
This website is about Scripture, meaning the “Holy Bible.”  It is intended to demonstrate that Scripture is a revelation of life.  And the website’s method is to share tools for understanding the revealing so that you can better understand it.

The website is not about teaching doctrine.  If you are looking for a website that will teach you one sort of doctrine or another, there are plenty out there.  If, at any time you as the reader feel the author is speaking doctrine, please reply in a comment so that the issue can be considered.

There will be very little here about the website’s writer specifically because the message is not about the writer or the writer’s beliefs.  So that the reader may have some assurance that there is something other than personal opinion stated here, a few facts will be stated.  (                      However, your greatest reassurance as to whether what is shared contains truth, will be to check it out yourself in Scripture.  Opinions of men are opinions of men.  Scripture is inspired by God, which means it will be the authority.

This writer is nearing the seventh decade of life.  He holds two doctorate degrees, one in a scientific field in which he worked for many years, and one in the study of the Scriptures. but lest the reader think the writer is an academic, he certainly is not (in spite of the schooling). When I read “religious books” with a lot of technical jargon, I cannot understand the concepts. I am much more a “hands-on” kind of person, and found my role in my previous career and now being more of one to try to take complicated things and make them more simple in order to communicate to others.  Perhaps that is why I connect so well with the Hebrew language (more about that in an upcoming Post on Hebrew Thought).  Not that there will be no complex issues brought out, but hopefully they will be understandable.  Please comment if you need more explanation. 

The writer’s instruction has been from a wide variety of teachers, from many doctrinal backgrounds, including Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish. Undoubtedly some of what is shared here will seem foreign to some who have been used to one specific doctrinal approach.  The hope is to reach out to those of all backgrounds. The goal is simply to show you how to figure it out for yourself.  That is, “work out your own salvation.”  Our Abba speaks to each of us individually through Scripture at the very center of where we are living our lives.  If we are not digging into Scripture for guidance, we wander aimlessly (Ref: Deuteronomy 28:29-31 and context; see also Gn. 21:14; Ex. 14:3; Ps. 107:39-42; Pr. 5:1-6; Jr. 2:22-25; John 11:9-10; 1Co 9:24-27.

Philippians 2:12-13 ESV

12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.       (emphasis added – references: Psalm 2:7-12; Philippians 4:4-7; Hebrews 12:28)

Psalms 74:12 ESV

12 Yet God my King is from of old,
working salvation in the midst of the land.                     (Ref: Psalm 44:4)

This writer’s life experience, his training, and the “nudging” of a very persistent Abba have led him to share this information.  The website was created five years ago and began with entries over several months that (as the writer now looks back on it) were more focused on weaving together a vision based upon the blend of the writer’s background (science + Scripture), which he still believes is true, but was very much a one-person viewpoint.  The old content is being removed and a new beginning is here. Reader, please help keep this writer honest.

A strict adherence to a few principles will be used here. The first is remaining true to the wording of Scripture; the second, having multiple witnesses to establish a truth; and finally, a reliance upon an understanding that the Scriptures were written in a context of life very different from today’s, which means rather than saying it is not applicable, we must work to understand the original context in order that it may be applied to our lives.  The guidance is timeless.

The Bible school this writer attended, when pressed by others to come up with a “Statement of Faith,” came up with this:

1 – We believe every Letter

2 – We believe every Word

3 – We believe every Sentence

4 – We believe every Verse

5 – We believe every Chapter

6 – We believe every Book

7 – Of the entire Bible

The words shared here should reflect that Statement. That does not mean that I will not point out concerns that I have in Bible translations and teachers. Indeed I will. Thus, this statement is not to say here that the current form of our Scriptures is “infallible,” but that it is Inspired, and when initially written in original language was fully trustworthy, that is Truth. Definitions will come later. The biggest hope here is to get the reader to read the Bible, using techniques shared here, with a heart that is open to hear God speak to you through Scripture as it relates to your life.

Most entries will be from the dissertation done in pursuit of my doctorate, which is copywrited. Please cite this website if you share material. © Jan 2018