Appendix 6. Tabernacle Raw Materials

This Appendix has a companion Appendix, Appendix 7. AlHaTorah Search תכל, showing the background work for the entry here on the word Blue, a major component of the Tabernacle/Sanctuary. This reference appendix is simply a listing of the roots for the raw materials that were requested by the LORD (יהוה) of the people in order to “make me a sanctuary (v.8).” Note the prerequisite in verse 2, “From every man whose heart moves him you shall receive the offering for me”

מֵאֵ֤ת כָּל־אִישׁ֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִדְּבֶ֣נּוּ לִבֹּ֔ו

We will look briefly at this wording. 

First, for those of you worried about the word “man” h0376. אִישׁ ’îyš here, this is a word that is used both specifically to the male sex, but also generically for all mankind. The following passage let’s you know it meant everyone.

((Context seen later –

  • Exodus 36:2-7
  • 2 And Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whose mind the LORD had put skill, everyone whose heart stirred him up to come to do the work. 3 And they received from Moses all the contribution that the people of Israel had brought for doing the work on the sanctuary. They still kept bringing him freewill offerings every morning, 4 so that all the craftsmen who were doing every sort of task on the sanctuary came, each from the task that he was doing, 5 and said to Moses, “The people bring much more than enough for doing the work that the LORD has commanded us to do.” 6 So Moses gave command, and word was proclaimed throughout the camp, “Let no man or woman do anything more for the contribution for the sanctuary.” So the people were restrained from bringing, 7 for the material they had was sufficient to do all the work, and more.))

Once again that כל word that could (from the variant family) mean “all,” but could have a sense of “measure” or “ability,” as we shall see.

מאת is the preposition –מ “from” plus the “untranslated marker of the direct object,” the direct object being the “moved heart,” or “willing heart.” 

Two more words: יִדְּבֶ֣נּוּ לִבֹּ֔ו

יִדְּבֶ֣נּוּ is from h5068. נָדַב nâḏaḇ offered willingly

▸ h5070. נָדָב nâḏâḇ; from h5068. נָדַב nâḏaḇ; Nadab = “generous” – we cannot get into the entire history of Nadab and Abihu here, but suffice it to say there is controversy over exactly what their deaths mean. Suffice it to say here that he might be considered the extreme example of “offered willingly,” positive or negative.

And לִבֹּ֔ו is from h3820. לֵב lêḇ. All translations give it as a shortened form of h3824. לֵבָבlêḇâḇ; from h3823. לָבַב lâḇaḇ. Recall, we have been suggesting that the two-letter words are possibly a way of drawing attention to the range of meaning in a variant family. Consider the variants below, which certainly includes לבב, but also words of even more intensity, and rather than just the cognate meaning of “encompass,” also “ignite emotions/ interest,” and “impact negatively,” at least from mankind’s perspective.

GV p.127 לבב conjoin [in central core]; p.128 לבה enthuse; p.127 לבא arouse; p.129 לובcenter

DV לאב – p.127 לבב conjoin [in central core]; p.128 לבה enthuse; p.127 לבא arouse > p.127 לאב scorn; mock

DV להב – p.127 לבב conjoin [in central core]; p.128 לבה enthuse; p.127 לבא arouse > p.128 להב flame

CM לבב and לוב encompass (D47); לבה and לבא ignite emotions/interest (D46); לאב and להב impact negatively (D41)

You get the picture. The LORD wants people who are motivated to give/offer.

Exodus 25:1-9   (NKJV Offerings for the Sanctuary – Ex. 35:4–9)

1 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering. From every man whose heart moves him you shall receive the offering for me. 3 And this is the offering which you shall take from them: gold, silver, and bronze; 4 blue, purple, and scarlet (thread), fine linen, and goats’ (hair); 5 ram skins dyed red, badger skins, and acacia wood; 6 oil for the light, and spices for the anointing oil and for the sweet incense; 7 onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod and in the breastplate. 8 And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. 9 According to all that I show you, that is, the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, just so you shall make it.

⬙ Gold h2091. זָהָב zâhâḇ

⬙ Silver h3701. כֶּסֶף ḵesep̱ 

⬙ Bronze h5178. נְחשֶׁת neḥšeṯ; from h5172. נָחַשׁ nâḥaš 

And consider נח + שת

GV p.153 נחח please [satisfy]; p.153 נחה satisfy [lead to self-endorsed goal]; p.151 נוח rest [stop movement]

¿ DV p.12 אנח – p.153 נחח please [satisfy]; p.153 נחה satisfy [lead to self-endorsed goal]; p.151 נוח rest [stop movement] > p.12 אנח sigh; voice complaint. ?  No other DVs

CM נחח impact physically/emotionally (D76); נחה move to desired end (D57); move/rest (D62); אנח bring about (A44)


GV p.272 שׁתת set out; p.272 שׁתה flow [move in particular direction]; p.259 שׁות place [set up]; ¿ p.164 נשת cease activity ?

¿ DV אשת – p.272 שתת set out; p.272 שתה flow [move in particular direction]; p.259 שות  place [set up] > p.19 אשת hide ?   No other DVs

CM (שתת none on p.272*)(E38) [also p.282 שׂתת impact negatively (E38)]; שתה search for sustenance (E39); שות act surreptitiously/openly (E4); נשת prepare/cease activity (D80); אשת abound/lack (A55)

[[ *on p.256 שדד listing, both שׁתת break and שׂתת exert power are listed as cognates = CM impact negatively (E38) // both listed as שתת – see passage on Sibboleth and Shibboleth, Judges 12 AND see TWOT comment on שׁ and שׂ – proof they were once the same being Psalm 119 שׁ

TWOT 2298 שׁ (sh) The twenty-first letter, with שׂ(ś) of the Hebrew alphabet. That the two letters were once considered the same is seen in the alphabetical psalms, e.g., Ps 119:161-168, where the two are used interchangeably to start the eight verses in this section. ]]

Lots of possibilities – perhaps to set out or move toward pleasing/satisfying?

