‎67 – סכך TWOT סכה

This is the final part of the series on “Attention.” I have put well over 100 hours of investigation into this very important word, referred to before, as סכה. I have written three different potential pieces to post. It is a very key word. I had initial intentions of getting it out to you before Sukkot. …

66-1/2 Windows of Heaven

There will be one more entry to follow number 66 in the “Attention” series, but again this had more of a sense of urgency, and it fits right in with the topic. At a later time I hopefully will get to connect this word for “window” ארבה with the cognate חרב, which we have discussed …

66 Heighten Attention

A continuation of the “Attention “ series, or as one of my children said, growing up, “Some of Attention.” ▲ ① being pure  Psalms 51:3-4 3 For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. 4(6H) Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight— That You …