נ – continue, perpetuation, offspring or heir
מ – liquid, water / sea, mighty and massive, chaos; as question word, searching for an unknown
- The מ indicates that which emanates from an object or person
- No נ entry in EDBH
נ – The symbol of faithfulness, soul, and emergence
מ – The symbol of the revealed and the concealed; Moses and Messiah
מ – Water, massive, mighty, many, chaos (like the deep), to come from (like water down a stream)
נ – A fish, to sprout, to spread, offspring, descendant, action, life, heir to the throne, faithfulness
I am one of many children of God, one of many students of God’s written word. I have no claim to any right to tell anyone how to believe or what to believe. I am sharing with you some knowledge I have gleaned from deep study of Hebrew words in Scripture, and then giving you a metaphor of how that knowledge has spoken to me in my life. Your life is different. You may have a different vision, from your experiences.
First, a “tantalizing clue” from the Etymological Dictionary, p.294, in the section Letter interchange: phonetic cognates (which much recent writing in LogAndSpeck has focused on): “Note: Hirsch does not integrate מ, נ, ל, ר into his interchange system. These consonants, although listed in the homorganic divisions, are analyzed independently of the others.”
After that, nothing further is said about these four letters or how they are “analyzed independently.” If you have been reading along, you have noted that the נ appears frequently in the Gradational Variant families.
In my studies I have noted that Strong’s lists twenty-one different clusters of words beginning with מ that are derived from roots beginning with נ. I was led to investigate this relationship more deeply when one of the words came up in preparing for an upcoming blog entry, and clearly needed to have some substance behind it. This is entered as an Appendix because it is really a reference and has a lot of technical detail. But, unlike a reference, I have thrown in some my own comments, which you should feel free to disregard if these personal comments don’t fit with your life. So, though entered in the Appendices, this entry is half Appendix/half blog.
Above, note four different sets of definitions of meanings for individual Hebrew consonants. There are others out there. The biggest point is that the Hebrew alphabet derived originally from pictographs that were symbols depicting familiar elements in the environment of the people. This is from Benner’s AHLB p.33):

His history, and many others, indicate that the symbols went through a series of transformations, seen in archaeological findings. The one I have labeled as MS, Benner refers to as Middle Script. I am not entering into an argument (which is present and ongoing) about the timing of the transition to more modern forms, shown on the far right. LS he calls Late Script. I am introducing a metaphor here, which is a “mental picture” to help you remember the concept. I am in no way claiming this is accurate historically. As I help you form this “mental picture,” I will be referring to the MS and LS forms of מ and נ, in addition to the pictographs at the far left. Hopefully my metaphor will make sense to you in a Biblical framework, as well.

When I was a youth my family took a trip to Banff, Alberta, Canada. I have engrained in my mind a memory of what I would say is one of the most beautiful places on earth (oh, I know the mind plays tricks, and also time has a way of changing things, so I could be way off today?). My dad took lots of photos, but for expedience, I’m using some internet photos.
If מ is water, and נ is offspring, first think of God on the mountain or as the mountain, and mankind as offspring. There are times when we can get a clear reflection of God in the water. God can always get a clear view of us because God calms the water at will. Often, however if the waters are “troubled,” as below, or even just flowing, as in the living waters of life, it is not as easy for us to see God’s hand in our lives. We see only glimpses. Sometimes we have a hard time believing, since we look through reflections, that God is still there. The mountain remains, even when the waters are not calm.

What does this have to do with the topic at hand? If, indeed, Biblical Hebrew is God’s language, and we are trying to see from God’s perspective, the water of Mem might be seen to reflect the action in Nun. And if you squint your eyes just slightly and focus on the figures in MS and LS (and even the paleo), you might see a squiggly glimpse of the shapes in one another, through the influence of daily life, the rippling of living water.
By the way, in the discussion about the letter Shin, R. Munk, in TWHA p.209 says, “Though we cannot see nor understand God Himself, we can gain an inkling of Him by observing His guidance of man and his world.” Well said•••
These are the references:
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible AHLB – Benner
AHLB pp.20-32
א – oxen, yoke and learn
ב – house, tent, family, in, with, inside or within
ג – walk, carry or gather
ד – door, a back and forth movement, dangle, mean, weak or poor
ה – behold, look, breath, sigh and reveal or revelation
ו – to add or secure
ז – harvest or crop
ח – tent wall, protect, divide
ט – basket, contain, store and clay.
י – work, make and throw, functions of the hand
כ – bend and curve, to tame or subdue
ל – authority, yoke, tie or bind; as prefix – to, toward
מ – liquid, water / sea, mighty and massive, chaos; as question word, searching for an unknown
נ – continue, perpetuation, offspring or heir
ס – pierce and sharp, shield, grab hold
ע – seeing and watching; knowledge
פ – speak and blow, the edge of something (lip)
צ – side of something; hunting and chasing
ק – sun, revolution, circle, horizon, condense, and time
ר – head or man, chief, top, beginning or first
ש – teeth, sharp and press; two, again, both or second
ת – mark, sign or signature
Ghah – meaning twisted; dark – has been absorbed into ע
Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew
p.299 EDBH
The meaning of individual consonants
Hirsch contends that each individual consonant has a distinctive meaning or association. This specific meaning provides a commonality for the various roots containing the consonant (see Gn 10:10).
• The ע indicates motion: נוע moving, פסע stepping, עלה rising.
• The ח serves to restrict the very motion created by the ע:
נוח resting; פסח being lame; חלה being ill (Ex 12:11).
• The ה is the bearer of existence: היה. Its positive actuality (ה הידיעה) is the definite article. Its wavering existence is the ה השאלה. Where existence is dependent, as in the feminine form (ירדה) or in expressing a wish (נקומה), the ה is quiescent. It is also the element used for the causative moods of התפעל, הפעיל, הפעל. Added to a verb it also indicates activity that includes motion and is the equivalent of a ל before the verb (Gn 12:5, 43:7).
• The כ highlights an example for all to emulate (Gn 10:10).
• The ל indicates movement or return to an object (Gn 10:10).
• The מ indicates that which emanates from an object or person (Gn 10:10).
• The ש establishes facts as to what is or what should be (Gn 10:10).
• In addition, words that contain similar consonants have similar meanings irrespective of the order of the consonants (Lv 7:18, Dt 25:18, Ps 17:14, 31:23, 60:5).
