ASV = American Standard Version of the Bible

BDB = Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon

BHS = Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia

B’rit Hadashah = “New Testament” as named in Hebrew language

CWSBD = Complete Word Study Bible Dictionary

DARBY = Darby Translation of the Bible

EDBH = Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew

ESD = Enhanced Strong’s Dictionary [Olive Tree]

ESV = English Standard Version of the Bible

Greek Scriptures = “New Testament” = GS or simply “Greek”

HALOT = Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament

Hebrew Scriptures = “Old Testament” = HS or simply “Hebrew”

JPST = Jewish Publication Society Tanakh

KJV = King James Version of the Bible

Klein = Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English

LXX = Septuagint

MSG = The Message

NA28 = Greek New Testament with Critical Apparatus and Mounce Parsing

NASB = New American Standard Bible

NIV = New International Version of the Bible

NKJV = New King James Version of the Bible

NLT = New Living Translation of the Bible

NRSV = New Revised Standard Version of the Bible

Septuagint = Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures

תַּנָךְ TaNaKh = “Old Testament” or Hebrew Scriptures

  • T = Torah, meaning “instruction”
  • N = Nevi’im, meaning “prophets”
  • K = Ketuvim, meaning “writings”

TDNT = Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged [“Little Kittel”]

TWOT = Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament

Some Words Referred To


• Exegesis – “lifting out of Scripture”

• Eisegesis – “reading into Scripture”

• Analogy of Faith – allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture

• Intertextuality – connections between different parts of Scripture [a common way Scripture interprets Scripture]; examples include Keywords, Stringing Pearls, Hinting to the Scriptures, parallel passages with “What is said, What is not said.”

• Paraprosdokian – against the expected

• HAPAX LEGOMENON – this word occurs only once in Scripture

• Quadriga:

  • Letter – ordinary or usual meaning, straightforward
  • Allegorical – a comparison with another word, phrase, concept, drawing inferences
  • Tropological – stressing moral metaphor, often using figures of speech
  • Anagogical – interpretation that finds beyond the letter, the allegorical and moral senses a fourth, and ultimate spiritual or mystical sense

• PaRDeS:

  • P – פְּשָׁט peśaṭ or פָּרַס pāras – meaning Simple
  • R – רֶמֶז remez – meaning Hint
  • D – דַָּרשׁ dāraš – meaning Seek, inquire, examine
  • S – סוֹד sôḏ – meaning Secret or confidential counsel

• Notakarion – acronym

• Chiasm, chiastic structure – “an inverted relationship between the syntactic elements of parallel phrases – [Merriam-Webster for “chiasmus ] – the idea is a “crossing” of ideas onto a focal point – comes from the Greek letter chi – Χ

• תַּנָךְ TaNaKh, Hebrew Scriptures, HS = “Old Testament”

• Beriyt Chadashah (or ‘B’rit’), Greek Scriptures, GS = “New Testament.”

 Hebrew words

h0113. אָדוֹן ’âḏôn lord, master

h0136. אֲדנָֹי ’ăḏônây; an emphatic form of h0113; the Lord, used as a proper name of God only [masculine noun]

h0120. אָדָם ’âḏâm ruddy, human being, mankind, man, male

h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ earth, ground, land, dirt, clay

h0155. אַדֶּרֶת ’aḏereṯ splendor, glory, robe, cloak

h0259. אֶחָד ’eḥâḏ one, first, the same, once

h0309. אָחַר ’āḥar to delay or hold back. It means to delay or remain

h0310. אַחַר ’aḥar: A preposition meaning behind, after, afterwards, westward

h0398. אָכַל ’âḵal to eat, to devour, to consume

h0410. אֵל ’êl the shortened form for God, or “mighty one”

h0430. אֱלֹהִים ’elôhîym A masculine noun meaning God, or gods

h0452. אֵ ִ ליָּה ’êlîyâ; or prolonged אֵלִיּהָוּ ’Eliyahu Elijah – YHWH is God

h0511. אֶלְקָנָה ’elqânâ Elkanah – Samuel’s father, Hannah’s husband – “redeemed of God”

h0530. אֱמוּנָה ’emûnāh truth, faithfulness

h0539. אָמַן ’āman: A verb meaning to be firm, to build up, to support, to nurture, or to establish

