14. That Was Its Name

15. Japheth‘s יפת Teaching
13. Complacency

Power exists in words

Genesis 2:19

19 Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.

Notice man’s involvement here as “mini-creator,” which involves the formation of words/names. And you will see in the word definitions below, it involves an identification, a satisfaction of a need.

Genesis 2:19

19 Out of the ground (h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ) the LORD God formed (h3335. יָצַר yâṣar) every (h3605. כֹּל ḵôl) beast (h2416. חַי ḥay) of the field (h7704. שָׂדֶה śâḏeh) and every (h3605. כֹּלḵôl) bird (h5775. עוֹף ‘ôp̱) of the air (h8064. שָׁמַיִם šâmaiym), and brought (h0935. בּוֹא bô’) (them) to Adam to see what he would call (h7121. קָרָא qârâ’) them. And whatever (h0834. אֲשֶׁר ’ăšer) Adam called (h7121. קָרָא qârâ’) each living (h2416. חַי ḥay) creature (h5315. נֶפֶשׁnep̱eš), that (was) its name (h8034. שֵׁם šêm).

Bereshit 2:19

19 ויצר יהוה אלהים מן־האדמה כל־חית השדה ואת כל־עוף השמים ויבא אל־האדם לראותמה־יקרא־לו וכל אשר יקרא־לו האדם נפש חיה הוא שמו׃

h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ/Adam h0120. אָדָם ’âḏâm ▲●SEE BELOW
דָּם-blood(-y, -guiltiness, (-thirsty), [phrase] innocent.
h1818. דָּם ḏâm; from h1826. דָּמַם ḏâmam (compare h0119. אָדַם ’âḏam); (361 occ.)

GV p.52 דמם quiet [refrain from speech or action]; p.51 דמה resemble; p.48 דום quiet

DV p.3 אדם – p.52 דמם quiet [refrain from speech or action]; p.51 דמה resemble; p.48 דוםquiet > p.3 אדם be earthly and solid

CM דמם repress; דמה lose independence; דום hold together; אדם control

h3335. יָצַר yâṣar

GV p.222 צרר compress [combine]; p.222 צרה squeeze; p.215 צור compress [press from all sides]; p.108 יצר [compress] form; p.160 נצר protect [preserve; save]

DV צהר – p.222 צרר compress [combine]; p.222 צרה squeeze; p.215 צור compress [press from all sides] > p.213 צהר illuminate; create a circle of light

CM צרר apply/withhold pressure; צרה project outward; צור unify/separate; יצר expand/limit; נצר preserve/separate; צהר limit/complete

צַר-adversary, afflicted(-tion), anguish, close, distress, enemy, flint, foe, narrow, small, sorrow, strait, tribulation, trouble.


צֹר-flint, sharp stone.

צֹר-Tyre, Tyrus.

h6862. צַר ṣar; or צָר tsar; from h6887. צָרַר ṣârar; 143 occurrences

A sense of this word is that for us to be “completed” may require that we have opposition/pressure/an adversary. We see this concept in sports competition, for example, being driven to higher levels of accomplishment by the competition. And Egypt is h4714. מִצְרַיִם miṣraiym, the pressure that was required to bring Israel to the point of (being willing to work toward) being a nation.

h3605. כֹּל ḵôl

כֹּל-(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-) thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

כֹּל-all, any, + (forasmuch) as, + be-(for this) cause, every, + no (manner, -ne), + there (where) -fore, + though, what (where, who) -soever, (the) whole. Aramaic

h3605. כֹּל ḵôl

GV p.119 כלל complete [by including everything]; p.118 כלה strive [to attain]; p.118 כלאrestrain [prevent]; p.116 כול contain [a measured quantity]; p.104 יכל prevail; p.156 נכל plot [harm; endanger through veiled acts]

DV p.9 אכל – p.119 כלל complete [by including everything]; p.118 כלה strive [to attain] > p.9 אכל consume      

CM כלל encircle; כלה contain/expose; כלא contain/expose; כול express control; יכל (none listed); נכל (none listed); אכל move directly/circularly

There is a tendency in modern translations always to translate כל as “all/every,” but if one looks at the variants, one might just consider that it may sometimes, even often, fit more with “a measured quantity,” God continuing as a Creator involved in Creation, to express some degree of control.

h2416. חַי ḥay

חַי-[phrase] age, alive, appetite, (wild) beast, company, congregation, life(-time), live(-ly), living (creature, thing), maintenance, [phrase] merry, multitude, [phrase] (be) old, quick, raw, running, springing, troop.