The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet TWHA
The Sacred Letters as a Guide to Jewish Deed and Thought
R. Michael L. Munk, Artscroll Series
TWHA Chapter Titles/Summaries
א – The symbol of God’s oneness and mastery
ב – The symbol of blessing and creation; duality and plurality
ג – The symbol of kindness and culmination
ד – The symbol of dimensions and concern
ה – The symbol of divinity, gentility, and specificity
ו – The symbol of completion, redemption, and transformation
ז – The symbol of spirit, sustenance, and struggle
ח – The symbol of transcendence, divine grace, and life
ט – The symbol of goodness
י – The symbol of creation and the metaphysical
כ – The symbol of crowning accomplishment
ל – The symbol of teaching and purpose
מ – The symbol of the revealed and the concealed; Moses and Messiah
נ – The symbol of faithfulness, soul, and emergence
ס – The symbol of support, protection, and memory
ע – The symbol of sight and insight
פ – The symbol of speech and silence
צ – The symbol of righteousness and humility
ק – The symbol of holiness and growth cycles
ר – The symbol of choosing between greatness and degradation
ש – The symbol of divine power and script – but also of corruption
ת – The symbol of truth and perfection
Got this one online, from DeviantArt at https://www.deviantart.com/sum1good/art/Hebrew-Letter-Meanings-Chart-204903888

He says he created it after 30 years of study (Sum1Good, “musician and artist” – calling this Modern Hebrew Ancient Meanings – MHAM
I like it for two reasons, one, it gives all in one graphic. And it really includes a lot of information.
I don’t necessarily agree with any of these, but they seem helpful. As in most things in Biblical Hebrew, it is hard sometimes for our Greek-oriented minds when we don’t have a clear cut answer.
Please note, the following study of מ and נ is based on my manual search;
I certainly could have missed some –
▲These are given in Strong’s Concordance as the מ word being derived from the נ word:
(N.B. Since EDBH only has entries for what are considered roots, some will not have both a נ and a מ entry. The H numbers are Strong’s Numbers with some common translations into English in parentheses. The page numbers are from EDBH.)
H5027. נָבַט naḇaṭ verb (to look, to watch, to regard); H5028. נְבָט neḇāṭ masc. proper noun (Nebat)
H4007. מַבָּט mabbāṭ masc. noun (expectation, object of hope); H4008. מִבְטָא miḇṭā’ masc. noun (rash statement, rash promise); H4009. מִבְטָח miḇṭāḥ masc. noun (trust, confidence)
p.147 נבט perceive;; GV p.25 בטה speak; p.25 בוא express [speak rashly]; p.147 נבטperceive; ¿ DV בהט – p.147 נבט perceive > p.21 בהט compact; densify;; CM בטה and בטאreact to externals (B5); נבט move (D64) [נפת flow; נוט totter; נוד separate]; בהט act positively/negatively (B10) חת diminish; פחד fear; בעט scorn; בעת terrify; בעד exclude; פאת access]
H5062. נָגַף nāg̱ap̱ verb (to strike, to afflict); H5063. נֶגֶף neg̱ep̱ masc. noun (plague, cause of stumbling)
H4046. מַגֵּפָה maggēp̱āh fem. noun (plague, blow); H4047. מַגְפִּיעָשׁ mag̱piy‘āš: A proper noun designating Magpiash (Neh. 10:20[21])
p.148 נגף strike a heavy blow; injure;; GV גפף curve; גוף shut; נגף strike;; DV אגף extend;; CM thrust and penetrate (D67) [נקב perforate; נקף chop off; נגב strike]
H5074. נָדַד nāḏaḏ verb (to flee, to wander, to banish); H5075. נְדַד neḏaḏ Aram. verb (to flee, to go away; corr. to Hebr. 5074); H5076. נְדֻדִים neḏuḏiym masc. pl. noun (tossings to and fro)
H4059. מִדַּד middaḏ masc. noun (flight)
p.149 נדד distance; separate;; GV נדד distance; נדה distance; נוד separate;; ¿ DV הדד shout; raise voices ?[p.56-has own GV/CM pierce(A31)];; CM (none listed)
p.136 מדד measure length or distance;; GV מדד measure; מוד prolong;: CM limit (B54) [מטט waver; מתת cause death]
H5080. I. נָדַח nāḏaḥ verb (to banish, to drive away, to scatter); II. נָדַח nāḏaḥ verb (to wield, to bring [against])
H4065. מַדּוּחַ maddûaḥ masc. noun (something misleading)
p.149 נדה distance;; GV נדד distance; נדה distance; נוד separate | also GV ידה cast; project upward;: נדה distance {p.101 ידה also with CM acquire/cast off (C10)};; ¿ DV הדה stretch ?[p.56-has own GV/CM retain/relinquish (A57)];; CM establish/separate (D74) [נדח remove completely; נתח sever; נטה spread; נטע plant; נתע break]
H5140. I. נָזַל nāzal verb (to flow, to pour down, to drop, to melt) II. נֹזֵל nōzēl masc. noun (brooks, streaming)
H4208. מַזָּל mazzāl fem. noun (constellation, planet)
p.153 נזל flow; move liquids;; GV זלל lower; זול degenerate; נזל flow;; DV אזל disappear; go away {own CM weaken/strengthen (A25)};; CM release (D82) [נשל disengage; נצל free up]
p.138 מזל determine fate;; GV (none listed);; CM determine (B62) [משל determine character]
Think מזל טוב, Hebrew: mazal tov – “good luck”
H5144. נָזַר nāzar verb (to separate oneself, to abstain); H5145. נֵזֶר nēzer masc. noun; (crown, separation)
H4216. מַזָּרוֹת mazzārôṯ fem. pl. noun (Mazzaroth: name for a constellation of stars)
p.153 נזר separate; distance;; GV זרר press; זרה scatter; זור separate; נזר separate;; DV אזר gird; hold together [its own CM limit and hold together (A28)]; זהר radiate a circle of light [its own CM limit/complete (E10)];; CM preserve/separate (D85) [נצר protect; נשא protect; משׂר separate]
p.138 מזר transmit;; GV (none listed);; CM convey (B63)
Some words you may possibly recognize related to this pair, Nazirite, Zohar, Mamzer
H5186. נָטָה nāṭāh verb (to stretch out, to extend, to pay attention)
H4294. מַטֶּה maṭṭeh, מַטָּה maṭṭāh masc. and fem. nouns (tribe, staff, rod); H4295. מַטָּה maṭṭāh adv. (beneath, downward, under); H4296. מִטָּה miṭṭāh fem. noun (bed, couch, funeral bier); H4297. מֻטֶּה muṭṭeh masc. noun (perversion, injustice); H4298. מֻטָּה muṭṭāh fem. noun (spreading out, stretching out); H4299. מַטְוֶה maṭweh masc. noun (that which is spun)
p.155 נטה spread over surface; deviate;; GV נוט shake up; נטה spread;; CM establish/separate (D74) [נטע plant; נדה distance; נדח remove completely; נתע break; נתח sever]
H5201. נָטַר nāṭar verb (to keep, to take care of, to be angry, to maintain a grudge); H5202. נְטַר neṭar Aram. verb (to keep; corr. to Hebr. 5201)
H4305. מָטַר māṭar verb (to rain); H4306. מָטָר māṭār masc. noun (rain); H4307. מַטָּרָה maṭṭārāh, מַטָּרָא maṭṭārā’ fem. noun (guard, guardhouse, target); H4309. מַטְרִי maṭriy masc. proper noun (Matri)
p.155 נטר protect; hide;; GV טרה fester; טור line up; נטר protect;; DV אטר close off [own CM protect/project (A19)]; טהר purify; free from foreign elements [own CM improve/impair (D16)];; CM move from the present (D75) [נדר project future action; נתר spring forward]
p.139 מטר descend from height;; GV (none listed);; CM (none listed)
