I am asking you, as the reader, to go through the exercise of reading down the meanings of each root with its cognate meaning. At the bottom of the root listings are a list of the cognate meanings to simplify it. You can do it simply as an exercise for yourself, but I bet you see qualities in people in your life as you go down the list. I, the author of this website, have purposely chosen to remain anonymous because it is not about me, but about God’s word. You can post a response here on the website. More than anything, I hope it is an enlightening experience for you. I have not posted my phrases yet, though I may in the future. For now, I don’t want to prejudice your thoughts.

The two-letter words listing at the beginning of the posts were started from a listing in the above Application by Zev Clementson, which was available in 32-bit format but sadly has not been upgraded to 64-bit. My investigations have carried the work on Two-Letter Words further.
And, as is generally the case here, the root definitions are listed from the Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew (EDBH) Clark/Hirsch.
My own work has been in combining the wisdom of many who have gone before, and hopefully is some help in understanding. Mine is a small part. God’s work is mighty.
☯︎ act eagerly (A1) 7
אבב p.1 (ripen; greedily absorb nourishment from the ground) act eagerly (A1)
אפף p.15 (pant; greedily absorb) act eagerly (A1)
הבב p.55 (offer sacrifice) act eagerly (A1)
חבב p.72 (love dutifully) act eagerly (A1)
חפף p.86 (enclose protectively; surround) act eagerly (A1)
עבב p.178 (thicken) act eagerly (A1)
עפף p.189 (flutter; move perpetually) act eagerly (A1)
☯︎ constrain by external force (A2) 14
אבד p.1 (lose valuable possession) constrain by external force (A2)
אוד p.4 (effect results; set into motion) constrain by external force (A2)
אות p.6 (communicate; project symbol to one’s intelligence) constrain by
external force (A2)
אפד p.14 (gird; hold in entire body) constrain by external force (A2)
- This is the ephod
הוד p.57 (praise) constrain by external force (A2)
חבט p.72 (strike selectively) constrain by external force (A2)
חבת p.73 (be low and submissive) constrain by external force (A2)
חוד p.75 (puzzle; present obscure ideas) constrain by external force (A2)
עבד p.178 (work subject to another’s will) constrain by external force (A2)
עבט p.178 (obligate; be indebted) constrain by external force (A2)
עבת p.179 (tie in order to strengthen) constrain by external force (A2)
עוד p.180 (endure; continue) constrain by external force (A2)
עוט p.181 (pounce) constrain by external force (A2)
עות p.183 (divert from proper goal) constrain by external force (A2)
☯︎ hide/reveal (A3) 17
אבה p.1 (submit to existing demand) hide/reveal (A3)
אוה p.5 (crave; seek to control) hide/reveal (A3)
אוח p.5 (scurry forth) hide/reveal (A3)
אפה p.14 (cover with crust; bake) hide/reveal (A3)
הבה p.55 (bring forth) hide/reveal (A3)
הוא p.57 (be; exist) hide/reveal (A3)
הוה p.57 (exist; bring into being) hide/reveal (A3)
חבא p.72 (p.72) (hide) hide/reveal (A3)
חוה p.75 (protect) hide/reveal (A3)
חוח p.75 (restrain; hold back) hide/reveal (A3)
חפא p.85 (secret and cover) hide/reveal (A3)
חפה p.85 (cover) hide/reveal (A3)
עבה p.178 (cover with thick substance) hide/reveal (A3)
עוה p.181 (transgress; deviate from proper way) hide/reveal (A3)
עוע p.182 (confuse) hide/reveal (A3)
עפא p.189 (hide) hide/reveal (A3)
עפה p.189 (darken) hide/reveal (A3)
☯︎ pressure (A4) 9
אבך p.1 (billow out) pressure (A4)
אבק p.2 (expel quickly from source) pressure (A4)
אפק p.15 (contain; hold back) pressure (A4)
הפך p.60 (change; turn) pressure (A4)
חבק p.72 (embrace; draw close) pressure (A4)
חוג p.75 (encircle) pressure (A4)
חוק p.76 (fix limits) pressure (A4)
- most often seen as “statutes”
עוג p.180 (pound into cakes) pressure (A4)
עוק p.182 (press down) pressure (A4)
☯︎ restrain (A5) 8
