30. Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding, Part Two

31. We interrupt your regularly scheduled program
29. Wisdom and Knowledge and Understanding (Oh my!)

➡︎ Proverbs 2:6

6 For the LORD gives wisdom;

from his mouth (come) knowledge and understanding;

Mishlei 2:6

6 כי־יהוה יתן חכמה מפיו דעת ותבונה׃

For – H3588. כִּי kiy: A demonstrative particle meaning because, for, that, when, whenever; indeed, even; if; even when, even though.

GV p.115 כהה dim [weaken]; p.116 כוה burn; p.118 כיה be cause [limit]; p.156 נכה disable [strike blows]; p.156 נכא crush

CM כהה increase/reduce (C15); כוה concentrate/focus (C3); כיה weaken (C47); נכה and נכאact physically (D69)

Gives – h5414. נָתַן nâṯan

p.165 נתן give over

GV p.287 תנן emit sounds [of calmness]; p.286 תנה give [offer]; p.165 נתן give over

CM (none listed)

Wisdom – h2451. חָכְמָה ḥâḵemâ; from h2449. חָכַם ḥâḵam

p.80 חכם accumulate knowledge;; GV (none listed);; CM absorb physically/emotionally (A12)

From his mouthמפיו

p.299 מ that which emanates from an object or person



h6310. פֶּה p̱e; Strong’s says from h6284. פָּאָה p̱â’â verb (to divide into pieces or corners)

GV p.197 פהה open [initiate]; p.197 פוה [be here] locate; p.197 פוא be here [locate]; p.107 יפה project [beauty; excite the senses]; ¿ p.159 נפה sift repeatedly ?

DV פאה – p.197 פהה open [initiate]; p.197 פוה [be here] locate > p.196 פאה divide sections

DV אפה – p.197 פהה open [initiate] ((EDBH actually has open/close, the CM)) > p.14 אפהcover with crust; bake

CM פהה open/close (B9); פוה and פוא gather in (B14); יפה concentrate (C3); נפהmove/speak directly; פאה burst forth (B25); אפה hide/reveal (A3)

There are places where mouth occurs as פיה, which Hirsch indicates come from the root פהה (this root פהה does not occur in Scripture).


p.196 EDBH


   p.197 EDBH

The point I want to get across here is, whether mouth in this instance is from פאה or פהה, there is an element of “sharpness” indicated. Just as in many places “the edge of the sword” is really the mouth of the sword. (See also Hebrews 4:12) There are a couple of places where Scripture says God speaks to Moses face to face (Ex33:11; Dt34:10), but read particularly Numbers 12:1-15, and note in Numbers 12:8

8 With him I speak mouth to mouth, clearly, and not in riddles, and he beholds the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?”

If you have studied Scripture deeply you know that there are times when Moses challenges the LORD, mouth to mouth, sharply. (See e.g. Ex32, surrounding the molten calf incident and Ex33, the follow-up, where Moses challenges the LORD.)

Knowledge – h1847. דַּעַת ḏa‘aṯ; from h3045. יָדַע yâḏa‘

p.101 ידע acquire knowledge; know

CM ידע acquire/cast off (C10)

Understanding – h8394. תָּבוּן ṯâḇûn; and (feminine) תְּבוּנָה tbuwnah

If you consider תבונה as from the root תבן, see

p.283 תבן collect;; CM form; pull together (D20)

We will look in more depth at תבונה shortly.


I’m going to stick my neck out at this point and give an opinion, but there is more to follow, in the way of context. First, let me repeat that I do not believe that is just “coincidence” that Scripture tells us over and over that Solomon was a very wise man. One reason is to help us know that he was indeed the Qoholet (often translated as the Preacher, but really more one who collects or gathers – he accumulated knowledge and experiences – see Ecclesiastes), from:

p225 קהל gather to implement plan (DV from קול sound; multiply noise)

CM activate/deactivate (C2). Remember, the Derivational Variants are “individualizing or targeting the action (p.296).

His use of words in Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, and some Psalms is very helpful in defining words. This is one reason I turned to this Proverbs passage for enlightenment.