חַי-life, that liveth, living. Aramaic

GV p.79 חיי encircle [quickly; move actively due to inner drive]; p.79 חיה live [by virtue of God’s thoughts]

CM חיי encircle; חיה isolate

//very enlightening to look at where חיי h2425 appears: Gen. 3:22; 5:5; 11:12,14; 25:7; Ex. 1:16; 33:20; Lev. 18:5; 25:35,36; Num. 21:8,9; Deut. 4:42; 5:24(21); 19:4,5; 1 Sam. 20:31; Neh. 6:11; Jer. 38:2; Ezek. 18:13,24; 20:11,13,21; 47:9.//   the two in bold h2425 + h5315    (and for those focusing on Septuagint research, there is not good correlation – the Greek translation did not seem to differentiate חיה and חיי well)

h7704. שָׂדֶה śâḏeh; or שָׂדַי saday

שַׁד-breast, pap, teat.


שֹׁד-desolation, destruction, oppression, robbery, spoil(-ed, -er, -ing), wasting.

h7699. שַׁד šaḏ; or שֹׁד shod; h7700. שֵׁד šêḏ; h7701. שֹׁד šôḏ; or שׁוֹד showd; from h7736. שׁוּד šûḏ; total 51 occurrences ; h7706. שַׁדַּי šaḏay; 48 occurrences

GV p.256 שדד ravage [destroy mechanically]; p.256 שדה produce [nourishment]; p.257  שודharm [cause injury]

DV אשד – p.256 שדד ravage [destroy mechanically]; p.256 שדה produce [nourishment]; p.257  שוד harm [cause injury] -> p.17 אשד pour down

CM שדד impact negatively; שדה search for sustenance; שוד act surreptitiously/openly; אשדabound/lack

We will return to this family of roots in an upcoming share. Here I will simply introduce the thought of nourishment, nourishment given, or nourishment withdrawn.

h3605. כֹּל ḵôl

See above

h5775. עוֹף ‘ôp̱

p.182 עוף lift into air into air; fill with air

GV p.189 עפף flutter [move perpetually]; p.189 עפה darken; p.180 עפא hide; p.182 עוף lift up [lift into air; fill with air]; p.185 עיף tire [exhaust]; p.106 יעף ascend [strive]

CM עפף act eagerly; עפה and עפא hide/reveal; עוף fill/empty; עיף continue/retard action; יעףopen up

עף none; however: see h6079. עַפְעַף ‘ap̱‘ap̱ – doubling

h8064. שָׁמַיִם šâmaiym; dual of an unused singular שָׁמֶה shameh (Strong’s). EDBH lists as from p.258 שום place; arrange   CM place (which seems to fit better)

See under šêm שם below

h0935. בּוֹא bô’

p.22 בוא come to attractive place   CM gather in

h7121. קָרָא qârâ’

קַר-cold, excellent (from the margin).


h7120. קֹר qôr; h7119. קַר qar Gn8:22; Jb17:27, 25:25; Jr18:14

GV p.234 קרר cool; p.233 קרה occur [meet without prior intent]; p.232 קרא summon [cause change in direction]; p.226 קור dig [for source and connection]; p.227 קיר limit [space]; p.109 יקר value; p.162 נקר penetrate

CM קרר encircle; קרה and קרא limit activity; קור cover/uncover; (קיר no cognates); יקרexpress concern; נקר separate

h0834. אֲשֶׁר ’ăšer ● (see below for discussion on shin ש and sin שׂ)

שַׂר-captain (that had rule), chief (captain), general, governor, keeper, lord,(-task-)master, prince(-ipal), ruler, steward.


h8269. שַׂר śar; from h8323. שָׂרַר śârar; 421 occurrences

h8270. שֹׁר šôr; from h8324. שָׁרַר šârar; Prov. 3:8; Song 7:2(kjv, šōrer [H8326]); Ezek. 16:4.