אבל p.1 (lack wholeness) restrain (A5)
אול p.5 (vacillate; lack clarity of purpose) restrain (A5)
אפל p.14 (darken; prevent light from entering) restrain (A5)
הבל p.55 (lack value) restrain (A5)
- this is Abel, son of Adam and Eve, and vanity in Ecclesiastes
חבל p.72 (bind; hold back) restrain (A5)
חול p.76 (begin; enter) restrain (A5)
עול p.181 (misuse power) restrain (A5)
עפל p.189 (restrain movement; discourage) restrain (A5)
☯︎ form (A6) 8
אבן p.2 (create by using special tool) form (A6)
און p.5 (acquire) form (A6)
אפן p.14 (create purposefully) form (A6)
הבן p.55 (build out of wood) form (A6)
הון p.58 (acquire sufficient means) form (A6)
חון p.76 (forgive; pardon) form (A6)
חפן p.85 (measure) form (A6)
עון p.181 (time to advantage; benefit for specific time periods) form (A6)
☯︎ expedite/limit support (A7) 16
אבס p.2 (feed; digest food) expedite/limit support (A7)
אוץ p.5 (push hurriedly to a goal) expedite/limit support (A7)
אפס p.15 (disappear) expedite/limit support (A7)
חבש p.73 (bind; set in place) expedite/limit support (A7)
חוז p.75 (strive for a goal) expedite/limit support (A7)
חוס p.76 (pity) expedite/limit support (A7)
חוץ p.76 (exclude) expedite/limit support (A7)
חוש p.77 (hurry; move swiftly) expedite/limit support (A7)
חפז p.85 (hasten aimlessly) expedite/limit support (A7)
חפץ p.86 (desire) expedite/limit support (A7)
חפש p.86 (free) expedite/limit support (A7)
חפשׂ p.86 (seek: search) expedite/limit support (A7)
עבש p.178 (shrivel) expedite/limit support (A7)
עוז p.181 (strengthen and protect from danger) expedite/limit support (A7)
עוץ p.182 (force up; concentrate effort to develop) expedite/limit support (A7)
עוש p.183 (hasten) expedite/limit support (A7)
☯︎ expose/conceal (A8) 10
אבר p.2 (soar above protectively) expose/conceal (A8)
אור p.6 (light; illuminate) expose/conceal (A8)
אפר p.15 (cover) expose/conceal (A8)
הבר p.55 (analyze) expose/conceal (A8)
חבר p.72 (connect together; join for positive purpose) expose/conceal (A8)
חור p.77 (open; whiten) expose/conceal (A8)
חפר p.86 (dig; expose the hidden) expose/conceal (A8)
עבר p.178 (cross over to other side; move to different condition) expose/
conceal (A8)
עור p.182 (awaken; absorb external impulse) expose/conceal (A8)
עפר p.189 (cover with earthy substance) expose/conceal (A8)
☯︎ continue/retard action (A14) [8]7
אגף p.3 (extend) continue/retard action (A14)
איב p.8 (show enmity) continue/retard action (A14)
אכף p.10 (force) continue/retard action (A14)
חגב p.73 (hop; jump forward) continue/retard action (A14)
עגב p.179 (flirt) continue/retard action (A14)
עיף p.185 (tire; exhaust) continue/retard action (A14)
[עכב (no entry – not in Scripture) hinder
in modern Hebrewdelay]
עקב p.190 (undermine; act deviously) continue/retard action (A14)
☯︎ impact suddenly (A16) 7
אדב p.3 (impact suddenly) impact suddenly (A16)
הדף p.57 (thrust; push a superfluous object) impact suddenly (A16)
חטב p.78 (hew; cut down in order to remove from forest) impact suddenly (A16)
חטף p.78 (grab; take hold and remove) impact suddenly (A16)
חתף p.92 (snatch; grab quickly) impact suddenly (A16)
עדף p.180 (exceed beyond need) impact suddenly (A16)
עטף p.184 (envelop; separate) impact suddenly (A16)
אהב p.4 love; devote completely to another (no cognates listed)
- Note King Ahab is אחאב, but there is no אחב root nor חאב root]
☯︎ fill/empty (A21)
אוב p.4 (fill with rainwater) fill/empty (A21)
חוב p.75 (owe; be indebted) fill/empty (A21)
חוף p.76 (clear of misdeeds) fill/empty (A21)
עוב p.180 (becloud the sky) fill/empty (A21)
עוף p.192 (lift into air; fill with air) fill/empty (A21)
☯︎ limit (A22)
אום p.5 (limit; condition reality) limit (A22)
הום p.58 (billow; be in agitated motion) limit (A22)
חום p.76 (darken; blacken) limit (A22)
☯︎ engage/disengage (A23) 10
אזב p.6 (weaken; hinder growth) engage/disengage (A23)
- This is the root for hyssop אזוב. Look for the places hyssop occurs.
