dominate, i.e. govern; by implication, to permit: — (bear, have) rule, have dominion, give (have) power.
AV (8) – rule 4, give power 3, dominion 1;
to domineer, exercise power over, dominate, have mastery, be master, lord it over
(Qal) to domineer, lord it over, become master
to give power of
to get mastery of

Do not be tempted by “laziness” (verse 18) to assume that every time you see the word “armor,” for example, to think it is from this root שלט. A great example is when Saul loans his armor to David before David is to go fight Goliath (1Samuel17:38-39). There, armor is h4055. מַד maḏ, often translated as “garment,” but obviously a “measure דם” word. David does not use them because he has not “tested” (h5254. נָסָה nâsâ) them. (I’ll not go further with this here, and get off course, but please see that, using the מ ↔︎ נ understanding (see Appendix 5 ● Where מ reflects נ ●) and our many discussions of this previously, that נסה, to test, prove, or assay, [נסה p.157 prove; challenge] is a cognate of p.144 משח separate out, the root for משיח, Moshiach, Messiah, one who meets the challenge). This is a necessary part of the Messiah road, the “proving.”
Here is another critical warning about how to use the Hebrew language. Not in laziness, for “In laziness sinks the building” [v.18]. Please allow me to explain. The word “building” here in v.18 is מקרה, the root קרה. (By the way, connect with the parable in Mt7:24-27.) We talked in Blog 46. קרא קרה קורה of calling and tree trunks. Let’s expand on that more, here, now before going further. Using the homorganic consonants, remember that י and ק will have similar meanings. We therefore must point out that ירה p.110 cast; shoot;; limit activity (C40) and ירא p.110 fear; call to constant attention;; limit activity (C40) are included in this idea of “the building.” ירא is the commonly-referred-to, “fear of God.” This is the additional warning here (and connecting to the tree discussions) that the use of the techniques shared here without the Fear ירא of God, without the Calling קרא of God, will be disastrous.
In addition (and hopefully a future blog will cover this) aroma (as in the sweet aroma to the LORD of the offerings) ריח, p.244 separate particles. Note it is of the family of רוח, which is wind and spirit.

These understandings in using the Hebrew language should only be used by those who have in them firmly entrenched the ירא Fear of the LORD (יהוה) your God, which again is to say “calling to constant attention the LORD your God.” Realize the LORD (יהוה) your God is constantly in your presence, or rather that you are constantly in his Presence, and using his language to build towers to oneself, like Babel, leads to scattering, dispersion Genesis11:4-9. (See 1Samuel12:14; 2Samuel7:12-14; 1Kings2:1-4, 8:25; Psalm132:12 – the reason for the current diaspora of the Hebrew people is precisely that Solomon/Shlomo, though fully aware, went after other gods. 1Kings11:4-13, and following with his son Rehoboam 1Kings12.) The use of the roots (of the words and the trees) in order to grow branches and leaves (the words) must only be used with the Fear of the LORD your God, lest there will be a scattering, a confusion. Warning! Do not build your Tower for your own purposes. Once again, I share with you, the name of this writer appears nowhere on this website so there would be no chance of a personal “following.” One who might be able to provide any guidance must of needs be a servant.
See verse 9, which has no “abiding” or “dwelling” לנן word in it. When we “abide,” we have a real tendency to get complacent, and the result of complacency is laziness. Laziness can be seen in the complacency of our marriages, getting so used to the same person every day that we no longer work on our relationships. Laziness and complacency when faced with the storms of life lead to a great fall. This applies, obviously, as well to remembering the instruction of God, remembering NOT to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. The LORD judges Good and Evil. We are but to follow his daily guidance in our lives given by honest witnesses (which cannot be discerned in laziness, letting some Idiot Box tell you what to believe). Occurrences in your life are the LORD speaking to you. If you are having difficulty in discerning their meaning, the Word of God is an honest witness to help you interpret. Turn to that Word, not to worship it, but to use it as a confirming witness. You shall have no other gods before the LORD (יהוה). Recall “the greatest commandment:” Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Mark12:29-31; Luke10:27.
סכן entry for v.9

Pay attention! Be mindful! Complacency is as destructive as, and walks beside, thinking only of ourselves, making a name for ourselves. The idea of סכן and why it is both directing attention in the benefitting sense and in the endangering sense is where that attention is directed. ירא fear/focus attention on the LORD (יהוה) your God. Establish a presence in your life with the LORD. Oh, and by the way, do you see the listed cognate שכן, the root for משכן the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, of which we have spoken many times? The place where the LORD chooses to live with us, full of consequences, and yet an “opportunity” to be bright, to shine our light.
Referring back to שלט, be very careful in ones to whom you give control שלט of your life. (Matthew19:17; Mark10:18; Luke18:19)
In looking for witnesses in your life, Parables are very strong, especially those based upon Hebraic principles. Think of this, the word dark/darkness is חשך, seen first in Genesis 1:2. It is as p.299 “The ש establishes facts as to what is or what should be” + חך. The permutation of חך is כח, the word for power (family p.117 כחח exert power [be able to act]; p.116 כוח strengthen; p.103 יכח admonish [convince]; p.156 נכח oppose [relate] No DVs
CM כחח increase/reduce (C15); כוח concentrate/focus (C3); יכח weaken (C47); נכחaffect physically (D69)).
You might recognize this statement from a modern Parable, “Luke, you don’t know the power כח of the dark חשך side.” (In many of the Star Wars movies.) And in typical Hebraic fashion, one might flip the order (permutate) – “Luke, you don’t know the dark חשך side of power כח.” Luke did, indeed, come to know the dark side of power, BUT saw beyond that in the more recent episode “The Rise of Skywalker.” Solomon, I believe, also came to know this. Did he get lazy/complacent?
We will pick up לנו and לימינו again (hopefully next time), but please remember the requirements. If you have no fear of God in you, you should not be on this website.
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