So, my speculation, based upon Solomon’s wording in 2:6 and the above definitions, “gives” wisdom, and then “from his mouth” knowledge and understanding, suggests more that wisdom is something gained by way of “calmness” (as in emit sounds of calmness); knowledge and understanding may be more learned by more challenging situations, “cutting, sharp.”

Perhaps, then, it ties back to the sign in blog #24, “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” Wisdom

So••• on to the context after that speculation.


Proverbs 2:1-5

1 My son, if you receive (h3947. לָקַח lâqaḥ) my words (h0561. אֵמֶר ’êmer)

and {treasure up} (h6845. צָפַן ṣâp̱an) my commandments (h4687. מִצְוָה miṣwâ) with you,

2 {making} your ear {attentive} (h7181. קָשַׁב qâšaḇ) to wisdom (h2451. חָכְמָה ḥâḵemâ)

and inclining (h5186. נָטָה nâṭâ) your heart (h3820. לֵב lêḇ) to understanding (h8394. (feminine) תְּבוּנָה tbuwnah);

3 yes, if you {call out} (h7121. קָרָא qârâ’) for insight (h0998. בִּינָה ḇiynâ)

and raise (h5414. נָתַן nâṯan) your voice (h6963. קוֹל qôl) for understanding (h8394. (feminine) תְּבוּנָה tbuwnah),

4 if you seek (h1245. בָּקַשׁ ḇâqaš) it like silver (h3701. כֶּסֶף ḵesep̱)

and search (h2664. חָפַשׂ ḥâp̱aś) for it as for {hidden treasures} (h4301. מַטְמוֹן maṭmôn),

5 then you will understand (h0995. בִּין ḇiyn) the fear (h3374. יִרְאָה iyr’â) of the LORD

and find (h4672. מָצָא mâṣâ’) the knowledge (h1847. דַּעַת ḏa‘aṯ) of God.

Mishlei 2:1-5

1 בני אם־תקח אמרי ומצותי תצפן אתך׃

2 להקשיב לחכמה אזנך תטה לבך לתבונה׃

3 כי אם לבינה תקרא לתבונה תתן קולך׃

4 אם־תבקשנה ככסף וכמטמונים תחפשנה׃

5 אז תבין יראת יהוה ודעת אלהים תמצא

1 My son, if you receive (h3947. לָקַח lâqaḥ) my words (h0561. אֵמֶר ’êmer)

and {treasure up} (h6845. צָפַן ṣâp̱an) my commandments (h4687. מִצְוָה miṣwâ) with you,

h3947. לָקַח lâqaḥ

p.133 לקח receive; take;; CM (none listed)

h0561. אֵמֶר ’êmer

p.12 אמר organize speech to be heard and understood;; CM bring together (A42)

h6845. צָפַן ṣâp̱an

p.221 צפן hide; conceal protectively;; CM hide/reveal (E12)

h4687. מִצְוָה miṣwâ; from h6680. צָוָה ṣâwâ

p.299 מ – that which emanates from an object or person


p.214 צוה command; delegate authority while retaining control;; CM control movement/action


אֵת_2 GLOSS with; beside

PARSING Hebrew, particle, preposition, pronomial suffix: 2nd person, masculine, singular

((Different arrow styles are pointing out parallels.))
2 {making} your ear (h0241. אֹזֶן ’ôzen) {attentive} (h7181. קָשַׁב qâšaḇ) to wisdom (h2451. חָכְמָה ḥâḵemâ)

and inclining (h5186. נָטָה nâṭâ) your heart (h3820. לֵב lêḇ) to understanding (h8394. (feminine) תְּבוּנָה tbuwnah);

h0241. אֹזֶן ’ôzen

p.7 אזן ponder; absorb and weigh impressions;; CM absorb and store (A26)

h7181. קָשַׁב qâšaḇ

p.234 קשב attend; direct complete attention;; CM lead forward/astray (C56)

h2451. חָכְמָה ḥâḵemâ

p.80 חכם accumulate knowledge;; CM absorb physically/emotionally (A12)

h3820. לֵב lêḇ

GV p.127 לבב conjoin [in central core]; p.128 לבה enthuse; p.127 לבא arouse; p.129 לובcenter