אסף p.14 (gather; collect from inappropriate place) engage/disengage (A23)
- This includes Asaph, mentioned often in the prophets and the writings, and numerous Psalms are listed as “Psalm of Asaph.”
אשף p.18 (heap; gather) engage/disengage (A23)
חסף p.85 (expose; take way cover) engage/disengage (A23)
חצב p.86 (hew; separate by force) engage/disengage (A23)
חשב p.90 (join; combine separate items) engage/disengage (A23)
חשׂף p.91 (uncover) engage/disengage (A23)
עזב p.183 (leave; disengage) engage/disengage (A23)
עצב p.190 (hold back; renounce) engage/disengage (A23)
עשׂב p.193 (grow independently) engage/disengage (A23)
☯︎ impact on others (A36) [5]4
אלף p.10 (receive from others; lack independence) impact on others (A36)
חלב p.80 (change; convert to nourishment) impact on others (A36)
חלף p.81 (exchange; transfer) impact on others (A36)
עלב (no entry – not in Scripture) shame
in modern Hebrew a disgrace
עלף p.186 (faint away; disappear from view) impact on others (A36)
☯︎ move from internal to external (A43)
אנב p.12 (spring out) move from internal to external (A43)
אנף p.13 (enrage; express inner feelings of anger) move from internal to
external (A43)
חנף p.84 (deceive) move from internal to external (A43)
ענב p.188 (grow vine-like; intertwine) move from internal to external (A43)
ענף p.188 (branch) move from internal to external (A43)
☯︎ facilitate/restrain penetration (A49) 5
ארב p.16 (restrain urge to penetrate) facilitate/restrain penetration (A49)
חרב p.88 (parch; lose vitality) facilitate/restrain penetration (A49)
חרף p.89 (make vulnerable; taunt) facilitate/restrain penetration (A49)
ערב p.191 (mix substances with no change in character; penetrate with foreign
matter) facilitate/restrain penetration (A49)
ערף p.193 (loosen; partition) facilitate/restrain penetration (A49)
☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎
☯︎ highlight; expose (B1)
באר p.20 (clarify; go from dark to light) highlight; expose (B1)
בהר p.22 (enlighten; shine) highlight; expose (B1)
בחר p.24 (choose from many; select) highlight; expose (B1)
בער p.29 (burn; destroy) highlight; expose (B1)
פאר p.196 (distinguish; stand out) highlight; expose (B1)
פער p.204 (open; expose) highlight; expose (B1)
☯︎ lack substance (B2)
באש p.20 (foul; arouse disgust) lack substance (B2)
פחז p.200 (lack stability) lack substance (B2)
☯︎ open up and give forth (B4) 7
בגה p.20 (produce food) open up and give forth (B4)
ביה p.25 (distress; feel pain) open up and give forth (B4)
בכא p.26 (weep) open up and give forth (B4)
בכה p.26 (cry due to inner or outer impulse) open up and give forth (B4)
בקע p.30 (split; open crevice) open up and give forth (B4)
פגע p.196 (contact; encounter) open up and give forth (B4)
פקע p.205 (split open) open up and give forth (B4)
☯︎ react to externals (B5) 7
בדא p.20 (fabricate; create untruths) react to externals (B5)
בטא p.25 (express; speak rashly) react to externals (B5)
בטה p.25 (speak) react to externals (B5)
בתה p.33 (destroy: lay waste) react to externals (B5)
בטח p.25 (trust) react to externals (B5)
פדה p.197 (liberate; extract from control) react to externals (B5)
פדע p.197 (save) react to externals (B5)
☯︎ open/close (B9) burst forth (B25) – these should be together 8
בהה p.21 (confuse elements) open/close (B9)
פהה p.197 (open; initiate) open/close (B9)
פחח p.200 (open) open/close (B9)
בחה p.24 (sound fearful noise) burst forth (B25)
בעה p.28 (erupt) burst forth (B25)
פאה p.197 (divide sections) burst forth (B25)
פחה p.199 (govern; rule local areas) burst forth (B25)
פעה p.203 (burst forth) burst forth (B25)
☯︎ act positively/negatively (B10) 7
בהט p.21(compact; densify) act positively/negatively (B10)
בעד p.28 (exclude others) act positively/negatively (B10)
בעט p.29 (scorn) act positively/negatively (B10)
בעת p.29 (terrify) act positively/negatively (B10)