h0541. אָמַן ’āman: A verb meaning to go to the right or to use the right hand – identical to yāman (h3231) and is related to the noun yemāniy (h3233), meaning right hand CWSBD

h0559. אָמַר ’âmar to say, also refers to what is being communicated by a person’s actions along with his words

h0639. אַף ’ap̱ nose, nostril, anger

h0665. אֵפֶר ’êp̱er soil, ashes, dust

h0750. אָרֵךְ ’ârêḵ long, drawn out, slow

h0758. אֲרָם ’ărâm Syria “exalted”

h0776. אֶרֶץ ’ereṣ earth, land, ground

h0779. אָרַר ’ârar – [bind; to hem in with obstacles; to render powerless to resist; (+/-inflict with curse)] EDBH – isolate, bring ruin, to weaken internally; Brichto – to be bound, banned “passive”

h0784. אֵשׁ ’êš fire

h0817. אָשָׁם ’āšām: noun used to express the concept of guilt or offense

h0833. אָשַׁר ’āšar / אֶשֶׁר aesher – happiness, blessedness

h0977. בָּחַר bāḥar to take a close look at and make a choice, prove or test h1121. בֵּן ḇên son, descendant, child [of]

h1288. בָּרַךְ ḇâraḵ – [bless, kneel, salute, greet] EDBH – to power growth and to spur prosperity

h1457. גָּהַר g̱âhar to crouch down, to bend

h1530. גַּל g̱ al – heap or pile of rocks, ratification of a covenant

h1568. גִּלְעָד gil’āḏ – Gilead h1697. דָּבָר dāḇār word, speech, matter, is used of divine communication

h1818. דָּם dām blood [masculine]

h1826. דָּמַם ḏâmam to be dumb

h1827. דְּמָמָה ḏemâmâ absence of any sound or voice, hushed, a whisper, a soft gentle blowing or whisper

h1834. דַּמֶּשֶׂק ḏameśeq; or דּוּמֶשֶׂק Duwmeseq; or דַּרְמֶשֶׂק Darmeseq Damascus – “silent is the sackcloth weaver” – Keyword – “a humbling”

h1980 הָלַךְ hālaḵ walk, go, come

h1995. הָמוֹן hāmôn, הָמַן hāman a multitude, noise, tumult

h2026. הָרַג hârag̱ to kill, to murder, to slay

h2224. זָרַח zāraḥ to rise up, to dawn, to shine forth; to break out, the rising or shining of the sun, to shoot out rays

h2403. חַטָּאת ḥaṭṭā’ṯ: A feminine noun meaning sin, transgression, sin offering, punishment

h2416. חַי ḥay life, living, living thing, animal, beast, alive

h2451. חָכְמָה ḥoḵmāh wisdom, skill, experience, shrewdness

h2534. חֵמָה ḥêmâ wrath, heat, anger, hot displeasure, indignation, poison, or rage

h2584. חַנָּה ḥanâ Hannah, Samuel’s mother, Elkanah’s wife – “grace”

h2603. חָנַן ḥânan to be merciful, to be gracious

h2706. חקֹ ḥôq statute, ordinance, or law.

h2710. חָקַק ḥâqaq properly, to hack, or to engrave

h2763. חָרַם ḥâram to destroy, to doom, to devote

h2764. חֵרֶם ḥērem – devoted things, devoted to destruction, devotion, things under ban, cursed

h2916. טִיט ṭîyṭ mire, mud, clay

h2919. טַל ṭal dew or light rain, a mist; from

h2926. טָלַל ṭâlal to cover

h2934. טָמַן ṭâman to hide, to conceal, to bury

h2986. יבַָל yāḇal to bring, to carry, to bear along

h3027. יָד yâḏ hand, strength

h3063. יְהוּדָה yehûḏâ Judah, Jewish

h3117. יוֹם yôm – day, time, year

h3220. יָם yām the sea, west, large body of water

h3225. ימִָין yâmîyn direction of the right side or hand

h3231. יָמַן yāman to go to the right, to use the right hand, direction of right side

