I believe it is time for you to do some investigation on your own.

Take as much time as you need. Listed here are twenty-five verses. Use the tools we have discussed to look for connections, with the background cognate meaning of “act eagerly” in mind.

A few pointers.
- Where I have been labeling Ezekiel as Ek, and Ezra as Ez, Clark labels Ezekiel as Ez and Ezra as Er. One verse listed here is Ez, Ezekiel.
- Always remember that context is important.
- There are a few “also” verses here that, generally speaking, add a lot of insight.
- If another word in the verse or in the variants piques your interest, look it up – “act eagerly.” 😉 That “piquing” just might be a God-nudge.
- Write down the verses and thoughts that come to mind. It is both a visual and a memory assist. You can go back to it repeatedly.

I have not done this exercise. I will be doing it along with you. In my studies I have noticed a few interesting points, which has led to the choice of this group of roots. I welcome any thoughts you come up with.
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