פאת p.196 (access; open up) act positively/negatively (B10)
פלד p.199 (fear impending danger) act positively/negatively (B10)
פחת p.200 (diminish; deepen) act positively/negatively (B10)
☯︎ have/lack control (B11) 4
בהל p.21 (shock) have/lack control (B11)
בחל p.24 (abhor) have/lack control (B11)
בעל p.29 (master; take possession) have/lack control (B11)
פעל p.204 (work hard toward a goal) have/lack control (B11)
☯︎ force down (B12) 3
בהם p.21 (subordinate to another) force down (B12)
פחם p.200 (weaken; blacken) force down (B12)
פעם p.204 (beat down; stride strongly) force down (B12)
☯︎ be certain (B13) 2
בהן p.22 (direct; enable) be certain (B13)
בחן p.24 (test performance for quality) be certain (B13)
בהק p.22 clear (no cognates listed) 1
☯︎ gather in (B14) 5
בבה p.20 (cover a focused point) gather in (B14)
בוא p.22 (come to attractive place) gather in (B14)
פוא p.197 (be here; locate) gather in (B14)
פוה p.197 (be here; locate) gather in (B14)
פוח p.198 (blow; breathe in and out) gather in (B14)
☯︎ reveal (B21) [14]13
בזא p.24 (cut; separate) reveal (B21)
בזה p.24 (scorn) reveal (B21)
בצא p.29 (muddy) reveal (B21)
בצה p.29 (muddy) reveal (B21)
בצע p.30 (complete; conclude) reveal (B21)
פסח p.203 (skip; walk unevenly) reveal (B21)
- This פסח is Pesach/Passover
פסע (no entry – not in Scripture)
in modern Hebrew,פסע= step
פצה p.204 (open forcibly) reveal (B21)
פצח p.204 (open up) reveal (B21)
פצע p.205 (wound) reveal (B21)
פשׂה p.208 (spread) reveal (B21)
פשח p.208 (split open) reveal (B21)
פשע p.208 (transgress; misuse a relationship) reveal (B21)
פשׂע p.208 (step energetically) reveal (B21)
☯︎ separate out completely (B28). 6
בלא p.26 (wear out) separate out completely (B28)
בלה p.27 (decay; wither) separate out completely (B28)
בלע p.27 (swallow completely; enclose) separate out completely (B28)
פלא p.201 (diverge from the norm) separate out completely (B28)
פלה p.201 (separate; distinguish) separate out completely (B28)
פלח p.201 (split; separate) separate out completely (B28)
במה p.28 raise up (no cognates listed) 1
☯︎ join elements (B32) 3
בנה p.28 (build; form) join elements (B32)
פנה p.202 (turn to and focus attention) join elements (B32)
פנח p.203 (safeguard) join elements (B32)
☯︎ emerge from constraints (B37) 7
ברא p.31 (open; actualize) emerge from constraints (B37)
ברה p.31 (rejuvenate; restore physical health) emerge from constraints (B37)
ברח p.31 (flee; move out quickly) emerge from constraints (B37)
פרא p.205 (free of control) emerge from constraints (B37)
פרה p.206 (produce) emerge from constraints (B37)
פרח p.206 (blossom; grow) emerge from constraints (B37)
פרע p.207 (loosen; disarrange) emerge from constraints (B37)
☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎
☯︎ concentrate (C3) 21
גבא p.34 (concentrate fluids) concentrate (C3)
גבה p.34 (rise high through concentration of elements) concentrate (C3)
גבח p.34 (heighten forehead by exposing pate) concentrate (C3)
גבע p.35 (elevate) concentrate (C3)
גוא p.37 (depress) concentrate (C3)
גוה p.37 (concentrate disparate elements) concentrate (C3)
גוח p.38 (crawl; move with difficulty) concentrate (C3)
גוע p.38 (be lifeless; die without suffering) concentrate (C3)
יוה p.102 (connect) concentrate (C3)
יפה p.107 (project beauty; excite the senses) concentrate (C3)
יפח p.107 (exhale; breathe) concentrate (C3)
יפע p.107 (radiate; emerge from darkness) concentrate (C3)
כבה p.114 (extinguish) concentrate (C3)
כבע p.115 (cover; protect head) concentrate (C3)
כוה p.116 (burn) concentrate (C3)
כוח p.116 (strengthen) concentrate (C3)
כפה p.122 (force) concentrate (C3)
קבע p.223 (limit) concentrate (C3)
קוא p.225 (vomit) concentrate (C3)
קוה p.225 (gather to act; strive to a particular goal) concentrate (C3)
קפא p.231 (coagulate; congeal) concentrate (C3)
☯︎ open up (C44) 5