GV p.271 שרר concentrate [strength]; p.271 שרה loosen; p.258 שור see [view]; p.261 שירsing [out; express thoughts in poetic form]; p.112 ישר strengthen [straighten]; p.164 נשרprotect by distancing

DV אשר – p.271 שרר compress [concentrate strength]; p.271 שׁרה loosen; p.258 שׁור view [see] > p.18 אשר progress; move forward see Pr29:18

p.253 שאר complete; complement

DV p.271 שרר compress [concentrate strength] > p.253 שאר complete [complement]

//p.281 שׂרר rule [by exerting exorbitant pressure]; p.275 שׂור rule [regulate]; p.280 שׂרה rule [exert power]; p.273 שׂאר ferment [cause agitation]; p.164 נשׂר separate [saw off]//

CM שרר שׂרר apply/withhold pressure; שרה שׂרה project outward; שור שׂור unify/separate; שאר שׂאר complete/limit; שיר block/express movement; ישר expand/limit; נשר נשׂרpreserve/separate; אשר limit and hold together

h5315. נֶפֶשׁ nep̱eš  often seen as ‘soul’  – h2416+h5315 also ‘living thing’


h6580. פַּשׁ p̱aš; Job 35:15.

GV p.209 פשש frolic [act joyfully]; p.208 פשׂה spread; p.199 פוש scatter; p.160 נפש rest [return to spiritual repose]

CM פשש act in extreme manner; פשׂה reveal; פוש act negatively; נפש strengthen/weaken

h8034. שֵׁם šêm

שָׁם-in it, [phrase] thence, there (-in, [phrase] of, [phrase] out), [phrase] thither, [phrase] whither.

שֵׁם-[phrase] base, (in-) fame(-ous), named(-d), renown, report.

שֵׁם-Sem, Shem.


h8033. שָׁם šâm (10 occ.); h8034. שֵׁם šêm (864 occ.); h8035. שֵׁם šêm (17 occ.); h8036. שֻׁם šum; (Aramaic) (11 occ.)

GV p.264 שׁמם desolate [lay waste]; p.264 שׁמה identify; p.258 שׁום place [arrange]; p.163 נשׁם breathe [move air]

DV אשם – p.264 שׁמם desolate [lay waste] > p.18 אשם destroy inner self; self-destruct

CM שמם combine/separate small units; שמה satisfy need; שום place; נשם move; אשם hold back

In its examples, EDBH gives “setting a name” for שום, and “naming” for שמה. Notice also, that p.265 שמע listen; pay attention, is a cognate of שמה (CM satisfy need). We have numerous times spoken of names reflecting character or the nature of a person, place (or creature/soul/thing h5315. נֶפֶשׁ nep̱eš). It is an identification, and if you look at the clash/wrestling between Leah and Rachel, and the naming of Jacob’s sons, you will see the element of satisfying a need in the names. The naming is described as a ‘calling’ h7121. קָרָאqârâ’. קרא is a summoning, a cause of a change in direction, it limits and holds together. The naming process defines the character or nature. There is power in the words, according to Scriptural understanding, just as there was/ is creative power in God’s words/word. As with anything, there can be positive and negative direction from that point of definition. God is always drawing us toward the positive, though it may take opposition to get us there (which likely does not feel very positive).





▲● h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ; from h0119. אָדַם ’âḏam ((traditional definition/derivation as given in “Strong’s” context))

In the more typical way, h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ would go to the root

p.3 אדם be earthly and solid; CM control.

Once again, however, is it possible to look both ways, this traditional way or as אֲדָמָה’ăḏâmâ being a compound word אד + מה ?