H5221. נָכָה nāḵāh verb (to strike, to attack, to kill, to wound); H5222. נֵכֶה nēḵeh adj. (attacking, smiting); H5223. נָכֶה nāḵeh adj. (crippled, smitten)
H4347. מַכָּה makkāh fem. noun (blow, wound, slaughter, plague); H4348. מִכְוָה miḵwāh fem. noun (burnt spot)
p.156 נכה disable; strike blows;; GV [כהה dim; כוה burn; נכה disable; מעט crush];; CM act physically (D69) [נגח gore; נגע touch; נקה cleanse; נקא be clean; נכא crush; נכח oppose; נגה shine]
H5234. I. נָכַר nāḵar verb (to know, to recognize) II. נָכַר nāḵar verb (to disguise, to make foreign, to misconstrue); H5235. נֶכֶר neḵer, נֹכֶר nōḵer masc. noun (disaster); H5236. נֵכָר nēḵār masc. noun (foreigner, alien); H5237. נָכְרִי noḵriy adj. (foreign, alien, adulterous)
H4376. מָכַר māḵar verb (to sell); H4377. מֶכֶר meḵer masc. noun (merchandise, price, worth); H4378. I. מַכָּר makkār masc. noun (acquaintance, friend) II. מַכָּר makkār masc. noun (treasurer); H4379. מִכְרֶה miḵreh masc. noun (pit [of salt]); H4380. I. מְכֵרָה meḵērāh fem. noun (sword) II. מְכֵרָה meḵērāh fem. noun (habitation, dwelling); H4381. מִכְרִי miḵriy masc. proper noun (Michri); H4382. מְכֵרָתִי meḵērāṯiy masc. proper noun (Mecherathite)
p.157 נכר isolate; recognize individuality;; GV [כרר round; כרה expose; כור purify; נכר isolate]; DV אכר plow; turn soul over [own CM concentrate energy (A15)]; הכר estrange [same CM concentrate energy (A15)];; CM separate (D72) [נקר penetrate; נגר flow downward; ניר straighten]
p.139 מכר relinquish; sell;; CM discard (B53) [מגר cast down and destroy]
H5254. נָסָה nāsāh: A verb meaning to test, to try, to prove. Appearing nearly forty times in the Old Testament, this term often refers to God testing the faith and faithfulness of human beings, including Abraham (Gen. 22:1); the nation of Israel (Ex. 15:25; 16:4; 20:20; Deut. 8:2, 16; 13:3[4]; Judg. 2:22; 3:1, 4); Hezekiah (2 Chr. 32:31); David (Ps. 26:2). Although people were forbidden from putting God to the test, they often did so (Ex. 17:2, 7; Num. 14:22; Deut. 6:16; 33:8; Ps. 78:18, 41, 56; 95:9; 106:14; Isa. 7:12). Testing, however, does not always suggest tempting or enticing someone to sin, as when the Queen of Sheba tested Solomon’s wisdom (1 Kgs. 10:1; 2 Chr. 9:1); and Daniel’s physical appearance was tested after a ten-day vegetarian diet (Dan. 1:12, 14). Finally, this term can refer to the testing of equipment, such as swords or armor (1 Sam. 17:39).
H4531. מַסָּה massāh: A feminine noun meaning despair, a test, a trial, proving. The Hebrew word is actually two homographs—words that are spelled the same yet have distinct origins and meanings. The first homograph is derived from the verb māsas (H4549), meaning to dissolve or melt, and it means despair. This word occurs only in Job 9:23. The second homograph is derived from the verb nāsāh (H5254), meaning to test or try, and denotes a test, a trial, or proving. It is used in reference to the manifestations of God’s power and handiwork before the Egyptians at the Exodus (Deut. 4:34; 7:19; 29:3[2]. Furthermore, this term has become a proper noun, massāh (H4532), to designate the place where the Israelites tested God (Ex. 17:7; Deut. 6:16; 9:22; Ps. 95:8); and where Levi was tested (Deut. 33:8).
H4532. מַסָּה massāh: A proper noun designating Massah, the name of a place where the Israelites arrogantly “tested” God. The name means “testing.” The event was recorded to warn Israel not to act in such a way again (Ps. 95:8).
נֵס-banner, pole, sail, (en-) sign, standard.
h5251. נֵס nês; from h5264. נָסַס nâsas
GV p.158 נסס elevate [raise signal]; p.157 נסה prove [challenge]; p.152 נוס disappear; p.105 ינס signal
DV אנס – p.158 נסס elevate [raise signal]; p.157 נסה test [prove; challenge]; p.152 נוס flee [disappear] > p.13 אנס compel; act violently
CM נסס focus attention (D87); נסה move in opposition (D81); נוס strengthen/weaken (D79); ינס hold (C35); אנס impact negatively (A47)
There are twenty-three words listed in Strong’s that have added a מ before the נ as a prefix, and are both retained, thus words beginning with “מנ.” In general, we are not looking at these words, but one, the son of Joseph, named Manasseh מנשה, we will explore together with other words with the same letters, below in the “Not in Strong’s” section.
In one word (H4295. מַטָּה maṭṭāh) listed in the מ from נ group, the Strong’s derivation mentions the possibility that it is from adding a prefix (“directive enclitic”) and dropping the נ, but in general there is no mention of such construction, simply giving the מ word as derived from the נ word. Mem is certainly a common prefix, and may well be how these new words have been formed. If so, it fits perfectly with the “from” translation.
H5259. נָסַךְ nāsaḵ verb (to stretch out, to cover); H5257. I. נָסִיךְ nāsiyḵ masc. noun (libation, molten image); II. נָסִיךְ nāsiyḵ masc. noun (prince, leader); H5258. I. נָסַךְ nāsaḵ verb (to pour out; to cast metals); II. נָסַךְ nāsaḵ verb (to set, to install, to appoint); H5260. נְסַךְ nesaḵ Aram. verb (to pour out, to offer a liquid sacrifice; corr. to Hebr. 5258,I); H5261. נסַךְ nesaḵ Aram. masc. noun (drink offering, liquid sacrifice; corr. to Hebr. 5262); H5262. נֵסֶךְ nēseḵ, נֶסֶךְ nēseḵ masc. noun (drink offering, liquid sacrifice)
H4545. מַסֶּכֶת masseḵeṯ fem. noun (web [of fabric on a loom])
p.158 נסך pour into a particular place;; GV [סכך protect; סכה shelter; סוך hold; נסך pour];; CM make contact (D84) [נסג encroach; משק prepare; נזק harm; נשך bite; משׂק burn; נשׂג attain]
p.141 מסך mix;; GV (none);; CM mingle (B60) [מזג mix; משך pull in; משק rustle]
H5265. נָסַע nāsa‘ verb (to set out, to travel)
H4550. מַסַּע massa‘ masc. noun (journey, moving on); H4551. I. מַסָּע massā‘ masc. noun (missile, dart) II. מַסָּע massā‘ masc. noun (stone quarry)
p.158 נסע travel; move to more appropriate place;; GV (none);; CM move in opposition (D81) [נסח remove; נסה prove; נצה resist; נשׂא raise; נזה move sporadically; נשה obligate; משׂה raise]
H5297. נֹף nōp̱ proper noun (Memphis, see also mōp̱ [H4644]) (7 times)
H4644. מֹף mōp̱ proper noun (Memphis, another name for nōp̱ [H5297]) (once)
p.159 נפף wave;; GV [נפף wave; נפה sift; נוף move horizontally;; CM move from end to end (D63) [נבב hollow]
H5301. נָפַח nāp̱aḥ verb (to blow, to breathe; to boil); H5302. נֹפַח nōp̱aḥ proper noun (Nophah)
H4646. מַפָּח mappāḥ masc. noun (breathing out, expiring, dying); H4647. מַפֻּחַ mappuaḥ masc. noun (bellows)
p.159 נפה sift repeatedly;; GV [נפף wave; נפה sift; נוף move horizontally;; CM move/speak directly (D62) [נפח blow; נבח bark; נבע gush forth; נבא transmit God’s word; נוע move to goal; נוח rest]
Prophet is from נבא; Noah is נח, from נוח.
