Blog 127. Making a Point

Blog 128. Submit to God; Complete שבע —- Curtail Activity Before Completion שבת
Blog 126. Warning! Warning!

This entry is not intended to be advertising for AlephBeta, which is a website that I use as a reference It is a link for a particular podcast I would like you to listen to. It takes about a half hour. There may be something asking you to join. That is not my purpose. The purpose here is to serve as another witness, both for the most recent entry (Blog 126. Warning Warning) and for much of what should be seen as an ongoing theme in Scripture, so pay particular note to the idea of looking at things from different perspectives, in particular here, from God’s perspective and from mankind’s perspective.

There are many other good thoughts on the podcast as well, not just that one point. The podcast is free. You can click the Spotify connection to hear it if you don’t have another podcast subscription service.

Ⓒ Copyright LogAndSpeck March 2023


Blog 128. Submit to God; Complete שבע —- Curtail Activity Before Completion שבת
Blog 126. Warning! Warning!

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