כאב (hurt) open up (C44)
יאב p.99 (desire; long) open up (C44)
יהב p.101 (give; provide) open up (C44)
יחף p.101 (bare foot; lack shoes) open up (C44)
יעף p.106 (ascend; strive) open up (C44)
☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎
☯︎ feel distress (D1) 5
דאב p.45 (feel pain) feel distress (D1)
דהב p.47 (distress) feel distress (D1)
דחף p.49 (pressure) feel distress (D1)
תאב p.283 (yearn; worry over absence) feel distress (D1)
תעב p.287 p.287 (abominate; cause revulsion) feel distress (D1)
☯︎ press to expand/weaken (D4) [14]13
דבא p.45 (weaken) press to expand/weaken (D4)
דבה p.45 (weaken) press to expand/weaken (D4)
דוה p.48 (feel ill; have emotional pain) press to expand/weaken (D4)
דוח p.48 (scrub) press to expand/weaken (D4)
דפה p.52 (fault; have blemish) press to expand/weaken (D4)
טבח p.94 (slaughter; slay) press to expand/weaken (D4)
טבע p.94 (embed; press into surrounding material) press to expand/weaken
טוא p.94 (sweep; clear away) press to expand/weaken (D4)
טוה p.95 (spin together) press to expand/weaken (D4)
טוח p.95 (cover) press to expand/weaken (D4)
טפח p.97 (widen by flattening) press to expand/weaken (D4)
תבא (no entry) (weaken) press to expand/weaken (D4)
in modern Hebrew,תבא= open
תוה p.284 (mark; set bounds) press to expand/weaken (D4)
תפה p.287 (punish) press to expand/weaken (D4)
☯︎ impact negatively (D41)
לאב p.127 (scorn; mock) impact negatively (D41)
להב p.128 (flame) impact negatively (D41)
לעב p.132 (mock; insult) impact negatively (D41)
☯︎ ignite emotion/interest (D46)
לבא p.127 (arouse) ignite emotion/interest (D46)
לבה p.128 (enthuse) ignite emotion/interest (D46)
לוה p.129 (connect; join for mutual benefit) ignite emotion/interest (D46)
לוח p.129 (form a flat surface) ignite emotion/interest (D46)
לוע p.130 (cry out) ignite emotion/interest (D46)
☯︎ move/speak directly (D62)
נבא p.146 (prophesy; transmit God’s word) move/speak directly (D62)
נבח p.147 (bark) move/speak directly (D62)
נבע p.147 (gush forth; pass on) move/speak directly (D62)
נוא p.150 (interrupt movement) move/rest (D62)
נוה p.151 (dwell restfully and peacefully) move/rest (D62)
נוח p.151 (rest; stop movement) move/rest (D62)
נוע p.152 (move to a goal) move/rest (D62)
☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎ ☯︎
☯︎ pull in/project out (E1) 13
זאב p.63 (drag) pull in/project out (E1)
זהב p.64 (glitter; brighten and purify) pull in/project out (E1)
זעף p.69 (hide anger from onlookers) pull in/project out (E1)
סחב p.169 (drag) pull in/project out (E1)
סעף p.174 (branch out; extend) pull in/project out (E1)
סחף p.270 (sweep) pull in/project out (E1)
צהב p.213 (shine yellow-like) pull in/project out (E1)
צעף p.220 (cover; veil) pull in/project out (E1)
שאב p.252 (draw in) pull in/project out (E1)
שאף p.253 (grasp greedily) pull in/project out (E1)
שחף p.260 (weaken; unable to carry weight) pull in/project out (E1)
שׂחף p.276 (cover) pull in/project out (E1)
שׂעף p.279 (extend; think out) pull in/project out (E1)
☯︎ control movement/action (E5) 29
זבח p.63 (nourish; act for higher purpose) control movement/action (E5)
זוה p.65 (conceal; store) control movement/action (E5)
זוח p.65 (restrain) control movement/action (E5)
זוע p.65 (move; quiver) control movement/action (E5)
סבא p.166 (guzzle; be preoccupied with drink) control movement/action (E5)
סוה p.168 (cover; veil) control movement/action (E5)
סוח p.168 (move slowly) control movement/action (E5)
ספא p.174 (feed animals; provide fodder) control movement/action (E5)
ספה p.274 (heap; combine for negative purpose) control movement/action (E5)
ספח p.174 (attach to an existing item) control movement/action (E5)
צבא p.211 (mobilize; add to assembled body) control movement/action (E5)
צבה p.212 (swell; exalt) control movement/action (E5)
צבע p.212 (highlight) control movement/action (E5)