H5307. נָפַל nāp̱al verb (to fall, to collapse, to defect); H5308. נְפַל nep̱al Aram. verb (to fall, to fall down; corr. to Hebr. 5307); H5309. נֵפֶל nēp̱el, נֶפֶל nep̱el masc. noun (miscarriage, stillbirth); H5303. I. נְפִילִים nep̱iyliym masc. noun (giants) II. נְפִילִים nep̱iyliym masc. proper noun (Nephilim)
H4651. מַפָּל mappāl masc. noun (fallen parts, sweeping; folds [of a crocodile]); H4652. מִפְלָאָה mip̱lā’āh fem. noun (wonderful work); H4654. מַפָּלָה mappālāh fem. noun (ruin, heap); H4658. מַפֶּלֶת mappeleṯ fem. noun (fall, overthrow, carcass)
Good to think of the phrase “fall to the ground,” (great example 1S3:19) in terms of stillbirth, i.e. have no life. And, when we “fall,” as in what is referred to as the Fall of Mankind, in Gan Eden, we have no life (“you will surely die”). Separated from God, we have no life. [see the cognate meaning for נפל just below – God is the essence of life – AND recall that the derivational variants (here אפל) “individualize or target the action” p.296, thus our lives are prevented from light entering-we are to “be” the light]
Job 18:5
5 “Indeed, the light of the wicked is put out,
and the flame of his fire does not shine.
And see Mt5:14-16
When we eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (when we decide we are a better judge of good and evil than God is), setting our own “boundaries,” we do not fulfill our lives as intended, we are “restrained” by our own lack of understanding. We lose our essence•••
p.159 נפל fall; drop down;; GV [פלל mediate; פלה separate; פלא separate; פול split; נפל fall] DV אפל darken; prevent light from entering [its own CM restrain (A5)];; CM weaken; lose essence (D66) [נבל wither; נול decay]
Nabal נבל is Abigail’s foolish husband
H5310. I. נָפַץ nāp̱aṣ verb (to shatter, to break, to smash) II. נָפַץ nāp̱aṣ verb (to spread out, to disperse, to scatter); H5311. נֶפֶץ nep̱eṣ masc. noun (cloudburst, driving storm)
H4660. מַפָּץ mappāṣ masc. noun (shattering, deadly)
p.159 נפץ scatter; sever from original base;; GV [פצץ blast; פצה open; פוץ shatter; נפץ scatter];; CM strengthen/weaken (D79) [נפש rest; נוז combine; נוץ bloom; נוס disappear; נוש weaken]
H5324. נָצַב nāṣaḇ verb (to stand, to set up; to be set up as an official); H5325. נִצָּב niṣṣāḇ masc. noun (handle [of a sword or dagger]); H5326. נִצְבָּה niṣbāh Aram. fem. noun (strength, toughness)
H4673. מַצָּב maṣṣāḇ masc. noun (garrison, outpost, place of standing); H4674. מֻצָּב muṣṣāḇ masc. noun (siege work, tower); H4675. מַצָּבָה maṣṣāḇāh, מִצָּבָה miṣṣāḇāh fem. noun (garrison, army); H4676. מַצֵּבָה maṣṣēḇāh fem. noun (pillar, sacred stone erected as a monument); H4677. מְצֹבְיָה meṣōḇyāh masc. proper noun (Mezobaite); H4678. I. מַצֶּבֶת maṣṣeḇeṯ fem. noun (pillar, monument) II. מַצֶּבֶת maṣṣeḇeṯ fem. noun (pillar, monument; const. of maṣṣēḇ [H4676])
There is neither a root מצב nor נצב in EDBH. The appropriate root is יצב:
p.108 יצב erect; stand firm independently;; GV [צבב cover; צבה swell; יצב erect] DV צהב [its own CM pull in/project out (E1)];; CM lead forward/astray (C56) [ישב settle; כסף yearn; כשף bewitch; כזב deceive; יסף increase; קצף anger; כשב deceive; כשׂב be strange]
H5327. I. נָצָה nāṣāh verb (to struggle, to quarrel) II. נָצָה nāṣāh verb (to fall, to be devastated, to be ruined); H5328. נִצָּה niṣṣāh fem. noun (blossom, flower)
H4683. מַצָּה maṣṣāh fem. noun (strife, contention); H4695. מַצּוּת maṣṣûṯ fem. noun (contention, warfare); H4680. מָצָה māṣāh verb (to drain, to drain out, to wring out); H4681. מֹצָה mōṣāh proper noun (Mozah); H4682. מַצָּה maṣṣāh fem. noun (something unleavened, without leaven);
p.160 נצה resist; oppose sporadically;; GV [נצץ sparkle; נצה resist; נוץ bloom];; CM move in opposition (D81) [נסה prove; נשה obligate; נסח remove; נשא deceive; נשׂא raise; נזה move; נסע travel]
p.143 מצה suck; squeeze;; GV [מצץ suck out; מצה suck; מצא find; מוץ squeeze];; CM separate (B61) [מסה melt away; מזה thin; משה draw out; משח separate; מזח hold in; מצא find]
Some very important words here – מצה is matzah, unleavened bread; משה is Moses/Moshe; משח is the root for Messiah
H5344. I. נָקַב nāqaḇ verb (to pierce; to designate) II. נָקַב nāqaḇ verb (to curse, to blaspheme); H5345. I. נֶקֶב neqeḇ masc. noun (setting [as for a jewel]) II. נֶקֶב neqeḇ masc. noun (pipe); H5346. I. נֶקֶב neqeḇ proper noun (Nekeb; town in Naphtali) II. נֶקֶב neqeḇ proper noun (Nekeb; part of full name Adami Nekeb.); H5347. נְקֵבָה neqēḇāh fem. noun (female, woman)