h3233. ימְָנִי yemâniy direction of the right side or hand

h3254. יָסַף yāsap̱ to continue, repeat, or do again

h3323. יִתְשָׁר iyṯšâr; fresh oil from h6671. צָהַר ṣâhar

h3327. יצְִחָק iyṣḥâq Isaac from h6711. צָחַק ṣâḥaq

h3381. יָרַד yâraḏ to go down, to descend

h3384. יָרָה yârâ, yārāh to shoot, to throw, to pour, to point, to teach

h3409. יָרֵךְ yârêḵ hip, thigh, a side, a base

h3427. יָשַׁב yâšaḇ properly, to sit down (specifically as judge. in ambush, in quiet); by implication, to dwell, to remain; causatively, to settle

h3537. כַּד kaḏ a jar, a pitcher, a large pottery jar for water = g5201. ὑδριά hydria, 20-30 gallons

h3557. כּוּל kûl to hold, to contain feed, to supply, to sustain

h3605. כּלֹ ḵôl each, every, all, everything, the whole, entire

h3680. כָּסָה ḵâsâ to cover, to conceal, to clothe

h3707. כָּעַס ḵâ‘as to provoke to anger, to be angry

h3709. כַּף ḵap̱ hand, the flat of the hand, the flat of the foot, hollow, bent

h3748. כְּרִיתוּת keriyṯûṯ a noun meaning divorce

h3766. כָּרַע ḵâra’ to bow down, to crouch, to sink

h3772. כָּרַת kāraṯ: to cut off, to cut down, to make a covenant

h3820. לֵב lêḇ heart, mind

h3875. לוֹט lôṭ HAPAX, a shroud, a covering; from h3874. לוּט lûṭ to wrap, to cover

h3925. לָמַד lāmaḏ to teach, to learn, to study, to be taught, to be learned

h4023. מְגִדּוֹ Mgiddow “rendezvous” or “place of crowds

h4058. מָדַד mâḏaḏ to measure, to mete out, to stretch

h4066. מָדוֹן mâḏôn strife, dissension

h4100. מָה mâ interrogative what? (including how? why? when?)

h4191. מוּת mûṯ to die, to kill, to put to death, to execute

h4217. מִזְרָח mizrāḥ place of the sunrise, east, eastward

h4306. מָטָר mâṭâr rain

h4325. מַיִם maiym water; figuratively, juice; by euphemism, urine, semen

h4330. מִיץ mîyṣ churning, twisting, stirring, pressing

h4397. מַלְאָךְ mal’āḵ masculine noun meaning a messenger, an angel

h4405. מִלָּה milâ word, speech, utterance; from h4448. מָלַל mâlal; speak, utter

h4428. מֶלֶךְ meleḵ masculine noun meaning king

h4456. מַלְקוֹשׁ malqôš latter or spring rain; from h3953. לָקַשׁ lâqaš; to gather the after crop

h4513. מָנַע mâna’ withhold, hold, keep back, keep, retain, control

h4541. מַסֵּכָה masêḵâ image, molten metal, covering, an alliance; libation or drink offering; [from h5259. נָסַךְ nâsaḵ HAPAX – to stretch out, to cover, pour out]

h4628. מַעֲרָב ma‘arāḇ west, westward

h4687. מִצְוָה miṣwâ command, law, ordinance, precept

h4693. מָצוֹר mâṣôr a limit, Egypt

h4714. מִצְרַיִם miṣraiym Egypt [double straits]

h4899. ָ מ ִ שׁיחַ māšiyaḥ Messiah, the Anointed One = g5547. Χριστός Christos, Christ.

h4910. מָשַׁל mâšal rule, reign, have dominion over; general tone indicates leadership / authority

h4932. מִשְׁנֶה mišneh repetition, doubling, double

h4941. מִשְׁפָּט mišpāṭ a judgment, a legal decision, a legal case, a claim; proper, rectitude

h4994. נָא nā’ pray, I beseech you, now

h5027. נָבַט nâḇaṭ looking somewhat intensely in a focused way at something

h5030. נבִָיא nâḇîy’ a prophet, an inspired spokesman

h5045. נֶגֶב neg̱ eḇ the South, south, dry desert area in the south

h5060. נָגַע nāg̱ a’ to touch, to reach to strike

h5066. נָגַשׁ nâg̱ aš to come near, to approach, to draw near, to bring near, to be brought near

h5158. נַחַל naḥal a brook, a wadi, a stream, a torrent, a river

h5162. נָחַם nâḥam be sorry, to pity, to comfort, to regret, to relent, to avenge

