42. Dissertation Afterword

In the Foreword, there was a comment about sharing some quotations from Wierzbicka (2001). She has been quoted in this book, from two of her books from her linguistic perspective, one of many tools in the “historical-critical method” that has been referred to previously. The straightforward logic of her linguistic approach was a new concept …

41. Bookend on Teaching

In the TWOT article on the Hebrew word h3925. לָמַד lāmaḏ, a verb meaning to teach, the authors tell readers that it is one of the twelve words translated as teaching in the תַּנָךְ/TaNaKh/Hebrew Scriptures. Perhaps having so many words gives an idea the importance of teaching in the Hebrew mind. Throughout this book, the …

40. To the Glory of YHWH

Psalm 139:13-16 ESV 13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately …

39. Returning to Dorsey’s Chiasm

ר Elijah demonstrates YHWH’s power in Israel [1K 18:20-39] (Dorsey) In the previous Post, it was noted that in verse 20, Ahab gathered the Israelites and the prophets of the false gods. This was to be a great demonstration to all. It is, indeed, a great demonstration both of the power of YHWH, the faith …

38. Completing the Focused Chiasm

ג your servant עֶבֶד ‘eḇeḏ; Ahab kill מוּת mûṯ [1K 18:9] In this brief section, we will cover: • 1 Kings 18:7-9 ESV 7 And as Obadiah was on the way, behold, Eliyahu met him. And Obadiah recognized him and fell (h5307. נָפַל nâp̱al) on his face (h6440. פָּניִם p̱âniym) and said, “Is it you, …

37. Focused Chiasm א and ב

א Word of YHWH “Go show yourself רָאָה râ’â to Ahab [1K 18:1-2] • 1 Kings 18:1-2 ESV 1 After many days the word (h1697. דָּבָר ḏâḇâr) of YHWH came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go (h1980. הָלַךְ hâlaḵ), show (h7200. רָאָה râ’â) yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain upon the …

36. Following Dorsey’s Structure

Following the Structure Dorsey admits in his book that there is one element of the first chiasm presented, titled Dorsey – Elijah [1K 17-2K 1] that is relatively weak, the one here labeled ש Reign of Jehoshaphat [1K 22:41-50], and its relation to ב Yahweh encourages Elijah in Sinai [1K 19:1-21]. We will not look …

35. Chiasm in Elijah/Eliyahu

• Chiastic Structure Chiastic Structure Psalm 110 * To introduce the אתבשׁ “atbash” thought in looking at structure, since the previous discussion had mentioned making oaths and since Psalm 110 had been quoted, what better way to show the use of an atbash structure [aleph-tav, beyt-shin] than to see one author’s use of chiastic structure. According …

34. Beginning The Elijah Narratives

Our first introduction to Elijah/Eliyahu the Tishbite is in 1 Kings 17:1. To set the stage for that introduction, it is critical to look at the immediately preceding context to understand the time in which Elijah was ‘sojourning’ in Israel [if that is the meaning of Tishbe]. • 1 Kings 16:21-25 ESV 21 Then the …

33. A Beginning Look at Prayer

Still looking at passages that include Elijah, let’s segue into the discussion on prayer: • James 5:13-20 ESV 13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray (g4336. προσεύχομαι proseuchoma). Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them …