CM לבב and לוב encompass (D47); לבה and לבא ignite emotions/interest (D46)

h5186. נָטָה nâṭâ

p.156 נטה spread over surface; deviate;; CM establish/separate (D74)

h8394. (feminine) תְּבוּנָה tbuwnah

p.283 תבן collect;; CM form; pull together (D20)

תבונה is a complex word, possibly a conjoined word. Two possibilities are, as we look for meaning (and both routes should give similar meanings (p.299 “words that contain similar consonants have similar meanings irrespective of the order of the consonants.”)

h8394. תָּבוּן ṯâḇûn; and (feminine) תְּבוּנָה tbuwnah; or תּוֹבֻנָה towbunah; masc. noun (understanding; discernment) from h0995. בִּין ḇiyn; verb (to understand, to have understanding, to be discerning)

This would mean a root from the בנן GV family with a ת prefix and a ה suffix. As above, Strong’s sets בין as the root. Another combination could be p.293 תבן (collect – CM form/pull together D20) as noted, conjoined with a form derived from the root p.150 נהה (pain – CM impact emotionally/physically D76). Again, we are disregarding vowels as added much, much later, to search for raw meanings.

The Gradational and Derivational Variants:

GV p.28 בנן understand; p.28 בנה build [form); p.23 בון mediate [be in between]; p.25 בין understand [penetrate to core]

DV p.2 אבן – p.28 בנן understand; p.28 בנה build [form]; p.23 בון mediate [be in between]; p.25 בין understand [penetrate to core] > p.2 אבן create by using special tool

DV בהן – p.28 בנן instruct [understand]; p.28 בנה build [form]; p.23 בון mediate [be in between] > p.22 בהן direct; enable

DV הבן – p.28 בנן understand; p.28 בנה build [form] > p.55 הבן build out of wood (Ek27:15 – ebony / Dedan)

CM בנן grasp (B33); בנה join elements (B32); בון direct attention (B19); (בין no cognates); אבן form (A6); בהן be certain (B13); הבן form (A6)


ת – The symbol of truth and perfection

ב – The symbol of blessing and creation; duality and plurality

ו – The symbol of completion, redemption, and transformation

OR (vav or yod)

י – The symbol of creation and the metaphysical

נ – The symbol of faithfulness, soul, and emergence

ה – The symbol of divinity, gentility, and specificity


ת – mark, sign or signature

ב – house, tent, family, in, with, inside or within

ו – to add or secure

OR (vav or yod)

י – work, make and throw, functions of the hand

נ – continue, perpetuation, offspring or heir

ה – behold, look, breath, sigh and reveal or revelation

The only letter of this group listed in the short list in EDBH is

The ה is the bearer of existence: היה. Its positive actuality (ה הידיעה) is the definite article. Its wavering existence is the ה השאלה. Where existence is dependent, as in the feminine form (ירדה) or in expressing a wish (נקומה), the ה is quiescent. It is also the element used for the causative moods of התפעל, הפעיל, הפעל. Added to a verb it also indicates activity that includes motion and is the equivalent of a ל before the verb.

And the only real added consideration is the idea of “motion.” Search internally, now that you have been looking at how Hirsch’s process works.

See how the “deeper idea” between TWHA’s תThe symbol of truth and perfection and AHLB’s תmark, sign or signature, fit together. Understand in what way the two are alike. You may not be able to put a one-word definition to it, like your Greek-thinking mind wants you to, but you “see,” or perhaps “feel” is a better word, that there is a shared concept there. For me, this is how one begins to understand the meaning of Biblical Hebrew. And it is exactly what Solomon is talking about here. Our “life experiences,” pulling together all the things that impact our lives emotionally/physically, are what form us into the beings God has designed us to be. There are SO many concepts like this to get across, for life to begin to make sense, in only the way that understanding Scripture can make it make sense. You will have to look for a third installment of this discussion on Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding for more about this aspect.

