Appendix 8 Forming Nouns and Adjectives

Here we add one that is not included in EDBH for some reason (one must always ponder why?). I will also say there may be others. This is what I see at this point.

This could be part of #7, which speaks of מ as a suffix, as it will be adding מ as a prefix. However, we will call this #11, just to follow after EDBH. I will give some examples, but it is definitely not an exhaustive list. 

11) Add a מ as a prefix to a three-letter root

H4639. מַעֲשֶׂה ma‘aśeh: masc noun (a work, a deed, workmanship) 

  • From 

H6213. עָשָׂה ‘āśāh: verb (to do, to make, to accomplish, to complete)

H4916. מִשְׁלוֹחַ mišlôaḥ, מִשְׁלָח mišlāḥ: (an undertaking, a pasturing) 

H4917. מִשְׁלַחַת mišlaḥaṯ: (discharge, release, mission)

  • From

H7971. שָׁלַח šālaḥ: verb (to send forth, to send away; to let go; to put)

H3996. מָבוֹא māḇô’: noun (entrance; the west, the going down of the sun)

  • From 

H0935. בּוֹא bô’: verb (to come, to go, to bring)

H4264. מַחֲנֶה maḥaneh: masculine noun (a camp, an army, a company).

  • From

H2583. חָנָה ḥānāh: verb (to pitch one’s tent, encamp) [EDBH rest temporarily from directed movement]

  • Also, see Appendix 5. Many of the מ reflecting נ words are nouns with a מ added to a נ root, dropping the weak נ.  Here are some of them, not all:

H4007. מַבָּט mabbāṭ masc. noun (expectation, object of hope); H4008. מִבְטָא miḇṭā’ masc. noun (rash statement, rash promise); H4009. מִבְטָח miḇṭāḥ masc. noun (trust, confidence)

  • From

H5027. נָבַט naḇaṭ verb (to look, to watch, to regard)

H4046. מַגֵּפָה maggēp̱āh fem. noun (plague, blow)

  • From

H5062. נָגַף nāg̱ap̱ verb (to strike, to afflict)

H4059. מִדַּד middaḏ masc. noun (flight)

  • From

H5074. נָדַד nāḏaḏ verb (to flee, to wander, to banish)

H4376. מָכַר māḵar verb (to sell); 

H4377. מֶכֶר meḵer masc. noun (merchandise, price, worth); 

H4378. I. מַכָּר makkār masc. noun (acquaintance, friend) 

     II. מַכָּר makkār masc. noun (treasurer); 

H4379. מִכְרֶה miḵreh masc. noun (pit [of salt]); 

H4380. I. מְכֵרָה meḵērāh fem. noun (sword) 

     II. מְכֵרָה meḵērāh fem. noun (habitation, dwelling); H4381. מִכְרִי miḵriy masc. proper noun (Michri); 

H4382. מְכֵרָתִי meḵērāṯiy masc. proper noun (Mecherathite)

  • From

H5234. I. נָכַר nāḵar verb (to know, to recognize) 

     II. נָכַר nāḵar verb (to disguise, to make foreign, to misconstrue)

H4550. מַסַּע massa‘ masc. noun (journey, moving on); 

H4551. I. מַסָּע massā‘ masc. noun (missile, dart) 

     II. מַסָּע massā‘ masc. noun (stone quarry)

  • From

H5265. נָסַע nāsa‘ verb (to set out, to travel)

  • We met this one in our מסע ↔︎ משח discussion 

H4651. מַפָּל mappāl masc. noun (fallen parts, sweeping; folds [of a crocodile]); 

H4652. מִפְלָאָה mip̱lā’āh fem. noun (wonderful work); 

H4654. מַפָּלָה mappālāh fem. noun (ruin, heap); 

H4658. מַפֶּלֶת mappeleṯ fem. noun (fall, overthrow, carcass)

  • From

H5307. נָפַל nāp̱al verb (to fall, to collapse, to defect)

H4683. מַצָּה maṣṣāh fem. noun (strife, contention); 

H4695. מַצּוּת maṣṣûṯ fem. noun (contention, warfare);

H4681. מֹצָה mōṣāh proper noun (Mozah); 

H4682. מַצָּה maṣṣāh fem. noun (something unleavened, without leaven);

  • From

H5327. I. נָצָה nāṣāh verb (to struggle, to quarrel) 

     II. נָצָה nāṣāh verb (to fall, to be devastated, to be ruined);

H4976. מַתָּן mattān masc. noun (gift)

H4977. A. מַתָּן mattān masc. proper noun (Mattan: priest of Baal)

B. מַתָּן mattān masc. proper noun (Mattan: father of Shephatiah)

H4978. מַתְּנָה mattenāh Aram. fem. noun (gift; corr. to Hebr. 4979)

H4979. מַתָּנָה mattānāh fem. noun (gift)

H4980. מַתָּנָה mattānāh proper noun (Mattanah)

H4981. מִתְנִי miṯniy masc. proper noun (Mithnite)

H4982. A. מַתְּנַי mattenay masc. proper noun (Mattenai: a priest)

B. מַתְּנַי mattenay masc. proper noun (Mattenai: son of Hashum).

C. מַתְּנַי mattenay masc. proper noun (Mattenai: son of Bani)

H4983. A. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: a descendant of Asaph)

B. מַתַּנְיָהוּ mattanyāhû masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: a Levite)

C. מַתַּנְיָהוּ mattanyāhû masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: a Levite; possibly same as A)

D. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: king of Judah)

E. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun

(Mattaniah: son of Micah)

F. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: son of Elam)

G. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: son of Zattu)

H. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: son of Pahath-Moab)

I. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: son of Bani)

  • From

H5414. נָתַן nāthan verb (to give, to grant, to put, to hand over)

H4853. מַשָּׂא maśśā’: A masculine noun meaning a burden or load;

H4854. מַשָּׂא maśśā’: A proper noun designating Massa

H4855. מַשָּׁא maššā’: A masculine noun indicating usury;

H4856. מַשּׂא maśśō’: A masculine noun meaning partiality. It means to show favor to certain people in the phrase maśśō’ pānîym, literally, “lifting up of faces,” meaning special recognition (2 Chr. 19:7)

H4858. מַשָּׂאָה maśśā’āh:

A feminine noun referring to smoke, a cloud of smoke. It is used of the visible vaporous matter arising from something burning. It also will accompany the coming of the Lord (Isa. 30:27). A feminine noun meaning burden. Some translators prefer this rendering of the noun as something lifted up, carried, a burden or message (Isa. 30:27) or a lifting up of heavy clouds.

H4859. מַשָּׁאָה maššā’āh: A feminine noun depicting a debt, a loan. It indicates something given to a neighbor with the expectation that it will be paid back

  • From

H5375. נָשָׂא nāśā’: A verb meaning to lift, to carry, to take away

H4872. משֶׁה mōšeh masc. proper noun (Moses)

H4874. מַשֶּׁה maššeh masc. noun (loan)

  • From

H5382. נָשָׁה nāšāh verb (to forget); 

H5383. נָשָׁה nāšāh, נָשָׁא nāšā’ verb (to lend, to borrow);

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