h5197. נָטַף nâṭap̱ to ooze, i.e. distil gradually

h5203. נָטַשׁ nâṭaš to abandon, to forsake, to leave, to permit

h5251. נֵס nês a flag; also a sail; by implication, a flagstaff; generally a signal; figuratively, a token: — banner, pole, sail, sign, ensign, standard

h5254. נָסָה nâsâ to test; by implication, to attempt: — adventure, assay, prove, tempt, try

h5264. נָסַס nâsas to gleam from afar

h5307. נָפַל nâp̱al to fall, to lie, to prostrate oneself, to overthrow

h5315. נֶפֶשׁ nep̱eš breath, the inner being with its thoughts and emotions, soul, life [feminine]

h5375. נָשָׂא nāśā’ to lift (up), to carry, to take away

h5429. סְאָה se’āh a measure of flour or grain equal to 6.6 dry quarts, 7.7 liquid quarts

h5445. סָבַל sāḇal to bear a load, to carry. It means to bear, to endure [represents Acts]

h5475. סוֹד sôḏ counsel, secret counsel

h5493. סוּר sûr turn, turn away, to go away, to desert, to quit, to keep far away, to stop, to take away, to remove, to be removed, to make depart

h5526. סָכַךְ sâḵaḵ weave together, cover, hide, stir

h5647. עָבַד ‘āḇaḏ to work, to serve

h5650. עֶבֶד ‘eḇeḏ a servant, slave, official

h5662. עבַֹדְיָה ‘ôḇaḏyâ Obadiah – servant of Yah

h5703. עַד ‘aḏ eternity, perpetuity, continuance, repeated

h5707. עֵד ‘ēḏ (aēd) witness, testimony [represents Letters/Epistles]

h5749. עוּד ‘ûḏ (aûd) to return, repeat. to witness, to testify, to warn, to protest, to stand firm, to support, to sustain, to encircle

h5750. עוֹד ‘ôḏ (aôd) adv. again, more, longer, also, yet, a ‘going round,’ continuance

h5769. עוֹלָם ‘ôlâm; or עלָֹם ‘olam, properly, concealed, hidden, the vanishing point, horizon, ancient, everlasting, eternity, forever  [more recent literature of Yehuda = “world”]

h5771. עָוֹן ‘āwōn: noun meaning iniquity, evil, guilt, punishment

h5927. עָלָה ‘âlâ to ascend, to go up, to bring up, to offer, to sacrifice

h5916. עָכַר ‘âḵar to cause trouble, stirring up resentment, to bring about hatred or danger

h5930. עלָֹה ‘ôlâ – whole burnt offering; that which goes up [from h5927]

h5956. עָלַם ‘âlam to hide, to conceal, to ignore, something kept secret, not observed, not taken care of

h5970. עָלַץ ‘âlaṣ to exult, to rejoice, to be jubilant

h5975. עָמַד ‘âmaḏ to stand, to rise up; to take one’s stand

h6030. עָנָה ‘ânâ to answer, to respond, to reply, to testify

h6083. עָפָר ‘âp̱âr dust, dry earth, loose dirt

h6113. עָצַר ‘âṣar to restrain, to shut in, to keep in slavery, to keep from, prevent

h6150. עָרַב ‘âraḇ; (as covering with texture); to grow dusky at sundown be darkened, (toward) evening

h6158. ערֵֹב ‘orēḇ raven

h6213. עָשָׂה ‘āśāh to do, to make, to accomplish, to complete

h6279. עָתַר ‘āṯar to pray, to entreat, to supplicate; cry to the Lord for deliverance

h6310. פֶּה p̱e mouth, portion, opening, speech, used in many idioms [e.g. mouth of sword]

h6437. פָּנָה p̱ânâ turn, consider, prepare, regard, make a decision

h6440. פָּניִם pāniym face, presence, reveals mood or attitude [represents Revelation], before, occasionally east • and h6440. לִפְנֵי lipnê in the presence of, before

h6452. פָּסַח p̱ âsaḥ to leap, to pass over, to halt, to limp, to be lame; Pesach, Passover

h6490. פִּקּוּד piqqûḏ, פְּקוּדִים peqûḏiym precept, instruction. The root expresses the idea that God is paying attention to how He wants things ordered

h6588. פֶּשַׁע peša‘: noun meaning transgression, rebellion

h6620. פֶּתֶן p̱eṯen, adder, is from an unused root [i.e., root not in Scripture] meaning to twist, as its nature