צוא p.213 (evacuate; void) control movement/action (E5)
צוה p.214 (command; delegate authority while retaining control) control
movement/action (E5)
צוח p.214 (wail; cry out) control movement/action (E5)
שבה p.253 (capture; increase by absorbing) control movement/action (E5)
שבח p.253 (extol; describe and satisfy fullness) control movement/action (E5) שבעp.254 (submit to God; complete) control movement/action (E5)
שוא p.256 (lack value and content) control movement/action (E5)
שוה p.257 (level; set evenly and smoothly) control movement/action (E5)
שוח p.257 (lower) control movement/action (E5)
שוע p.258 (entreat; call for help against threat to possessions) control
movement/action (E5)
שפה p.267 (protrude; stand above or away from) control movement/action (E5) שפחp.268 (join family; increase by attaching) control movement/action (E5)
שפע p.268 (abound; be plentiful) control movement/action (E5)
שׂבע p.273 (satiate; satisfy) control movement/action (E5)
שׂפה p.279 (complete; end naturally) control movement/action (E5)
שׂפח p.279 (grow rough and scabby) control movement/action (E5)
מוח p.136 fatten (no cognates listed)
☯︎ increase/decrease (E66)
רבא p.238 (multiply; increase) increase/decrease (E66)
רבה p.238 (multiply) increase/decrease (E66)
רבע p.238 (breed; increase) increase/decrease (E66)
רוה p.241 (strengthen through water) increase/decrease (E66)
רוח p.241 (force open space; spread) increase/decrease (E66)
רוע p.241 (break physically or morally) increase/decrease (E66)
רפא p.247 (loosen) increase/decrease (E66)
רפה p.247 (weaken; release from control) increase/decrease (E66)
רהב p.240 (embolden; increase power) expand/contract activity (E80)
רחב p.242 (enlarge; widen) expand/control activity (E80)
רחף p.243 (flutter; move quickly) expand/control activity (E80)
רעב p.246 (starve; lack basic food) expand/control activity (E80)
רעף p.247 (pour down heavily) expand/control activity (E80)
act eagerly (A1)
constrain by external force (A2)
hide/reveal (A3)
pressure (A4)
restrain (A5)
form (A6)
expedite/limit support (A7)
expose/conceal (A8)
continue/retard action (A14)
impact suddenly (A16)
love; devote completely to another (no cognates listed)
fill/empty (A21)
limit (A22)
engage/disengage (A23)
impact on others (A36)
move from internal to external (A43)
facilitate/restrain penetration (A49)
highlight; expose (B1)
lack substance (B2)
open up and give forth (B4)
react to externals (B5)
open/close (B9) = burst forth (B25)
act positively/negatively (B10)
have/lack control (B11)
force down (B12)
be certain (B13)
clear (no cognates listed)
gather in (B14)
reveal (B21)
separate out completely (B28)
raise up (no cognates listed)
join elements (B32)
emerge from constraints (B37)
concentrate (C3)
open up (C44)
feel distress (D1)
press to expand/weaken (D4)
impact negatively (D41)
ignite emotion/interest (D46)
move/speak directly (D62) move/rest
pull in/project out (E1)
control movement/action (E5)
fatten (no cognates listed)
increase/decrease (E66)
expand/contract activity (E80) expand/control activity – 🤔 contract ↔︎ control
The challenge now is to come up with one word or phrase that encompasses all of these words/phrases, just as is done with the different root meanings for a cognate group, to come up with a “cognate meaning.” Recall the cognate meanings are often discussing a “spectrum” and may extend to both ends of the spectrum – positive and negative. As you see, it is MUCH more challenging for two-letter words than for three-letter words. One such meaning for this grouping is “father,” which we know as a basic word definition. But is there another phrase that might help us understand how the Hebrew people understood the meaning of “father?” And perhaps there is no other; perhaps we are simply to say that fatherhood encompasses all of these possibilities.