H4717. מַקֶּבֶת maqqeḇeṯ fem. noun (hammer); H4718. מַקֶּבֶת maqqeḇeṯ fem. noun (hole, pit, quarry)
p.161 נקב perforate; set firmly;; GV [קבב hollow out; קוב remove essence; יקב crush; נקב perforate];; CM thrust and penetrate (D67) [נגב strike; נגף injure; נקף chop off]
The root for the word female (נקבה) is נקב
H5348. נָקֹד nāqōḏ adj. (speckled); H5349. נֹקֵד nōqēḏ masc. noun (shepherd, raiser of sheep); H5350. נִקֻּדִים niqqūḏiym masc. pl. noun (moldy, crumbly things, crumbling cake); H5351. נְקֻדָּה nequddāh fem. noun (a stud or bead [of silver]); H5353. A. נְקוֹדָא neqôḏā’ masc. proper noun (Nekoda: head of family of temple slaves returning from Babylonian Exile) B. נְקוֹדָא neqôḏā’ masc. proper noun (Nekoda: head of an exile family who could not prove Israelite descent)
H4719. מַקֵּדָה maqqēḏah proper noun
(Makkedah) – Joshua 10:16, kings found in the cave of Makkedah
{¿ in any way related to H4720. מִקְדָּשׁ miqdāš masc. noun (holy place, sanctuary) ?}
p.161 נקד isolate mark; be spotted;; GV [קדד bow; קדה bow; נקד isolate; יקד burn];; CM isolate because of difference (D68) [נקד remove by one generation; נגד isolate; נכת isolate]
H5375. נָשָׂא nāśā’ verb (to carry, to bear up, to lift up); H5376. נְשָׂא neśā’ Aram. verb (to take, to carry away, to rise up in rebellion); H5377. נָשָׁא nāšā’ verb (to deceive); H5378. נָשָׁא nāšā’ verb (to lend on interest, to be a creditor); H5379. נִשֵּׂאת niśśē’ṯ verb (gift; participle of nāśā’ [H5375]); H5385. נְשׂוּאָה neśû’āh fem. noun (that which is carried, carriage); H5386. נְשִׁי nešiy masc. noun (debt); H5387. I. נָשִׂיא nāśiy’ masc. noun (chief, ruler, prince) II. נָשִׂיא nāśiy’ masc. noun (vapor, mist, cloud)
H4853. I. מַשָּׂא maśśā’ masc. noun (burden, load) II. מַשָּׂא maśśā’ masc. noun (prophetic burden, oracle, pronouncement); H4854. מַשָּׂא maśśā’ masc. proper noun (Massa); H4855. מַשָּׁא maššā’ masc. noun (usury); H4856. מַשּׂא maśśō’ masc. noun (partiality); H4858. I. מַשָּׂאָה maśśā’āh fem. noun (smoke, cloud of smoke) II. מַשָּׂאָה maśśā’āh fem. noun (burden); H4859. מַשָּׁאָה maššā’āh fem. noun (debt, loan); H4860. מַשָּׁאוֹן maššā’ôn masc. noun (guile, deception); H4864. מַשְׂאֵת maś’ēṯ fem. noun (tax, gift, portion); H4864. מַשְׂאֵת maś’ēṯ fem. noun (tax, gift, portion)
⇧ BOTH ש and שׂ ⇩
p.162 נשא deceive;; GV [נשש obligate; נשה obligate; נוש weaken] DV אנש cause weakness; be frail [own CM impact negatively (A47)];; CM move in opposition (D81) [נסה prove; נשה obligate; נסח remove; נצה resist; נשׂא raise; נזה move; נסע travel]
p.162 נשׂא raise; lift and remove;; GV (none listed) though there is p.163 נשׂה raise;; CM move in opposition (D81) [נסה prove; נשה obligate; נסח remove; נשא deceive; נצה resist; נזה move; נסע travel]
In some places EDBH freely mixes ש and שׂ and in other places separates. It will be an issue here and in one below, especially where we begin to talk about Moses and Messiah [see number ⑤ below and in cognates of ⑱ above] (see the mention in the ש listing from The Wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet). Look at Judges 12:1-7•••
H5414. נָתַן nāthan verb (to give, to grant, to put, to hand over); H5415. נְתַן neṯan Aram. verb (to give, to bestow; corr. to Hebr. 5414);
H5416. A. נָתָן nāṯān masc. proper noun (Nathan: son of Attai)
B. נָתָן nāṯān masc. proper noun (Nathan: father of Igal)
C. נָתָן nāṯān masc. proper noun (Nathan: father of Azariah).
D. נָתָן nāṯān masc. proper noun (Nathan: the prophet Nathan);
H5418. A. נְתַנְיָה neṯanyāh, נְתַנְיָהוּ neṯanyāhû masc. proper noun (Nethaniah: son of Asaph)
B. נְתַנְיָה neṯanyāh masc. proper noun (Nethaniah: a Levite)
C. נְתַנְיָה neṯanyāh masc. proper noun (Nethaniah: father of Jehudi)
D. נְתַנְיָה neṯanyāh, נְתַנְיָהוּ neṯanyāhû masc. proper noun (Nethaniah: father of Ishmael)
H5419. נְתַן־מֶלֶךְ neṯan-meleḵ masc. proper noun (Nathan-Melech)
p.165 נתן give over (giving)
p.145 מתן firm (loins; thighs)
H4976. מַתָּן mattān masc. noun (gift)
H4977. A. מַתָּן mattān masc. proper noun (Mattan: priest of Baal)
B. מַתָּן mattān masc. proper noun (Mattan: father of Shephatiah)
H4978. מַתְּנָה mattenāh Aram. fem. noun (gift; corr. to Hebr. 4979)
H4979. מַתָּנָה mattānāh fem. noun (gift)
H4980. מַתָּנָה mattānāh proper noun (Mattanah)
H4981. מִתְנִי miṯniy masc. proper noun (Mithnite)
H4982. A. מַתְּנַי mattenay masc. proper noun (Mattenai: a priest)