⬙ Blue h8504. תְּכֵלֶת ṯeḵêleṯ; probably for h7827. שְׁחֵלֶת šeḥêleṯ; the cerulean mussel; apparently from the same as h7826. שַׁחַל šaḥal – Strongs definition says “through some obscure idea.” ??


Perhaps more likely ת + כל + ת

ת “mark” 


GV p.119 כלל complete [by including everything]; p.118 כלה strive [to attain]; p.118 כלאrestrain [prevent]; p.116 כול contain [a measured quantity]; p.104 יכל prevail; p.156 נכל plot [harm; endanger through veiled acts]

DV p.9 אכל – p.119 כלל complete [by including everything]; p.118 כלה strive [to attain] > p.9 אכל consume      No other DVs – BUT see היכל just below

CM כלל encircle (C26); כלה and כלא contain/expose (C25); כול express control (C5); יכל(none listed); נכל (none listed); אכל move directly/circularly (A11) 

▸ CWSBD – H1964. הֵיכָל hēyḵāl: A masculine noun meaning temple, palace. The word derives from the word yāḵōl (H3201), meaning to be able and comes from the idea of capacity. 

  • Should consider each of the variants with כל. We have discussed כל before.
  • See these words in Strongs and CWSBD from Olive Tree Bible Study App. Most likely all related:

Perhaps most likely כלה and כול nuances? Although after doing background work (Appendix 7) seems more likely כלה and יכל.

⬙ Purple h0713. אַרְגָּמָן ’arg̱âmân


  • While EDBH indicates the root here for מן is מון, consider all the variants:

GV p.141 מנן hold back; p.141 מנה apportion [divide and limit]; p.137 מון define [group or species]; p.105 ימן sidle [to the] right

DV אמן – p.141 מנן distance [hold back]; p.141 מנה apportion [divide and limit]; p.137 מוןdefine [group or species] > p.11 אמן depend upon; rely upon

DV מאן – p.141 מנן distance [hold back] > p.135 מאן refuse   No other DVs

CM (מנן no cognates); מנה give/withhold (B67); (מון no cognates); ימן hide (C53); (אמן no cognates); (מאן no cognates)

⬙ Scarlet h8438. תּוֹלָע tôlâ‘; from h3216. יָלַע yâla‘

Consider ת + ילע and תו + לע

ת “mark”




⬙ Fine linen h8336. שֵׁשׁ šêš; for h7893. שַׁישִׁ šayši; (marble; alabaster) from an unused root meaning to bleach   

¿ GV p.271 ששה plunder; p.271 ששא split; p.259 שוש layer [six items; six; symbol of creation]; p.112 ישש age; p.164 נשש obligate ?

¿ DV אשש – p.259 שוש layer [six items; six; symbol of creation] > p.18 אשש nourish ?

CM ששה and ששא destroy (E49); שוש move (E11); ישש separate/collect (C19); נשש focus attention (D87); אשש strengthen/weaken (A56)

⬙ Goats’ h5795. עֵז ‘êz; from h5810. עָזַז ‘âzaz

GV p.183 עזז strengthen [become invincible]; p.181 עוז strengthen [and protect from danger]; p.106 יעז threaten   No DVs

CM עזז strengthen/weaken (A56); עוז expedite/limit support (A7); יעז express emotion (C37)

⬙ Ram h0352. אַיִל ’aiyl 

⬙ Skins h5785. עוֹר ‘ôr 

⬙ Dyed red h0119. אָדַם ’âḏam 

⬙ Badger h8476. תַּחַשׁ ṯaḥaš

  • There is no תחש root (or similar). We will suggest based upon ת + חש 

GV p.92 חשש feel; p.90 חשה quiet [refrain from expression or movement]; p.77 חוש hurry [move swiftly]; p.154 נחש conjure [advance to future through magic]; ¿ p.103 יחשׂ relate to lineage ?

DV אחש – p.77 חוש hurry [move swiftly] -> p.8 אחש attend royalty with alacrity   No other DVs

CM חשש strengthen/weaken (A56); חשה limit/expand activity (A24); חוש expedite/limit support (A7); נחש move quickly (D59); יחשׂ express emotion (C37); אחש establish (A29)

⬙ Skins h5785. עוֹר ‘ôr 

⬙ Acacia h7848. שִׁטָּה šiṭâ; from the same as h7850. שֹׁטֵט šôṭêṭ 

  • In general we try to include Strongs thought and EDBH thoughts. There is no שטה root:

⬙ Wood h6086. עֵץ ‘êṣ

⬙ Oil h8081. שֶׁמֶן šemen 

⬙ Light h3974. מָאוֹר mâ’ôr; from h0215. אוֹר ’ôr 

As in -מ + אור

And consider 


⬙ Spices h1314. בֶּשֶׂם ḇeśem

⬙ Anointing h4888. מִשְׁחָה mišḥâ 

⬙ Oil h8081. שֶׁמֶן šemen

⬙ Sweet h5561. סַם sam

⬙ Incense h7004. קְטֹרֶת qeṭôreṯ; from h6999. קָטַר qâṭar 

And consider


⬙ Onyx h7718. שֹׁהַם šôham 

⬙ Stones h0068. אֶבֶן ’eḇen

⬙ Stones h0068. אֶבֶן ’eḇen

⬙ Set h4394. מִלֻּא milu’

⬙ Ephod h0646. אֵפוֹד ’êp̱ôḏ

⬙ Breastplate h2833. חשֶׁן ḥšen 

January 2022 please cite if copying