14. Synthetic Grasp of Life

You may have gathered that this topic was put off until there was some more basic understanding, thus it is a good sign that you are making progress in having learned many of the basics and are now moving to a bit higher level.  Some foundational understanding was necessary prior to this topic, but it …

13. Poetry in Scripture

It would be a huge understatement to say that during the past forty to fifty years, the understanding of Hebrew poetry has undergone an explosion. The study of Hebrew poetry itself is a rapidly evolving field, contributed to by the advent of the overall “historical-critical” method of Scripture study that Ratzinger discussed, and that has …

12. Levels of Meaning

Having noted there are “levels of meaning,” the entire focus of this chapter is to let you know that people have tried to categorize and understand what different levels of meaning in Scripture are, and define them distinctly. No doubt they are a lot more educated on the subject than is this writer. We will …

11. More on Words & Names

The reader has probably already surmised that the writer believes that word study may be the most beneficial aspect in understanding what YHWH wants to teach us through Scripture, for those of us who didn’t grow up with the language. Looking at the original language and respectfully questioning [checking and double-checking] how words have been …

10. Keywords

One simple and obvious use of the word “Keyword” is repetitive use of a word in a passage, which was discussed previously. An example would be Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, having 176 verses. The ESV inserts a topical title for that Psalm based on verse 105, “Your word is a lamp …

09. Figures of Speech

The term Figures of Speech covers a very large territory [that in itself is a figure of speech – it doesn’t literally cover a large piece of land]. A classical rhetorician may roll her/his eyes at the “loose” use of terminology here, as there will not be a strict categorization of types of figures of …

08. Emphasis / Repetition

Strauch’s next point in his listing of some of the most basic tools is to look for a major theme in a passage by observing repetitive words or phrases in the passage under study. We will look at a number of aspects of repetition in this chapter, not just repetitive words and phrases, but repetition …

07. Resources and Grammar

Here we will touch on some thoughts from Strauch’s video, where he suggests having as references good study Bible, with a more literal translation, and a concordance. First, let’s look at those specific ideas listed in the outline: • A more literal translation • A good study Bible • A concordance Strauch’s reasoning for using a …

06. Bible Translations

In the world of medicine, getting a “Second Opinion” is commonly recommended these days. Oftentimes, as the old saying goes, “There is more than one way to skin a cat.” And going for another opinion will sometimes demonstrate to the patient or family a way that fits with their life situation better. Making decisions in life, …

05. More on Context

There is context, in life, in Scripture, in all things in this Creation. Nothing stands alone. Our correct interpretation, and our discernment, depend upon our being able to see what is occurring in context, that it might be applied to other similar contexts, but not necessarily in all contexts. Some things we learn are universally …