One possible way to look at it is to look at other occurring two-letter words that are cognate permutations; examples would be או and אף and פה and פח and
▸ H176. אַו ’aw, אוֹ ’ô:
A noun possibly meaning desire or craving (Prov. 31:4; NASB, NIV). It is also found translated as a negative meaning nor (using the reading ’ey in KJV, NKJV).
A particle conjunction of choice usually meaning or, but also rather, except in some contexts but still in essence meaning or. It can be translated as either when used in conjunction with another ’ô (Gen. 44:19) or whether (Lev. 5:1; cf. also Gen. 24:55; Ex. 21:31, or if; 1 Sam. 20:10; Isa. 27:5).
▸ H637. אַף ’ap̱: A particle meaning also, yea, indeed, even. Its main meanings are also, even, or it notes emphasis (Gen. 40:16; Ps. 89:27[28]); contrast (Ps. 44:9[10]). It means yes when used with kiy (H3588) to introduce a conditional sentence (yes, if . . . , Ezek. 14:21); really, when used before kı̄y to introduce a question (Gen. 3:1). It introduces clauses of time when used before kı̄y, e.g., Nehemiah 9:18, even if.
▸ H639. אַף ’ap̱: A masculine noun meaning nose, nostril, and anger. These meanings are used together in an interesting wordplay in Proverbs 30:33. This word may, by extension, refer to the whole face, particularly in the expression, to bow one’s face to the ground (Gen. 3:19; 19:1; 1 Sam. 24:8[9]). To have length of nose is to be slow to wrath; to have shortness of nose is to be quick tempered (Prov. 14:17, 29; Jer. 15:14, 15). This Hebrew term is often intensified by being paired with another word for anger or by associating it with various words for burning (Num . 22:27; Deut. 9:19; Jer. 4:8; 7:20). Human anger is almost always viewed negatively with only a few possible exceptions (Ex. 32:19; 1 Sam. 11:6; Prov. 27:4). The anger of the Lord is a frequent topic in the Old Testament. The Old Testament describes how God is reluctant to exercise His anger and how fierce His anger is (Ex. 4:14; 34:6; Ps. 30:5[6]; 78:38; Jer. 51:45). We have spoken before, maybe “frustration” would be better.
▸ H1930. הוֹ hô: A strong emotional interjection, alas! It is repeated in Amos 5:16 for even more emphasis to announce the coming of the Lord’s day of judgment.
▸ H6310. פֶּה peh: A masculine singular noun meaning mouth. Besides the literal meaning, this term is used as the instrument of speech and figuratively for speech itself. When Moses claimed to be an ineffective speaker, he was heavy of mouth (Ex. 4:10); the psalmist also uses peh to mean speech (Ps. 49:13[14]; Eccl. 10:13; Isa. 29:13). The word is rendered edge in the expression the mouth of the sword (Judg. 4:16; Prov. 5:4); or in some measurements from edge to edge or end to end (2 Kgs. 10:21; 21:16; Ezra 9:11). It is also used for other openings like those in caves, gates, wells, or sacks. In land and inheritance references, it is translated as share or portion (Deut. 21:17; 2 Kgs. 2:9; Zech. 13:8). With the preposition le, it means in proportion to or according to.
