In the Greek Testament lies a clue, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.” The Teacher taught for three years and then submitted his efforts to God before completion. With you he left a spirit to guide you the remaining three, until you recognize the time to curtail whatever is your purposeful activity, your “striving to attain,” and to submit it to God. It is the LORD (יהוה) who sets the measure, דם, not mankind.
In my journey I have seen many witnesses who have had that recognition. It is a great relief to perceive that the burden falls on no one individual, but many. Look for the witnesses all around you. They come in the most unexpected places. Observe closely.
Not that I am anything like the Teacher, but I have come to that point where I do recognize that I have taken you to the point, a step along the way in the scavenger hunt/the race/the journey, where you need a real teacher in the area I have been sharing, to benefit from that spirit of guidance within you and the Word of the LORD to “do the work.” It is only in the six days of labor that the Sabbath comes. My journey will continue: I know not yet its direction.
Much has been shared here to this point; there is much more for us all to learn. May I say once again that God’s Way is not man’s way. The Tower of Babel is not the way (which seems to be the way we tend toward, to make a name for ourselves). Building ourselves up is not the way. Reliance upon God is the Way; submission. My blessings to you through the twists and turns.
Passover/Pesach is almost upon us. One never knows what a new year will bring. Learn from the journey••• Rely on the only One who knows the way…
- Pesach is:

Recall that bread לחם is first seen in Genesis 3:19, and its root is:
לחם p.131 struggle for existence;; cm struggle for essentials (D45). It is this that we ask for in our request in Matthew 6:11 and Luke 11:3. It is by way of our daily bread that we grow, ourselves, closer to the LORD.

Our journey is long and winding. I shared before “The Doctrine of the Road” before, from our headmaster (in Blog 105). I wrote this entry a few days ago with one intent in mind, but have let it rest for a time. What I’ve been shown since as I’ve lived life and read the Word, having a few more twists and turns, has led to modifications. Hopefully there is a message in it for you, as there has been for me.
May your struggles be of the right measure. And may the LORD guide both you and me in our walk. Some things stay the same and some things change. (Gn8:22) What the year ahead brings only One knows. Maybe rain, maybe drought. Rest assured it is for our good.
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