Investigating the word אמר, as to what further depth of meaning we might get:
In the Greek Scriptures, g3056. λόγος logos, refers to two common Hebrew words, אמר and דבר. We will investigate them both, using these newfound tools we’ve been using recently.
First, a quick peek at two families that include some permutation of אמר:
• מַר-[phrase] angry, bitter(-ly, -ness), chafed, discontented, [idiom] great, heavy.
• מַר-drop.
• מֹר-myrrh.
h4751. מַר mar; or (feminine) מָרָה marah; from h4843. מָרַר mârar
GV p.144 מרר arouse [bitterness]; p.143 מרה oppose; p.143 מרא expand [enlarge]; p.137 מור exchange; p.105 ימר exchange; ¿ p.157 נמר spotting?
DV אמר – p.144 מרר arouse [bitterness]; p.143 מרה oppose; p.137 מור exchange > p.12 אמר organize speech to be heard and understood
DV המר – p.144 מרר arouse [bitterness]; p.143 מרה oppose; p.137 מור exchange > p.60 המר heap
DV מהר – p.144 מרר arouse [bitterness]; p.143 מרה oppose; p.137 מור exchange > p.136 מהר hasten to act, usually to cement a relationship
DV מאר – p.144 מרר arouse [bitterness]; p.143 מרה oppose > p.135 מאר perforate; destroy
CM (מרר none listed); מרה and מרא spread (B69); (מור none listed); ימר effect change (C33); (נמר none listed); אמר and המר bring together (A42); מאר and מהר move in directed manner (B51)
•רָם-Ram. See also בֵּית הָרָם [Bêyth hâ-Râm].
h7410. רָם râm; active participle of h7311. רוּם rûm; Ruth 4:19; 1 Chr. 2:9. 1 Chr. 2:25,27. Job 32:2.
GV p.245 רמם raise [from low level]; p.245 רמה hurl [up in a targeted fashion]; p.241 רום elevate [for exalted goal]
DV ארם – p.245 רמם raise [from low level]; p.241 רום elevate [for exalted goal] > p.17 ארם rise – there is a h1027. בֵּית הָרָם ḇêyṯ hârâm; from h1004. בַּיִת ḇayiṯ and h7311. רוּם rûm with the article interposed (Strong’s)
DV ראם – p.245 רמם raise [from low level]; p.241 רום elevate [for exalted goal] > p.237 ראם be high; elevate No other DVs
CM (רמם none); רמה cast (E88); (רום none); ארם combine/separate (A53); ראםcause/restrain extreme movement (E64)
Now, realizing that each three-letter root would have 3 factorial (3x2x1) possible rearrangements, we anticipate six different orderings of the consonants, so those a grouped here in that fashion. Then, within the ordering groups, the homorganic consonant substitutions are made. It will make sense when you look at it. Of course, not all combinations are actual roots.
אמר p.12 (organize speech to be heard and understood) bring together (A42)
המר p.60 (heap) bring together (A42)
חמר p.83 (heap; collect into a single place) bring together (A42)
עמר p.187 (collect) bring together (A42)
ארם p.17 (rise) combine/separate (A53)
חרם p.89 (segregate; keep separate) combine/separate (A53)
ערם p.192 (collect; combine for future use) combine/separate (A53)
מאר p.135 (perforate; destroy) move in directed manner (B51)
מהר p.136 (hasten to act; usually to cement a relationship) move in directed
manner (B51)
מחר p.139 (barter; exchange) move in directed manner (B51)
מער p.142 (hollow out) move in directed manner (B51)
מרא p.143 (expand; enlarge) spread (B69)
מרה p.143 (oppose) spread (B69)
מרח p.143 (smear) spread (B69)
ראם p.237 (be high; elevate) cause/restrain extreme movement (E64)
רהם (no entry) increase
- רהם in modern Hebrew is only a Name, Rahm
רחם p.243 (protect from harm) cause/restrain extreme movement (E64)
רעם p.246 (shake violently; thunder) cause/restrain extreme movement (E64)
רמה p.245 (hurl up in a targeted fashion) cast (E88)
רמח p.245 (throw) cast (E88) רמח
bring together (A42)
combine/separate (A53)
move in directed manner (B51)
spread (B69)
cause/restrain extreme movement (E64)
cast (E88)
See C33 effect change – גמר conclude; ימר exchange; כמר excite emotion
My efforts are to try to do as EDBH has done with their definitions and cognate meanings, to look at similarities among usages and come up with a word or phrase that can describe the spectrum of meaning, realizing the spectrum may include both extremes. Here is my thought for this root. Please go through the exercise yourself to see what you might come up with, as you look at all the roots above.
→ Direct movement ←
Since there were no pictures in this short entry, I add one for my friend David, who likes pictures. Sharing a memory of the beloved leaders of a very special “house.” Some of you will know these people, others not. They have made a difference in our world.

We will also look at the other common word for “word” in the Hebrew Scriptures, which is דבר, and go through the same process.
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