Appendix 13. Aleph Bet Meanings

From The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible, Jeff A. Benner

א – oxen, yoke and learn

ב – house, tent, family, in, with, inside or within

ג – walk, carry or gather

ד – door, a back and forth movement, dangle, mean, weak or poor 

ה – behold, look, breath, sigh and reveal or revelation

ו – to add or secure

ז – harvest or crop

ח – tent wall, protect, divide

ט – basket, contain, store and clay.

י – work, make and throw, functions of the hand

כ – bend and curve, to tame or subdue

ל – authority, yoke, tie or bind; as prefix – to, toward

מ – liquid, water / sea, mighty and massive, chaos; as question word, 

      searching for an unknown 

נ – continue, perpetuation, offspring or heir

ס – pierce and sharp, shield, grab hold

ע – seeing and watching; knowledge

פ – speak and blow, the edge of something (lip)

צ – side of something; hunting and chasing

ק – sun, revolution, circle, horizon, condense, and time

ר – head or man, chief, top, beginning or first

ש – teeth, sharp and press; two, again, both or second

ת – mark, sign or signature

       Ghah – meaning twisted; dark – has been absorbed into ע


p.299 EDBH

The meaning of individual consonants

Hirsch contends that each individual consonant has a distinctive meaning or association. This specific meaning provides a commonality for the various roots containing the consonant (see Gn 10:10).

• The ע indicates motion: נוע moving, פסע stepping, עלה rising.

• The ח serves to restrict the very motion created by the ע

נוח resting; פסח being lame; חלה being ill (Ex 12:11).

• The ה is the bearer of existence: היה. Its positive actuality (ה הידיעה) is the definite article. Its wavering existence is the ה השאלה. Where existence is dependent, as in the feminine form (ירדה) or in expressing a wish (נקומה), the ה is quiescent. It is also the element used for the causative moods of התפעל, הפעיל, הפעל. Added to a verb it also indicates activity that includes motion and is the equivalent of a ל before the verb (Gn 12:5, 43:7).

• The כ highlights an example for all to emulate (Gn 10:10).

• The ל indicates movement or return to an object (Gn 10:10).

• The מ indicates that which emanates from an object or person (Gn 10:10). 

• The ש establishes facts as to what is or what should be (Gn 10:10).

• In addition, words that contain similar consonants have similar meanings irrespective of the order of the consonants (Lv 7:18, Dt 25:18, Ps 17:14, 31:23, 60:5).


From The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet 

The Sacred Letters as a Guide to Jewish Deed and Thought

R. Michael L. Munk, Artscroll Series

א – The symbol of God’s oneness and mastery

ב – The symbol of blessing and creation; duality and plurality 

ג – The symbol of kindness and culmination 

ד – The symbol of dimensions and concern

ה – The symbol of divinity, gentility, and specificity

ו – The symbol of completion, redemption, and transformation 

ז – The symbol of spirit, sustenance, and struggle 

ח – The symbol of transcendence, divine grace, and life

ט – The symbol of goodness

י – The symbol of creation and the metaphysical 

כ – The symbol of crowning accomplishment 

ל – The symbol of teaching and purpose 

מ – The symbol of the revealed and the concealed; Moses and Messiah

נ – The symbol of faithfulness, soul, and emergence

ס – The symbol of support, protection, and memory 

ע – The symbol of sight and insight

פ – The symbol of speech and silence 

צ – The symbol of righteousness and humility 

ק – The symbol of holiness and growth cycles

ר – The symbol of choosing between greatness and degradation 

ש – The symbol of divine power and script – but also of corruption 

ת – The symbol of truth and perfection 


Got this one online, from DeviantArt at 

He says he created it after 30 years of study ? (Sum1Good, “musician and artist”)

“Letter Definitions:”

א – 

AHLB – oxen, yoke and learn 

TWHA – The symbol of God’s oneness and mastery

EDBH says four things of א: p.298 it can be added as a prefix to a three lettered root to form a noun or adjective (examples given also may be seen as “individualizing”); p.295 “Other forms that interchange are the ל״ה root (קרה) and the ל״א root (קרא); p.296, both ה and א can be used in creating Derivational Variants, “individualizing or targeting the new action.” (Recall ה is the “bearer of existence.”) And in the introduction xii, “The א brings the action expressed by a root directly to the individual for his exclusive benefit.”