h6629. צאֹן ṣô’n, sheep, from an unused root meaning to migrate, to flock

h6662. צַדִּיק ṣaddiyq adjective meaning just, righteous

h6663. צָדַק ṣāḏaq verb meaning to be right, to be righteous, to be just, to be innocent, to be put right, to justify, to declare right, to prove oneself innocent

h6664. צֶדֶק ṣeḏeq masculine noun meaning a right relation to an ethical or legal standard

h6666. צְדָקָה ṣeḏāqāh righteousness, blameless conduct, integrity

h6671. צָהַר ṣâhar to crush olives, produce olive oil

h6711. צָחַק ṣâḥaq laugh, to make jokes, to mock, to sport [sexual euphemism]

h6760. צָלַע ṣâla’ to limp, to be lame’

h6828. “ צָפוֹן . ṣapân North, dark, evil, meeting place of Canaanite gods

h6845. צָפַן ṣâp̱an to hide, [north, evil]

h6884. צָרַף ṣârap̱ to test or try, also “refine,” as in the refiner’s fire

h6924. קֶדֶם qeḏem the east, earlier, formerly, long ago, front, in front

h6944. קדֶֹשׁ qôḏeš consecrated, dedicated, separate

h6953. קהֶֹלֶת qôheleṯ a collector of wisdom

h7069. קָנָה qânâ buy, purchase, acquire, possess, redeem

h7114. קָצַר qâṣar – reap, harvest, cut short, impatient, vexed

h7116. קָצָר qāṣār weak, few, hasty; literally short of something

h7121. קָרָא qârâ’ to pray, to call, to cry out, to proclaim, to read

h7130. קֶרֶב qereḇ midst, innermost being, middle, interior, inner part, inner organs, bowels

h7197. קָשַׁשׁ qâšaš gather things; to assemble together

h7200. רָאָה rā’āh, ראֶֹה rō’eh to see with the eyes; also, derived meanings, requiring seeing physically ‘outside of self:’ to know, to heed, to understand, to experience, to visit, to select, to inquire, to distinguish, to see visions

h7218. ראֹשׁ rô’š head, hair, a person, a point, the top, the beginning, the best, a chief, a leader

h7241. רָבִיב râḇîyḇ rain shower; from h7231. רָבַב râḇaḇ; increase

h7307. רוּחַ rûaḥ wind, breath, spirit, Spirit [feminine, CWSBD; or both masc and fem, BDB]

h7311. רוּם rûm to raise, to lift up; to be exalted

h7379. רִיב rîyḇ a strife, a controversy, a contention, a quarrel or dispute

h7523. רָצַח râṣaḥ to murder, to slay, to kill h7628. שְׁבִי šeḇiy captivity, captives

h7650. שָׁבַע śâḇa’ to swear, take an oath, to make to swear an oath

h7725. שׁוּב šûḇ to turn, to turn back; to return, to go back; to restore; to send back

h7551. רָקַם râqam to embroider, to weave, to do needlework

h7753. שׂוּךְ śûḵ which indicates knitted or woven, including a protective hedge woven of branches or thorns

h7812. שָׁחָה šâḥâ to bow down, to prostrate oneself

h7878. ִ שׂיחַ śîyaḥ to ponder, to converse, to utter, to complain, to meditate, to pray, to speak

h7979. שֻׁלְחָן šulḥān table

h8005. שִׁלֵּם šilêm HAPAX retribution, requital, recompense; from h7999. שָׁלַם šâlam to be safe, to be completed

h8040. שְׂמאֹול śemō’wl, שְׂמאֹל śemō’l left hand, left side, north

h8042. שְׂמָאלִי śemâ’lîy situated on the left side: — left, north, dark

h8057. שִׂמְחָה śimḥâ joy, joyfulness, mirth

h8064. שָׁמַיִם šâmaiym sky, skies, air, heaven, heavens

h8071. שִׂמְלָה śimlāh through the idea of wrapping up; properly, dark

h8085. שָׁמַע šāma’ to hear, to listen, to obey, to publish, to teach

h8104 שָׁמַר šāmar to watch, to keep, to preserve, to guard, to be careful, to watch over, to watch carefully over, to be on one’s guard