B. מַתְּנַי mattenay masc. proper noun (Mattenai: son of Hashum).
C. מַתְּנַי mattenay masc. proper noun (Mattenai: son of Bani)
H4983. A. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: a descendant of Asaph)
B. מַתַּנְיָהוּ mattanyāhû masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: a Levite)
C. מַתַּנְיָהוּ mattanyāhû masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: a Levite; possibly same as A)
D. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: king of Judah)
E. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun
(Mattaniah: son of Micah)
F. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: son of Elam)
G. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: son of Zattu)
H. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: son of Pahath-Moab)
I. מַתַּנְיָה mattanyāh masc. proper noun (Mattaniah: son of Bani)
▲Here are some more possibly fitting the pattern, not given in Strong’s Concordance but likely, based upon the Hebrew (not necessarily our present thinking in English):
H5091. נָהָה nāhāh verb (to wail, to lament, to mourn); H5091. נָהָה nāhāh verb (to wail, to lament, to mourn); H5093. נִהְיָה nihyāh fem. noun (dolefulness, bitterness)
H4102. מָהַהּ māhah verb (to tarry, to hesitate, to linger); H4103. מְהוּמָה mehûmāh fem. noun (panic, confusion); H4104. מְהוּמָן mehûmān masc. proper noun (Mehuman)
p.150 נהה pain;; GV נהה pain; ינה extort; take illegally; נוה dwell;; DV אנה cause; direct to goal [own CM bring about (A44)]; ¿ הנה present a new idea [has its own GV listed and same CM bring about (A44)] ?;; CM impact physically/emotionally (D76) [נחח please; נעע shake]
p.136 מהה be unknown; doubt;; GV (none listed) ¿ DV אמה serve [has own GV and CM protect/disturb (A38))] ?;; CM have/lack substance (B55) [מחח add substance]
H5358. נָקַם nāqam verb (to avenge, to punish); H5359. נָקָם nāqām masc. noun (vengeance); H5360. נְקָמָה neqāmāh fem. noun (vengeance)
H4725. מָקוֹם māqôm, מָקֹם māqōm masc. noun (place, spot)
p.161 נקם establish; uplift;; GV [קמם stand erect; קום rise; נקם establish];; CM (none listed)
This is likely a very important connection to understand. In honor and shame societies, an avenger would uplift the name of the tribe or family, try to “right a wrong” by seeking to punish the wrongdoer. Honor and shame societies were common in the nations of the time, and some certainly remain today. In establishing “the land” for the ones who followed God, the Lord established “cities of refuge” for a protected place from the avenger under certain specified circumstances. It was a means of establishing a system of justice, whereby “road rage” was not allowed free range. In America’s history, there were times when “vigilante” groups formed to enforce laws when they felt the established authorities were inadequate. Which always raises the question of whether the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil equals the Knowledge of Right and Wrong. A repeated phrase in the book of Judges is:
Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did (what was) right in his own eyes.
Read about Samson in Judges 13-14.
H5352. נָקָה nāqāh verb (to be innocent, to be guiltless, to go unpunished)
H4723. I. מִקְוֵא miqwē’, מִקְוֶה miqweh masc. noun (linen yarn) II. קְוֵא qewē’, קוֶה qeweh masc. proper noun (city of Kue; used with min [H4480]) III. מִקְוֶה miqweh masc. noun (hope) IV. מִקְוֶה miqweh masc. noun (collection, accumulation); H4724. מִקְוָה miqwāh fem. noun (reservoir, ditch)
p.161 נקה cleanse; protect through effort;; GV [קהה stunt; קוה gather; נקה cleanse; יקה weaken] ¿ DV אקה be wild [its own CM isolate (A32)] ?;; CM affect physically (D69) [נגע touch; נקא be clean; נכח oppose; נכה disable; נגח gore; נגה shine; נכא crush]
This is an important connection to help understand the ritual immersion in a Mikva/Mikveh in Hebraic culture, and a tie to the idea of baptism in Christianity. It can lead to thought connections of birth•••
H5373. נֵרְדְּ nērd masc. noun (spikenard, perfume)
H4775. מָרַד māraḏ verb (to rebel, to revolt); H4776. מְרַד meraḏ Aram. masc. noun (rebellion; corr. to Hebr. 4777); H4777. מֶרֶד mereḏ masc. noun (rebellion); H4778. מֶרֶד mereḏ masc. proper noun (Mered); H4779. מָרָד mārāḏ Aram. adj. (rebellious); H4780. מַרְדּוּת mardûṯ fem. noun (rebellion); H4781. מְרֹדָךְ merōḏāḵ masc. proper noun (Merodach, Marduk); H4782. A. מָרְדְּכַי mordeḵay masc. proper noun (Mordecai: associate of Zerubbabel) B. מָרְדְּכַי mordeḵay masc. proper noun (Mordecai: cousin of Esther); H4783. מֻרְדָּף murdāp̱ masc. noun (persecution, aggression). // NOTE – may be conjoined with other roots //
A NOTE to ponder – in John12:3 Mary anoints Yeshua/Jesus with nard – Mary and Miriam (sister of Moses) are derived in Hebrew from p.143 מרה oppose (rebelling in Dt21:18 and Ps78:17)••• women who rebelled against the “status quo.”
p.162 נרד overpower with scent;; GV (none);; CM (none) – in the Tanakh, occurs three times, all in Song of Songs
H5382. נָשָׁה nāšāh verb (to forget); H5383. נָשָׁה nāšāh, נָשָׁא nāšā’ verb (to lend, to borrow); H5384. I. נָשֶׁהּ nāšeh masc. noun (that which shrank) II. נָשֶׁה nāšeh masc. noun (tendon, sinew); H5385. נְשׂוּאָה neśû’āh fem. noun (that which is carried, carriage); H5386. נְשִׁי nešiy masc. noun (debt); H5388. נְשִׁיָּה nešiyyāh fem. noun (forgetfulness, oblivion)
H4871. מָשָׁה māšāh verb (to draw, to pull); H4872. משֶׁה mōšeh masc. proper noun (Moses); H4873. משֶׁה mōšeh Aram. masc. proper noun (Moses; corr. to Hebr. 4872);H4874. מַשֶּׁה maššeh masc. noun (loan)
We get into the ש and שׂ issue here. See number ⑳ above.
p.163 נשה obligate; give up rights;; GV [נשש obligate; נשה obligate; נשא deceive; נוש weaken] DV p.13 אנש cause weakness; be frail [own CM impact negatively (A47)];; CM move in opposition (D81) [נסח remove; נסה prove; נצה resist; נשׂא raise; נזה move sporadically; נסע travel; משׂה raise]
p.163 נשׂה raise;; GV (none listed);; CM move in opposition (D81) [נסח remove; נסה prove; נצה resist; נשׂא raise; נזה move sporadically; נסע travel; נשה obligate]
p.144 משה draw out of water;; GV [משש probe; משה draw out; מוש move] DV אמש pass; change [own CM effect graduated change (A41)];; CM separate (B61) [מצה suck; משח separate out; מזה thin; מסה melt away; מזח hold in; מצא find]
מצה is Matzah, unleavened bread; משח is the root for Messiah; משה is Moses/Moshe → the “individualizing/targeting” of אמש, effecting graduated change, is exactly how God used Moshe’s gifts, in leading the Hebrew people. And you can probably think of instances where “draw out of water” applies.