▸ H6311. פֹּא pō’, פֹּה pōh, פּוֹ pô: An adverb meaning here, hither. Its basic meaning is here (Gen. 19:12; 22:5). Combined with min (H4480) in mippōh, it means on this or that side (Ezek. 40:10; 12, 21); with ‘aḏ, it means this far (1 Sam. 16:11; Ezra 4:2; Job 38:11). It is in the interrogative word ’êpōh.
▸ H6341. פַּח paḥ: A masculine singular noun translated bird trap. It is used in its literal sense in Amos 3:5, Proverbs 7:23, and Ecclesiastes 9:12. But more often it is used figuratively for a human ensnarement. Jeremiah prophesied that a snare awaited Moab (Jer. 48:43); while Proverbs said that snares were set for the wicked (Prov. 22:5). Eliphaz told Job that snares surrounded him (Job 22:10). The psalmist’s path was filled with the snares of his enemies (Ps. 140:5[6]; 142:3[4]). But retribution was envisioned as the enemies’ tables turned into a snare (Ps. 69:22[23]).
▸ בוא appears at least 108 times as בא – H935. בּוֹא bô’: A verb meaning to come, to go, to bring. This word is used often and takes on many nuances of meaning: concerning physical location, it means to go, to come, to bring to a location (Gen. 6:19; 12:11; Josh. 6:1; Judg. 18:18); to a group or person (Ex. 18:19; Esth. 2:12). It is used with the preposition ’el to mean to have intercourse (Gen. 6:4; 16:2; Deut. 22:13). It bears the meaning of coming or arriving (Gen. 19:22; Prov. 18:3) physically or temporally, such as harvest time (Lev. 25:22). It means to take place, to happen (1 Sam. 9:6). Used with the preposition be and others, it can take on the idea of having dealings with (Josh. 23:7; Ps. 26:4; Prov. 22:24). It has several idiomatic uses: followed by bedāmı̄ym, it indicates involvement in bloodguilt (1 Sam. 25:26). With the word “after,” it means to be in pursuit of someone or something (Ex. 14:17).
It is used in a causative way to bring something, e.g., an army (2 Sam. 5:1-3) from the battleground, to gather in something (2 Sam. 9:10). It is used idiomatically in several short phrases all headed by hēbiy’, to bring: to bring justice (Eccl. 11:9); to bring legal cases (Ex. 18:19); to take something away (hēbı̄y + mē’aḥar, Ps. 78:71); to apply one’s heart (Prov. 23:12); to understand. In a passive sense, it means to be brought, to be offered or burned, be put into (Gen. 33:11; 43:18; Lev. 6:30[23]; 11:32). In its participial forms, the words may refer to the near future (2 Kgs. 20:17; Isa. 39:6; Jer. 7:32) or to future things to come to pass (Isa. 27:6; 41:22).
When בה appears, it is the free-standing preposition ב “in” plus the feminine suffix ה, which means “in her.”
▸ H5645. עָב ‘āḇ:
A common noun indicating thick clouds. It refers to a dense, impenetrable covering or mass of clouds. God came to Israel at Sinai in this setting (Ex. 19:9; 1 Kgs. 18:44, 45). It is used of a mist formed from dew (Isa. 18:4). It has plurals in both -îm, ôṯ. A common noun meaning thicket. It indicates a thick growth of underbrush in a forest or a growth of thick shrubs (Jer. 4:29). A common noun meaning clay. It refers to a thick clay suitable for casting metal in it (2 Chr. 4:17).
▸ H5646. עָב ‘āḇ, עֹב ‘ōḇ:
A masculine noun indicating an overhang, thick planks. Its technical meaning is not known for sure. Suggestions are as indicated: a canopy, a threshold (1 Kgs. 7:6; Ezek. 41:25, 26). A masculine noun meaning a threshold, an overhanging roof (1 Kgs. 7:6; Ezek. 41:25, 26). It was a structure in front of certain other features of the king’s palace.
▸ There is no פע or עף or בח or חב or בע or חו or עו. No words begin with ו Vav.
“Father” is included in each of these.
My interpretation of the combination of the cognate meanings is: lovingly instill restraint.
Addendum May 2023: with further work in the doublets, the two-letter words, there is an addi to the definition. You may see how the two must interact.
פח/אב cognate permutations (Lovingly instill restraint; hide/reveal).
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