What would that look like?

h0108. אֵד ’êḏ

אד-mist, vapor.

h0108. אֵד ’êḏ (2 occ.); from the same as h0181. אוּד ’ûḏ;

p.4 אוד effect results; set into motion

¿ GV p.4 אוד effect results [set into motion]; p.146 נאד separate [liquids] ?

DV נאד – p.149 נדד distance [separate]; p.149 נדה distance; p.151 נוד separate [keep away from others; put in isolation] > p.146 נאד separate liquids

CM אוד constrain by external force; נאד contain


מָה-how (long, oft, (-soever)), (no-) thing, what (end, good, purpose, thing), whereby(-fore, -in, -to, -with), (for) why.

מָה-how great (mighty), that which, what(-soever), why.

h4100. מָה

p.136 מהה be unknown; doubt    no variants

CM מהה have/lack substance

In his book, The Hebrew Yeshua vs. The Greek Jesus, Nehemia Gordon comments,

“A word pun is a play on words that builds on similar sounding Hebrew roots used multiple times with different meanings. They are a common feature of the Tanach and form an integral part of Hebrew story-telling. For example, the first man is named Adam because he is taken out of the earth which in Hebrew is Adamah. There is actually another Hebrew word for “earth” ‘aretz, which could have been used in Genesis. But the word Adamah (“earth”) is used repeatedly throughout Genesis 2 as a word pun which contrasts with Adam.”

(My emphasis)

My own issue with it only being as a “play on words” is that there are many passages where both adamah and ‘aretz/eretz are seen, and many passages outside of Genesis where adamahis seen. Certainly it makes one wonder if there is purpose behind it. It is not my intent to challenge Gordon, only to share this information, which you can ponder on your own.

If indeed there is any weight to this idea of adamah being a compound word as described above, then it would be very good to contrast the usages of the two words, to see if the idea fits. The suggestion is that אד + מה might mean the opposite of being earthly and solid; it might mean the spiritual hope of being earthly and solid, or perhaps the spiritual nature captured/contained within the land/ground•••  aretz, or eretz, listed in EDBH as “solidify basic needs,” might then focus more on the physical nature of everyday life, and adamahmore the ephemeral, hidden, spiritual side.  ¿?¿ These are only questions to ponder•••

In the Blog page 12, entitled Ar אר, some points were made just recently about these two passages, which very much went along with the traditional view:

Genesis 4:10-16

10 And the LORD said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground (h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ). 11 And now you are cursed (h0779. אָרַר ’ârar) from the ground (h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ), which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12 When you work the ground (h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ), it shall no longer yield to you its strength. You shall be a fugitive and a wanderer (h5110. נוּדnûḏ) on the earth (h0776. אֶרֶץ ’ereṣ).” 13 Cain said to the LORD, “My punishment is greater than I can bear. 14 Behold, you have driven me today away from the ground (h0127. אֲדָמָה’ăḏâmâ), and from your face I shall be hidden. I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer (h5110. נוּד nûḏ) on the earth (h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ), and whoever finds me will kill me.” 15 Then the LORD said to him, “Not so! If anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” And the LORD put a mark on Cain, lest any who found him should attack him. 16 Then Cain went away from the presence of the LORD and settled in the land (h0776. אֶרֶץ’ereṣ) of Nod (h5113. נוֹד nôḏ), east of Eden.

h5113. נוֹד nôḏ; h5110. נוּד nûḏ – p.151 נוד separate; keep away from others; put in isolation

GV p.149 נדד [distance] separate; p.149 נדה distance; p.151 נוד separate [keep away from others; put in isolation]

DV נאד – p.149 נדד [distance] separate; p.149 נדה distance; p.151 נוד separate [keep away from others; put in isolation] > p.146 נאד separate liquids

CM (נדד no cognates); נדה establish/separate; נוד move/separate; נאד contain

Deuteronomy 12:1-7

1 “These are the statutes and rules that you shall be careful to do in the land (h0776. אֶרֶץ’ereṣ) that the LORD, the God of your fathers, has given you to possess, all the days that you live on the earth (h0127. אֲדָמָה ’ăḏâmâ).