H5391. I. נָשַׁךְ nāšaḵ verb (to bite) II. נָשַׁךְ nāšaḵ verb (to lend or borrow at interest); H5392. נֶשֶׁךְ nešeḵ masc. noun (interest, usury); H5393. נִשְׁכָּה nišḵāh fem. noun (chamber, room, living quarters)
H4900. מָשַׁךְ māšaḵ verb (to drag, to draw off, to pull up, to prolong); H4901. I. מֶשֶׁךְ mešeḵ masc. noun (price, preciousness, acquisition) II. מֶשֶׁךְ mešeḵ masc. noun (bag) III. מֶשֶׁךְ mešeḵ masc. noun (a trail, a sowing); H4902. מֶשֶׁךְ mešeḵ masc. proper noun (Meshech); H4906. מַשְׂכִּית maśkiyṯ fem. noun (imagination, carved image); H4907. מִשְׁכַּן miškan Aram. masc. noun (habitation, place of dwelling; corr. to Hebr. 4908); H4908. מִשְׁכָּן miškān masc. noun (tabernacle, dwelling place)
The mishkan, משכן, is the tabernacle about which Moses received instructions for building, on Sinai, and which the Israelites carried with them throughout their wilderness journey, after Sinai.
p.163 נשך bite; cause loss;; GV (none listed);; CM make contract (D84) [נזק harm; נשק prepare; נסק ascend; נשׂק burn; נשׂג attain; נסך pour; נסג encroach]
p.144 משך pull in;; GV (none listed) BUT ¿ p.262 שכך calm down [own CM limit/expand (E7) [שגג err; סגג fence; שקק long; זגג cover with transparency; זכך purify; שׂכך cover; צקק bind; שׂגג grow] DV טשך enclose [own CM אזק chain; הזק hold; עסק occupy; עשק grab; לשך darken; חשק surround; חשׂך reduce; עשׂק dead] ?;; CM mingle (B60) [מזג mix; מסך mix; משר rustle]
H5394. נָשַׁל nāšal verb (to remove, to drop off, to clear away)
H4910. מָשַׁל māšal verb (to rule, to govern); H4911. מָשַׁל māšal verb (to compare, to be like, to quote a proverb); H4912. מָשָׁל māšāl masc. noun (proverb, oracle, parable); H4913. מָשָׁל māšāl proper noun (Mashal; abbr. form of miš’āl [H4861. מִשְׁאָל miš’āl]); H4914. מְשֹׁל mešōl masc. noun (byword); H4915. I. משֶׁל mōšel masc. noun (similarity, likeness) II. משֶׁל mōšel masc. noun (dominion)
p.163 נשל disengage; cut from moorings;; GV [שלל seize; שלה secure; שול edge; נשל disengage] ¿ DV אשל spread; develop outward [own CM weaken/strengthen (A25) [אצל distance; אזל disappear; עצל laze; חשל weaken; חסל eliminate] ?;; CM release; unloose (D82) [נזל flow; נצל free up]
p.144 משל determine role or character; rule by command;; GV (none listed);; CM determine (B62) [מזל determine fate]
Re: אזל in Cognates of אשל, see Azazel in Day of Atonement passage Lv16
H5395. I. נָשַׁם nāšam verb (to gasp) II. נָשַׁם nāšam verb (to destroy);
H5396. נִשְׁמָה nišmāh Aram. fem. noun (breath, life breath; corr. to Hebr. 5397); H5397. נְשָׁמָה nešāmāh fem. noun (breath, spirit)
H4923. מְשַׁמָּה mešammāh fem. noun (desolation, waste); H4924. I. מִשְׁמָן mišmān masc. noun (fat, fatness) II. מַשְׁמַנִּים mašmanniym masc. pl. noun (festive food); H4925. מִשְׁמַנָּה mišmannāh masc. proper noun (Mishmannah)
p.163 נשם breathe; move air;; GV [שמם desolate; שמה identify; שום set in place; נשם breathe];; CM move (D83) [נזם dangle]
In Gn2:7, נשמה is the breath of life the LORD God breathed into האדם. It is also the “breath of the LORD” in situations like Ps18:15/2S22:16 and
Isaiah 30:33:
33 For a burning place has long been prepared; indeed, for the king it is made ready, its pyre made deep and wide, with fire and wood in abundance; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of sulfur, kindles it.
◉ A pause for what may or may not be a signal word: H4932. מִשְׁנֶה mišneh masc. noun (second place, next in rank, double). There is no משן root nor נשן root in EDBH. Strong’ lists h4932. מִשְׁנֶה mišneh; from h8138. שָׁנָה šânâ; a primitive root; to fold, i.e. duplicate. And of course this is one way to look at the combination of consonants. And is “right” in its own way. But if it is a conjoined word, מש + נה, we might be thrown into considering the families of these words:
• מַשׁ-Mash. h4851. מַשׁ maš Gn10:23
GV p.145 משש probe; p.144 משה draw out [of water]/Moshe; p.137 מוש move [away]
DV אמש – p.145 משש probe; p.144 משה draw out [of water]; p.137 מוש move [away] > p.12 אמש pass; change
CM משש move slowly (B68); משה separate (B61); מוש forsake (B59); אמש effect gradual change (A41)
• נֹהַּ-wailing. h5089. נֹהַּ nha Ek7:11
GV p.150 נהה pain; p.151 נוה dwell [restfully and peacefully]; p105 ינה extort [take illegally]
¿ DV אנה – p.150 נהה pain; p.151 נוה dwell [restfully and peacefully] > p.12 אנה cause; direct to goal ?
¿ DV הנה – p.150 נהה pain; p.151 נוה dwell [restfully and peacefully] > p.60 הנה present a new idea ?
CM נהה impact physically/emotionally (D76); נוה move/rest (D62); ינה dominate (C54); אנה and הנה bring about (A44)
Returning briefly to our references on the consonants:
מ – liquid, water / sea, mighty and massive, chaos; as question word
ש – teeth, sharp and press; two, again, both or second
נ – continue, perpetuation, offspring or heir
ה – behold, look, breath, sigh and reveal or revelation
• The מ indicates that which emanates from an object or person
- The ש establishes facts as to what is or what should be
Unfortunately, we do not have a specific meaning indicated in EDBH for נ
• The ה is the bearer of existence: היה. Its positive actuality (ה הידיעה) is the definite article. Its wavering existence is the ה השאלה. Where existence is dependent, as in the feminine form (ירדה) or in expressing a wish (נקומה), the ה is quiescent. It is also the element used for the causative moods of התפעל, הפעיל, הפעל. Added to a verb it also indicates activity that includes motion and is the equivalent of a ל before the verb
מ – The symbol of the revealed and the concealed; Moses and Messiah
ש – The symbol of divine power and script – but also of corruption
נ – The symbol of faithfulness, soul, and emergence
ה – The symbol of divinity, gentility, and specificity
מ – Water, massive, mighty, many, chaos (like the deep), to come from (like water down a stream)
ש – Teeth, ivory, point of a rock, a peak, to devour, consume, destroy, something sharp, El Shaddai
נ – A fish, to sprout, to spread, offspring, descendant, action, life, heir to the throne, faithfulness
ה – Behold, to show, to reveal
Let’s return for a moment to the reflection metaphor given earlier, Lake Louise, and look at some of these added letters. We have just seen in the word נשמה above, a very sacred word to our Jewish brothers and sisters, the breath of life that was breathed into האדם but also the breath of the Lord like a stream of sulfur as in Is30:33. In משנה we have the same letters, in a different order, as in נשמה. Again I remind you, from p.299 EDBH, “In addition, words that contain similar consonants have similar meanings irrespective of the order of the consonants.” While we are on the topic, we will include the word for “eight,” which שמנה, which has much sacred meaning, such as an eighth day of certain Jewish holidays, the day of male circumcision, eight in some of the units of construction of the tabernacle, numbers of animals sacrificed, etc. I have purposely not myself delved into Gematria, the study of the meaning of numbers in Hebrew Scripture (not saying I will not at some point, but currently my plate is quite full).
