Blog 121. My Brother’s Keeper

This short entry is some background information for another entry upcoming. Please see that these passages are examples of being self-sacrificing or being self-serving. The message of the passage deals with the topic of “my brother’s keeper,” and the Hebrew words are an indicator. Tanakh (17 results) 1. Bereshit 4:9 (Mikraot Gedolot) וַיֹּאמֶר י״י אֶל קַיִן אֵי הֶבֶל אָחִיךָ וַיֹּאמֶר לֹא יָדַעְתִּי הֲשֹׁמֵר אָחִי אָנֹכִי. ⦁ Genesis …

Blog 120 His Hand ידו

|| כבד This is an entry inserted between what we have just discussed in Blog 119, the idea of “having an impact,” and the next entries which will discuss ideas of understanding life, burdens, and haste somewhat more. The entire point of this entry is to indicate its seriousness. The section on the sacrifices will be …

Blog 119. Having an Influence on Others 

Return to the idea of tent, אהל p.4 radiate in all directions, and the image we showed in Blog 37. Dwell in Tents, shown again here. The mental image of the ropes “radiating in all directions” is the picture to have in your mind. But here we will put a real emphasis on “all,” not just the ropes radiating outward, …

Blog 118. Gifts 

It appears that sometimes there are so many connections in a verse, that I can’t go beyond a focus just on one word. Today, we will look at this word, and hopefully eventually be able to put it into context.  ⦁ Genesis 25:5-6 5 And Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac. 6 But Abraham …