h8147. שְׁניִַם šenaiym two, twofold, both, double

h8164. שָׂעִיר śâ‘îyr; raindrop, dew droplets

h8334. שָׁרַת šâraṯ to serve, to minister

h8354. שָׁתָה šâṯâ to drink

h8451. תּוֹרָה tôrāh, תּרָֹה tōrāh instruction, direction, law

h8453. תּוֹשָׁב tôšâḇ; or תּשָֹׁב toshab from

h3427. יָשַׁב yâšaḇ; a dweller, resident alien: foreigner, inhabitant, sojourner, stranger

h8486. תֵּימָן ṯêymân direction of the right side or hand

h8666. תְּשׁוּבָה ṯešûḇâ; or תְּשֻׁבָה tshubah return, answer, repentance

Hebrew Idioms / Phrases / Keywords

אַפַּ֖יִם ’ap̱ aiym – nature or spirit

אַפַּ֖יִם אָֽרְצָה or אַפַּ֗יִם אֶ֚רֶץ – face to the ground, humbling oneself

אֶ֥רֶךְ אַפַּ֖יִם – long of nose, slow to anger, longsuffering, patient

אָר֤וּר – passive participle of h0779. אָרַר ’ârar – “to be bound, to be banned”

אתבשׁ – “atbash” structure – chiastic structure

בְּדָמִ֑ים dāmiym – “(with) bloods’ – bloodguilt Keyword

הַבְּעָלִיֽם (the) Baals – “the lords”

הִנֵּ֥ה אֵלִיָּהֽוּ – Behold, Elijah! or Behold, Yah is God!

טֽוֹב־עַ֭יִן – ‘aiyn ṭôḇ good eye, bountiful eye – generous

לַחְמֵ֖נוּ – laḥmēnu – bread of us [‘bread for us’ per Lamsa] – easily conquered

לְמַעַן – in order that [TWOT] from h6030. עָנָה ‘ânâ – to respond

לְפִ֥י דְבָרִֽי – in accordance with these words [by the mouth of these words]

לְפָ֔נָי – in the presence

מַלְאָכִי – my angel, my messenger.

נֵלְכָ֖ה – “Let us go” – Keyword from h1980 הָלַךְ hālaḵ indicating a “test”

דָּם ḏâm נֶפֶשׁ nep̱ eš – lifeblood [ דָּם masc, נֶפֶשׁ fem]

נַפְשׁתֵֹיכֶ֑ם – your souls; emphatic Keyword related to atonement

נשא עונו – bear guilt

עָמַ֣דְתִּי לְפָנָ֔יו – stand in the presence of… righteousness; attitude of prayer; in the Spirit

עֲקֵידַת יִצְחַק – Aqedah or Akedah – Binding of Isaac

בַּעַשָׁרָה מַאֲמַרוֹת (with) ten utterances – intent, forethought, motive, words bringing about Creation

קְֽצַר־אַ֭פַּיִם – quick temper, hasty temper

רָעַע עָ֑יִן – ‘aiyn râ‘a‘ hostile eye, evil eye – greedy, stingy

h8105. שֶׁמֶר šemer + h7087. קָפָא qāp̱ā’ settling on the lees, thickening on the dregs, complacency


g0225.  λήθεια alḗtheia truth, reality

g0265. ἁμάρτημα hamártēma deed of disobedience to a divine law, a mistake, miss, error, transgression, sin

g0650.  ποστερέω apostereō defraud, deprive, rob

g2192. ἔχω echō to have and hold, implying continued possession; holding fast, spiritual possession

g2933. κτῆμα ktēma possession, immovable possession

g3126. μαμμωνᾶς mammōnas that in which one has confidence

g3140. μαρτυρέω marturéō witness

g3466. μυστήριον mystērion mystery, hidden, secret

g3551. νόμος nómos (CWSB Dictionary) gen. nómou, masc noun from némō, to divide among, parcel out, allot. Etymologically something parceled out, allotted, what one has in use and possession; hence, usage, custom (Sept.: 2 Sam. 7:19). In the NT, law

g3820. παλαιός palaios; from g3819. πάλαι palai; ancient, of old; probably another form for g3825. πάλιν palin; probably from the same as g3823. πάλη palē (through the idea of oscillatory repetition)

g5224. ὑπάρχοντα hyparchonta goods or possessions

g5465. χαλάω chaláō to loose, relax, let down

g5547. Χριστός Christos, Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One = h4899. מָשִׁיחַ māšiyaḥ Messiah

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