3 yes, if you {call out} (h7121. קָרָא qârâ’) for insight (h0998. בִּינָה ḇiynâ)

and raise (h5414. נָתַן nâṯan) your voice (h6963. קוֹל qôl) for understanding (h8394. (feminine) תְּבוּנָה tbuwnah),

h7121. קָרָא qârâ’

p.232 קרא summon; cause change in direction;; CM limit activity (C40)

h0998. בִּינָה ḇiynâ

p.25 בין penetrate to core;; CM (none listed)

h5414. נָתַן nâṯan

p.165 נתן give over;; CM (none listed)

h6963. קוֹל qôl

p.225 קול sound; multiply noise;; CM express control (C5)

h8394. (feminine) תְּבוּנָה tbuwnah

p.283 תבן collect;; CM form; pull together (D20)

4 if you seek (h1245. בָּקַשׁ ḇâqaš) it like silver (h3701. כֶּסֶף ḵesep̱)

and search (h2664. חָפַשׂ ḥâp̱aś) for it as for {hidden treasures} (h4301. מַטְמוֹן maṭmôn),

h1245. בָּקַשׁ ḇâqaš

p.31 בקש seek the unknown;; CM target an object (B36)

h3701. כֶּסֶף ḵesep̱

p.121 כסף yearn; desire;; CM lead forward/astray (C56)

h2664. חָפַשׂ ḥâp̱aś

p.86 חפש seek; search;; CM expedite/limit support (A7)

h4301. מַטְמוֹן maṭmôn

A conjoined word, which can be looked at from two directions, and with the fact that letters have meaning, should give comparable results•••

Here we must take a side-step for a discussion on מ and נ, which are sometimes used interchangeably, and might be a situation where a נ was dropped when a מ is added (נ is a weak consonant). Let’s look at this situation where one of the conjoint options is מט + מון. In EDBH, the only root beginning מט is מטט. There is a מוט. Scripture lists a word מטה, which is not in EDBH, but Strong’s says is derived from נטה. By looking at common themes (thematic connections), let’s create a “family” of words, which are not quite variants and not quite cognates••• hopefully you will be able to see the connections.

{{{This is what led to the creation of Appendix 5, Where מ reflects נ}}}

p.139 מטט waver;; CM limit (B54) [מדד measure; מתת cause death]

p.137 מוט totter;; CM limit/extend (B58) [מות die; מוד prolong]

p.145 מתת cause death;; CM limit (B54) [מדד measure; מטט waver]

p.145 מתח spread; stretch;; CM prolong (B73) [מתה live on]

p.146 מתה live on;; CM prolong (B73) [מתח stretch]

p.138 מות die; end of life;; CM limit/extend (B58) [מוד prolong; מוט totter]

p.155 נטה spread over surface; deviate;; CM establish/separate (D74) [נטע plant; נדהdistance; נדח remove completely; נתע break; נתח sever]

p.136 מדד measure length or distance;; CM limit (B54) [מטט waver; מתת cause death]

p.149 נדד distance; separate;; CM (none listed) [GV incl נדה distance; נוד separate]

p.149 נדה distance;; CM establish/separate (D74) [נטע plant; נטה spread; נדח remove completely; נתע break; נתח sever]

p.151 נוד separate; keep away from others; put in isolation;; CM move/separate (D64) [נוט totter; נבט perceive; נפת flow]

p.151 נוט totter; shake;; CM move/separate (D64) [נוד separate; נבט perceive; נפת flow]

p.136 מוד prolong;; CM limit/extend (B58) [מות die; מוט totter]

p.149 נדח remove completely;; CM CM establish/separate (D74) [נטע plant; נטה spread; נדה distance; נתע break; נתח sever]

p.147 נבט perceive;; move (D64) [נוד separate; נוט totter; נפת flow]

THIS IS A MOST AMAZING DISCOVERY••• the word occurs 69 times, most commonly translated with unemotional words like look, behold, see, consider, regard. BUT if it is used, as the sense of the cognate, “move,” and it is considered related to נטה in verse 2 above, to “incline your heart,” it takes on a whole different meaning, “to be moved emotionally by what you see.” Check the usages:

Gen. 15:5; 19:17,26; Ex. 3:6; 33:8; Num. 12:8; 21:9; 23:21; 1 Sam. 2:32; 16:7; 17:42; 24:8(9); 1 Kgs. 18:43; 19:6; 2 Kgs. 3:14; 1 Chr. 21:21; Job 6:19; 28:24; 35:5; 36:25; 39:29; Ps. 10:14; 13:3(4); 22:17(18); 33:13; 34:5(6); 74:20; 80:14(15); 84:9(10); 91:8; 92:11(12); 94:9; 102:19(20); 104:32; 119:6,15,18; 142:4(5); Prov. 4:25; Isa. 5:12,30; 8:22; 18:4; 22:8,11; 38:11; 42:18; 51:1,2,6; 63:5,15; 64:9(8); 66:2; Lam. 1:11,12; 2:20; 3:63; 4:16; 5:1; Amos 5:22; Jon. 2:4(5); Hab. 1:3,5,13; 2:15; Zech. 12:10. then, begin to think of all of these words through the same perspective, as touching on the emotional•••

p.160 נפת flow honey-like;; CM move/separate (D64) [נוד separate; נבט perceive; נוטtotter] [and begin to look at the GV family of נפת: as in פתת break; פתה open; פותswivel; יפת wonder; נפת flow – and note, for one example that Japheth, a son of Noah, is יפת]

So, returning to מטמון, one could look at this as מ + טמן, which is Strong’s listed derivation. And thus:

p.299 מ that which emanates from an object or person


p.97 טמן bury;; CM bury in ground (D32)

And one can also look at מט + מון

The reference verse on p.139 for מטט is:

Psalms 17:5 (A prayer of David)

5 Uphold my steps in Your paths,

(That) my footsteps may not slip.

If we understand this correctly, we see his asking for strength from God to remain steadfast (not wavering, not being limited in his faith) in his following the path of God (even when times are tough).


p.139 מטט waver;; CM limit (B54) [מדד measure; מתת cause death]

p.137 מוט totter;; CM limit/extend (B58) [מות die; מוד prolong]


p.137 מון define group or species;; CM (none listed) [GV family: מנן hold back; מנהapportion; מון define; ימן sidle right]

This GV family is one I have spent many hours and days working on, and which explains so much in Scripture. For now suffice it to say the מן family is all about “defining.” We define ourselves by what we seek, by what moves us emotionally.

There are two fairly obvious stories (many others more subtle) in Scripture that might reflect on this “buried treasure” idea, as defining who we are. I encourage you to read them: Matthew 13:45-46; Joshua 7:1-26.

So, you can see, likely both ways of looking at מטמון are important to “perceive,” to recognize with the heart, our central core.

5 then you will understand (h0995. בִּין ḇiyn) the fear (h3374. יִרְאָה iyr’â) of the LORD

and find (h4672. מָצָא mâṣâ’) the knowledge (h1847. דַּעַת ḏa‘aṯ) of God.

h0995. בִּין ḇiyn

➡︎ p.25 בין penetrate to core;; CM (none listed)

h3374. יִרְאָה iyr’â

p.110 ירא fear; call to constant attention;; CM limit activity (C40)

h4672. מָצָא mâṣâ’

➡︎ p.142 מצא find deliberately; bring out;; CM separate (B61)

h1847. דַּעַת ḏa‘aṯ; from h3045. יָדַע yâḏa‘

p.101 ידע acquire knowledge; know;; CM acquire/cast off (C10)

Penetrating to the core, calling to constant attention, the LORD


finding deliberately and separating out the acquired knowledge of God.

So, I shall not speculate further, but leave you to review this context leading up to Proverbs 2:6, and make your own interpretation based on your life to this point (see especially the discussion above around the word תבונה in verse 2). And see the next installment where hopefully what Solomon is trying to get across will become even more clear.

© December 2020 logandspeck.com please cite if copying

31. We interrupt your regularly scheduled program
29. Wisdom and Knowledge and Understanding (Oh my!)