DeviantArt – ox, bull, gentle, tame, the leader, strength, what is first, Adonai (my lord), thousand, teach


AHLB – house, tent, family, in, with, inside or within

TWHA – The symbol of blessing and creation; duality and plurality

DeviantArt – tent or house, the body, household or family, inside, within, amid


AHLB – walk, carry or gather

TWHA – The symbol of kindness and culmination 

DeviantArt – a camel, something lifted up (like a camel rising from its knees), self-will or pride

ד – 

AHLB – door, a back and forth movement, dangle, mean, weak or poor

TWHA – The symbol of dimensions and concern

DeviantArt – A door, a path, a way of life, movement (into or out of)

ה – 

AHLB – behold, look, breath, sigh and reveal or revelation 

TWHA – The symbol of divinity, gentility, and specificity

EDBH – The ה is the bearer of existence: היה. Its positive actuality (ה הידיעה) is the definite article. Its wavering existence is the ה השאלה. Where existence is dependent, as in the feminine form (ירדה) or in expressing a wish (נקומה), the ה is quiescent. It is also the element used for the causative moods of הפעיל, הפעל, התפעל. Added to a verb it also indicates activity that includes motion and is the equivalent of a ל before the verb (Gn 12:5, 43:7).

DeviantArt – Behold, to show, to reveal

ו – 

AHLB – to add or secure

TWHA – The symbol of completion, redemption, and transformation 

DeviantArt – A nail, a peg, a hook, joining together, making secure, becoming bound(nailed to)

ז –

AHLB – harvest or crop

TWHA – The symbol of spirit, sustenance, and struggle

Deviant Art – A sword, an axe, a weapon, to cut, to pierce

ח –

AHLB – tent wall, protect, divide

TWHA – The symbol of transcendence, divine grace, and life

EDBH – The ח serves to restrict the very motion created by the ע.

DeviantArt – A fence, inner room or chamber, to separate, to cut off from, to protect

ט – 

AHLB – basket, contain, store and clay.

TWHA – The symbol of goodness

DeviantArt – A snake, to surround, to twist, a twisting or a coiling


AHLB – work, make and throw, functions of the hand

TWHA – The symbol of creation and the metaphysical 

DeviantArt – A hand (closed or closing upon), to work, a deed done, a finished work


AHLB – bend and curve, to tame or subdue

EDBH – The כ highlights an example for all to emulate

TWHA – The symbol of crowning accomplishment

DeviantArt – A palm of a hand, a wing, to allow, to cover, to open the hand, the powerto suppress or lift up

ל – 

AHLB – authority, yoke, tie or bind; as prefix – to, toward

EDBH – The ל indicates movement or return to an object

TWHA – The symbol of teaching and purpose

DeviantArt – A staff, cattle goad, rod, to control, prod, urge forward, go toward orforward, teach, learn, tongue

מ – 

AHLB – liquid, water / sea, mighty and massive, chaos, and as question word,    

       searching for an unknown

EDBH – The מ indicates that which emanates from an object or person 

TWHA – The symbol of the revealed and the concealed; Moses and Messiah

DeviantArt – Water, mighty, massive, many, chaos (like the deep), to come from 

       (like water down a stream)

נ –

AHLB – continue, perpetuation, offspring or heir

TWHA – The symbol of faithfulness, soul, and emergence

DeviantArt – A fish, to sprout, to spread, offspring, descendant, action, life, heir to thethrone, faithfulness 

ס – 

AHLB – pierce and sharp, shield, grab hold

TWHA – The symbol of support, protection, and memory

DeviantArt – A prop, to support, prop, aid, assist, a slow twisting or turning aside (likea propped plant)

ע –

AHLB – seeing and watching; knowledge

TWHA – The symbol of sight and insight 

EDBH – indicates motion

DeviantArt – The eye, look, appearance, to see, understand, experience, to be seen, a fountain

פ –

AHLB – speak and blow, the edge of something (lip)

TWHA – The symbol of speech and silence

DeviantArt – A mouth, opening or entrance, to command, speak, open, a beginning, here, present 

צ –

AHLB – side of something; hunting and chasing

TWHA – The symbol of righteousness and humility

DeviantArt – A fish hook, to pull toward, something inescapable, desire, trouble, aharvest, righteous, to hunt

ק – 

AHLB – sun, revolution, circle, horizon, condense, and time

TWHA – The symbol of holiness and growth cycles

DeviantArt – The back of the head, what is behind, last, final, the least

ר –

AHLB – head or man, chief, top, beginning or first

TWHA – The symbol of choosing between greatness and degradation

DeviantArt – A head, a person, what is highest, most important, chief

ש –

AHLB – teeth, sharp and press; two, again, both or second

EDBH – The ש establishes facts as to what is or what should be

TWHA – The symbol of divine power and script – but also of corruption

DeviantArt – Teeth, ivory, point of a rock, a peak, to devour, consume, destroy, something sharp, El Shaddai

ת – 

AHLB – mark, sign or signature 

TWHA – The symbol of truth and perfection

DeviantArt – a mark, sign “x” or cross, ownership, to seal, covenant, join two thingstogether, the last

EDBH says only of ת, p.297, that it can be added as prefix or suffix to a three-lettered root to form a noun or adjective
