Blog 110. Sharing with Others

Blog 111. Press / Release
Blog 109. Gershom גרשם

This is extremely short, though, if you are able to listen to the podcast it is about 17 minutes.

NOVEMBER 22, 2022 – Toldot: Who Cares About Isaac’s Wells? | Aleph Beta

I listened to this today, after having posted Blog 109 yesterday. It is always good to have another witness.

I will not belabor things here. I will say that the podcast may only be free for a few weeks. Basically, what it reminded me of, as I was listening, is that it is not just the material things that we surround ourselves with that we are expected to share, but all of our blessings – our gifts, our talents. We have been given these by God to share with the world. We are not to hoard them, but to use them to bless others.

That’s it for today. Blessings!

Ⓒ copyright LogAndSpeck November 27, 2022. Please cite if copying.

Blog 111. Press / Release
Blog 109. Gershom גרשם

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