Other words/names with all the same letters include one of Joseph’s sons, Manasseh H4519. A. מְנַשֶּׁה menaššeh masc. proper noun (Manasseh: son of Joseph) B. מְנַשֶּׁה menaššeh masc. proper noun (tribe or territory of Mannaseh) C. מְנַשֶּׁה menaššeh masc. proper noun (Manasseh: son of Hezekiah)
D. מְנַשֶּׁה menaššeh masc. proper noun (Manasseh: son of Pahath-Moab)
E. מְנַשֶּׁה menaššeh masc. proper noun (Manasseh: son of Hashum)
F. מְנַשֶּׁה menaššeh masc. proper noun (Manasseh: father of Gershom)
H4520. מְנַשִּׁי menaššiy masc. proper noun (Manassite)
and other words likely related that have three of the four letters, including such people as Haman and Abishag the Shunnamite, and Nimshi, as well as the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna)
Returning, however, to H4932. מִשְׁנֶה mišneh masc. noun (second place, next in rank, double), I remind you of the concept of Multiple Witnesses, Post #2, and all its supporting Scriptures. Truth is established by the repeated witness. This word means double (which may be a second witness••• pay attention!!). It also means “second,” which is a reminder to think of all the places where it is summarized, the first shall be last, the last first. Think of Rebekah’s twins, “one will be stronger than the other, and the greater shall serve the lesser.”
There is much in Scripture about how the breath of the LORD God rights injustices. This is one of THE major concepts in Scripture. ◉
H5398. נָשַׁף nāšap̱ verb (to blow); H5399. נֶשֶׁף nešep̱ masc. noun (twilight, dusk, dawn)
H4942. I. מִשְׁפְּתַיִם mišpeṯayim masc. dual noun (burden, saddlebag) II. מִשְׁפְּתַיִם mišpeṯayim masc. dual noun (fireplace, sheepfold)
p.164 נשף blow; move in time or space;; GV [שפף glide; שפה protrude; שוף slip out; נשף blow];; CM blow (D88) [נשב blow]
H5400. נָשַׂק nāśaq verb (to kindle, to burn; nasb, śālaq); H5401. I. נָשַׁק nāšaq verb (to kiss, to touch, to do homage) II. נָשַׁק nāšaq verb to arm, to equip, to handle); H5402. נֵשֶׁק nēšeq, נֶשֶׁק nešeq masc. noun (weapon, armor, battle)
H4943. מֶשֶׁק mešeq masc. noun (heir, steward); H4944. מַשָּׁק maššāq masc. noun (rushing, swarming); H4945. I. מַשְׁקֶה mašqeh masc. noun (cupbearer, butler) II. מַשְׁקֶה mašqeh masc. noun (liquid, drinking vessel, watering place)
Again we have ש and שׂ here intertwined
p.164 נשק prepare;; GV [שקק long; שקה saturate; שוק move; נשק prepare];; CM make contact (D84) [נזק harm; נשך bite; נסק ascend; נשׂק burn; נשׂג attain; נסך pour; נסג encroach]
p.164 נשׂק burn; impart heat;; GV (none listed);; CM make contact (D84) [נזק harm; נשך bite; נסק ascend; נשק prepare; נשׂג attain; נסך pour; נסג encroach]
p.145 משק rustle in the wind;; GV (none listed);; CM mingle (B60) [מזג mix; מסך mix; משך pull in]
H5408. נָתַח nāṯaḥ verb (to cut up, to cut into pieces); H5409. נֵתַח nēṯaḥ masc. noun (pieces [of meat])
H4969. מָתַח māṯaḥ verb (to spread out, to stretch out)
p.164 נתח sever; cut up;; GV (none listed));; CM establish/separate (D74) [נטע plant; נטה spread; נדה distance; נדח remove; נתע break]
Note, in the cognates, נדה is impurity, most commonly a woman’s ritual impurity of menstruation
p.145 מתה live on;; GV [מתת cause death; מתה live on; מות die];; CM prolong (B73) [מתח stretch]
משען and נשען this entry is somewhat different but very important. It will take a little more explanation, but could possibly be a precursor to other similar situations
h8172. שָׁעַן šâ‘an; a primitive root; to support one’s self: — lean, lie, rely, rest (on, self), stay.
AV (22) – lean 9, stay 5, rely 4, rest 3, lieth 1;
to lean on, trust in, support
(Niphal) to lean, lean upon, support oneself
of trust in God (fig)
BDB שׁען
GLOSS niphal: support oneself; lean
PARSING Hebrew, verb, niphal, participle, masculine, singular, absolute
נשען occurs 22 times in Scripture, in some very critical places.
CWSBD: H8172. שָׁעַן šā‘an verb
(to lean on, to rely on, to rest)
Gen. 18:4; Num. 21:15; Judg. 16:26; 2 Sam. 1:6; 2 Kgs. 5:18; 7:2,17; 2 Chr. 13:18; 14:11(10); 16:7,8; Job 8:15; 24:23; Prov. 3:5; Isa. 10:20; 30:12; 31:1; 50:10; Ezek. 29:7; Mic. 3:11.
H4937. I. מִשְׁעָן miš‘ān masc. noun
(staff, support, supply)
2 Sam. 22:19; Ps. 18:18(19); Isa. 3:1.
II. מַשְׁעֵן maš‘ēn masc. noun
(support, supply)
Isa. 3:1.
H4938. I. מַשְׁעֵנָה maš‘ēnāh fem. noun
(support, supply)
Isa. 3:1.
II. מִשְׁעֶנֶת miš‘eneṯ fem. noun
(pole, staff, support)
Ex. 21:19; Num. 21:18; Judg. 6:21; 2 Kgs. 4:29,31; 18:21; Ps. 23:4; Isa. 36:6; Ezek. 29:6; Zech. 8:4.

A few comments. First, this is just a suggestion for you to consider. The possibility is that the words נשען and משען could be looked at as combinations of roots. There are three listings in EDBH already that suggest three roots:

And you will note some connections here with ש and ע, for whatever that is worth.
Next, we can talk about just what important roots שמן, שמע, and נשם are.
שמן is oil, in particular one might think of anointing oil, that separated kings and priests,
and of course the anointed one is the Messiah h4899. מָשִׁיחַ mâšiyaḥ; from h4886. מָשַׁח mâšaḥ.
Shema שמע is the word in “Hear O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one.” The prayer is repeated multiple times daily.
And נהם is the root for h5397. נְשָׁמָה nešâmâ; from h5395. נָשַׁם nâšam. נשמה is the “breath of life” that the LORD God breathed into mankind.
Genesis 2:7
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath (h5397. נְשָׁמָה nešâmâ) of life; and man became a living being.
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