Today’s is a new discovery for you and for me to ponder 🤔. I encourage you, if you have a Bible searchable by Strong’s numbers, just to search for the verses having both h0127 + h0776 in them. There are forty-five such occurrences in my KJV and NKJV, 43 in my ESV, NRSV, and NASB (the only ones I have searching by Strong’s Numbers). And of course this does not include adjacent verses, only in the same verse.

Here is one example•••. And note the word in blue, mist (h0108. אֵד ’êḏ), is the one we spoke of above 🤔 this is a passage Gordon speaks of as word puns. Man in verse seven is h0120. אָדָם ’âḏâm.

The only other time this word mist (h0108. אֵד ’êḏ) is used is in Job:

Job 36:24-31

Elihu Proclaims God’s Majesty

24 “Remember to magnify His work,

Of which men have sung.

25 Everyone has seen it;

Man looks on it from afar.

26 “Behold, God is great, and we do not know Him;

Nor can the number of His years be discovered.

27 For He draws up drops of water,

Which distill as rain from the mist (h0108. אֵד ’êḏ),

28 Which the clouds drop down

And pour abundantly on man.

29 Indeed, can anyone understand the spreading of clouds,

The thunder from His canopy?

30 Look, He scatters His light upon it,

And covers the depths of the sea.

31 For by these He judges the peoples;

He gives food in abundance.

We have spoken recently of rain•••

● shin ש and sin שׂ

Notice in the above discussion on the word h0834. אֲשֶׁר ’ăšer, the are words listed, some with shin (ש or שׁ) and some with sin (שׂ) – the words listed are from a Hebrew app looking at things from a Hebraic perspective – in the EDBH also, the two seem to be separated when the first letter of a root, in the alphabetical arrangements, listing shin first, then sin. But for example, the listing of cognates does not have a dot above the body of the letter to distinguish between them. They will always be phonetic cognates of one another,and are at least linked in that way.

I included some roots with both, and share with you two pieces of information as a witness, which you can feel free to accept or reject. The first is most easily referenced by a quotation from the TWOT, Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament:

“2298 שׁ (sh) The twenty-first letter, with שׂ(ś) of the Hebrew alphabet. That the two letters were once considered the same is seen in the alphabetical psalms, e.g., Ps 119:161-168, where the two are used interchangeably to start the eight verses in this section.”

So, you should feel free to go look up those verses to corroborate that statement.

The other requires a bit more digging. First, you should read Judges 12:1-7, and see that differentiation between the words Shibboleth and Sibboleth seemed almost as a speech impairment, or lisp. But if you look deeper Sibboleth is spelled with a samech (ס) not a sin(שׂ). You have to dig into Strong’s or other dictionaries to see that there are words listed as being written either with samech or with sin, interchangeably. Some examples are:

From Strong’s –

h5482. סְוֵנֵה sewênê; (rather to be written שְׂוֵנָה Çvenah)

h5493. סוּר sûr; or שׂוּר suwr

h5526. סָכַךְ sâḵaḵ; or שָׂכַךְ sakak

h5531. סִכְלוּת siḵlûṯ; or שִׂכְלוּת sikluwth

h5587. סָעִף sâ‘ip̱; or שָׂעִף sa’iph

h5596. סָפַח sâp̱aḥ; or שָׂפַח saphach

h5606. סָפַק sâp̱aq; or שָׂפַק saphaq

h5607. סֵפֶק sêp̱eq; or שֶׂפֶק sepheq

h5640. סָתַם sâṯam; or שָׂתַם satham

((Phonetically related are samech, tsaddi, zayin, shin, and sin as homorganic consonants. They are all “sibilants.” [Theoretically resh is also a sibilant, but clearly has a different sound, and is one of the letters does not use in the interchange system of phonetic cognates, together with mem, nun, and lamed.] p.294 EDBH))

Benner, in his look at the Ancient Hebrew letters does not list sin separately at all, only shin(but as noted in EDBH, with no dot above).

Also, you can see in the digital Strong’s that I use, there is no separate listing, but intermixed:

© July 2020 logandspeck.com please cite if copying


15. Japheth‘s יפת Teaching
13. Complacency

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