Another state of mind. Montana. And again, I’ve spent time there and formed some of my own impressions, from childhood until now. No doubt you have impressions as well. Do any of them seem to fit with the Hebrew look at the words?

This is from a website promoting Missoula, some impressions of the state. As with Idaho, a great deal of focus on outdoors beauty and resources.
As we begin to look at Montana, once again, the simplest and most direct, most likely approach, would be to divide into two words, as shown here:
Dropping vowels, there are two-letter words מן and תן, which come from families of Gradational and Derivational Variants
- GV p.141 מנן hold back; p.141 מנה apportion [divide and limit]; p.137 מון define [group or species]; p.105 ימן sidle [to the] right
- DV p.141 מנן distance [hold back]; p.141 מנה apportion [divide and limit]; p.137 מון define [group or species] > p.11 אמן depend upon; rely upon
- CM (מנן no cognates); מנה give/withhold (B67); (מון no cognates); ימן hide (C53); (אמן no cognates)
- The two-letter word מן that we translate as “manna” comes from this Variant family (most likely root is מנה, to apportion, since that is how manna was presented, a learning tool related to God’s provision, and the sabbath, learning to control our desires – should read the entire chapter of Exodus 16).
- and the second “word,” • tana
GV p.287 תנן emit sounds [of calmness]; p.286 תנה give [offer]; p.165 נתן give [over] - ¿ DV אתן – p.287 תנן emit sounds [of calmness]; p.286 תנה give [offer]; p.165 נתן give [over] > p.19 אתן be reliable and strong ?
- CM תנן calm (D34); תנה present (D40); (נתן no cognates); אתן rely/gratify (A18)
It was a very good week, just past. I heard from several old friends. Wonderful. From one good friend I heard of his ministry of prayer. He sees our nation greatly divided, which, indeed we are. And his message is for twofold prayer. One focus of prayer, from his virtual pulpit, is for God’s will in upcoming elections. His second focus of prayer at the moment is for the healing of the nation, that no matter what the outcome of the election, our hearts will accept the results as God’s will.
I also attended a gathering with another old friend, a Montana friend, and heard a message from the leader of the congregation that was directly from Scripture. I will admit I have gotten pretty far beyond tolerance of all the name-calling, blaming, and divisiveness of election time. And the verses covered in this message were healing to me, and brought me back to what my other friend had said earlier in the week.
Psalms 33:10-12
10 יהוה brings the counsel of the nations to nothing;
he frustrates the plans of the peoples.
11 The counsel of יהוה stands forever,
the plans of his heart to all generations.
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is יהוה,
the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!
It helped me to recall that getting myself into a frenzy about issues that come to the tearing-apart of sister from brother, brother from brother, sister from sister is so much of mankind and is not of God.
And then this study of words related to Montana helped tie it together for me. Words that helped me recall that there is plenty of provision for us all, words that help us to recall emitting sounds of calmness, words that focus on giving. And I pondered the message I had been given for the week. From that first line of Ps33:10, our God “brings the counsel (h6098. עֵצָה ‘êṣâ) of the nations (h1471. גּוֹי gôy; from h1465. גֵּוָה g̱êwâ) to nothing (h6331. פּוּר pûr).”
•p.190 עצה concentrate energy to a goal
GV p.190 עצה concentrate [energy to a goal]; p.182 עוץ force up [concentrate effort to develop]; p.107 יעץ deliberate [advise]; p.158 נעץ penetrate
CM limit/expand activity (A24); expedite/limit support (A7); express emotion (C37); move quickly (D59)
By the way the two letter word עץ in Hebrew is carpenter and tree, derived from this Variant family.
•p.37 גוה concentrate disparate elements
GV of p.36 גהה cure; p.37 גוה concentrate [disparate elements]; p.100 יגה suffer; p.148 נגהshine
DV גאה – p.34 גהה cure [p.36]; p.37 גוה concentrate [disparate elements] > p.34 גאה project upward; raise up high
CM גהה increase/reduce (C15); גוה concentrate (C3); יגה weaken (C47); נגה affect physically (D69); גאה extend (C1)
•p.199 פור invalidate; undermine proper proceeding
GV p.207 פרר separate [out parts]; p.206 פרה produce; p.205 פרא free [of control]; p.199 פור invalidate [undermine proper proceeding]; p.196 פאר distinguish [stand out]
DV פאר – p.207 פרר separate [out parts] > p.196 פאר distinguish [stand out]
DV אפר – p.207 פרר separate out parts > פאר
CM פרר separate out (B42); פרה and פרא emerge from constraints (B37); פור undermine (B20); פאר expose; highlight (B1); אפר expose/conceal (A8)
Speak your beliefs, but speak them while emitting sounds of calmness. Accept that God’s will is what is best for us. Can it be that the more we concentrate our energy to a goal, the more will be the need to undermine that proceeding? Is that the message? Maybe we need instead some voice of reason. When we are so frenzied that we are at the point of destroying one another, God digs His heels in. And His heels are a lot bigger than ours. All our efforts will be frustrated until we find a way to work out things among ourselves. The tough love of a loving father••• ((and if you think all these things are coincidences, you are not listening to the still, small voice that Elijah heard on the mountain – 1K19:11-12))
Recall that our individual lives are reflected in “the nations.” As an individual, I cannot change “concentrated disparate elements “••• I can change only myself. See Luke 12, beginning at verse 22.
From a friend who lives in that state:
© September 2020 please cite if copying
Shabat Shalom Thank you for sending this good word. Come Kingdom of God Come Will of God be done in all the earth in every speck of dust.